Chapter Four : The Aftermath Unilateral 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
The school sold the book of watch designs to Casio in Japan but Casio never actually created any watch with a design found in the book what they did was use the book to inspire their own designs that were inspired from the book. Casio did this deliberately because they knew they didn't own those designs and they would be up for one hell of a lawsuit when the real owner of those watch designs came forward and that was you! You did the right thing by Casio and they did the right thing by you and the watch designs were purchased by Casio from you and it was done legally and properly but that didn't change the way they felt there would never be a design in that book that had Casio's name on it they were Japanese you see and this horrible situation with the school had dishonored them to such an extent they would never have one of their watches with any of those designs! The watch Arnold Schwarzenegger wore as John Matrix in Commando comes from Corio PS it was believed the watch was designed by you but that design was not found in any of the designs in your book but it may have been inspired by one of the designs in that book but the point the Commando producers and cast including Arnold were making was they felt you acted in bad faith and did the wrong thing by them with the watch they didn't realise the watch wasn't designed by you but by Corey Dugent. The school did eventually admit to this when they were put under pressure by the fans of the Commando film that Corey Dugent had stolen the book because he was jealous of it and this was created as a fuck you watch it was one of Corey Dugent's designs not yours! This is the reason why Casio who now own your watch designs did not pursue the producers of the film they had no right too it wasn't their design but it appears Corey Dugent was fucked on it by the school because he didn't want his design in the film the school just did it to him because they hated him that is the reason why the school lost Corey who is now Rick Crowley from Achilles Heel Tactical! Rick Crowley insists it is his design he did not steal it from you or anyone else nor was he jealous of your designs he couldn't care less about you or your designs his problem was it was used in Commando without his knowledge and without his consent! He's so over it now because of their lies he couldn't care less what happened to it or how much they paid for it and that Arnold Schwarzenegger wore it! This leaves the I Come In Peace (Dark Angel) unsolved while you argue it's not your problem because it's not yours no one can seem to remove you from the situation and the court wasn't wrong (its decision has been appealed twice and upheld twice) to give it to you. We can confirm you did buy the rights to the Assassin episode of the first season of the 1985 TV Series classic Macgyver played by Richard Dean Anderson it wasn't the Sentinel series starring Richard Burgi. You have said here on this site it was done for Sharli Law reasons because the I Come In Peace (Dark Angel) problem is a similar problem to the problem Casio has with your watch designs and in Sharli Law the problem has to be resolved no matter how difficult and this was your solution to it!