Chapter Two : The Generation Kill Marines Unilateral 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
You say on the website that you were the sniper in Generation Kill and Rudy Reyes was a shit spotter. You can take the shot without a spotter but you need to a special kind of rifle and the one you had which was a M82A1 SASR was not appropriate because the information Rudy Reyes was giving you just wasn't helping you take the shot. Accurate rifles like the M82A1A require accurate information from the spotter or the bullet will not go where you want to it go it will be off because the rifle is so accurate. You go back to your room to get a M249 which is a rifle that can take a shot without a spotter because it's not an accurate rifle and you can get by without a spotter with that one because it's not accurate but you had made no shot that day because when you returned the mark was gone. You explain since your role is border security and you're what they call a permeter sniper that is not a big deal because they have probably turned around and gone the other way which is what you want them to do any way no one wants to kill if it can be avoided. The problem is the Generation Kill marines said a shot was taken that day and Rudy Reyes had everyone believing it was you that had taken that shot that day. The marines had no reason to believe you hadn't taken the shot because they had no reason to believe Rudy was lying to them and they know now you didn't take the shot that day but Rudy had taken the shot and killed an innocent civilian. Rudy had the marine corps thinking it was you and that made you look like a very weak sniper. It wasn't until the Generation Kill Reunion which you weren't invited to because Rudy Reyes had talked them out of it blaming you for what happened at Corio PS's reunion and using that to change their minds. But the marines were forced to realise the problem was Rudy Reyes because what happened at Corio PS's reunion is exactly what happened at the Generation Kill Reunion and while he insisted it was your fault you weren't there to be the problem and a lot of them got offended because he was insulting their intelligence. Granted what Corio PS did to you was wrong but if he is Rod and everyone knows Rudy Reyes is Rod then he did contribute to the problems at that school it wasn't the school's fault entirely and he made that no more obvious than at the Generation Kill Reunion where he was forced to admit he made a horrible mistake talking them out of not inviting you! Corio PS insist that Rod was invited to their reunion because they honestly believed that Rod was you and they were inviting the right one. If they thought for a second that Rod was not you they would've sent you the invitation instead. The problem was the school honestly believed you were the fake that's why they treated you the way they did they had no idea you weren't Rod. The problem was the Corio PS reunion was called off at the last minute because Rod had caused horrible arguments between the students that caused them to refuse to go to the reunion in protest. If you had gone to the reunion you would've been the only one there because everyone else wasn't going because of Rod's lies. Corio PS understands why you feel the way you do, it's Rod's lies but you need to understand they feel exactly the same way about you too because of Rod's lies. I went to all that trouble for nothing?! That was exactly what happened but it gets worse I am afraid everywhere Rod has been this problem exists which includes the Corio community!