Chapter Two : The Generation Kill Marines Unilateral 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  • Does this change the way you feel about the school knowing Rod was the problem?!
    • No! Nothing will change there for me now!
      • I don't understand why this would not change the way you feel about that school because it's not their fault?!
        • The problem existed long before Rod turned up the problem began with Corey Dugent and Kylie Barling!
          • They have gone to so much trouble for Rod they are adamant that you are Rod and that was done for you.
            • There is no doubt in my mind what was done to Rod wasn't intentional but what was done to me was intentional.
              • So where does that leave you now with this school?!
                • Nothing has changed for me! 
                  • So you still do not want a relationship with this school?!
                    • That is correct! As I said before, if it was today I would've gone with my brother and I would not have consulted them at all I would've just gone!
                      • So this school is not getting you back not even now?!
                        • That is correct! I am gone for good! Find someone else to be your Scott Middleton because I am out! I don't want to have anything to do with either of you ever again!
                          • So how do you explain all that work they did for Rod?!
                            • When it came to Rod it was an unintentional mistake when it came to me there was no mistake. It was schoolyard bullying at its worst!
                              • A lot of people are saying it's not intentional it's just they have been burned by this school's lies so many times with so many people in the past they just don't want to try with you. It's just the way they feel because of the way the school has behaved in the past.
                                • It would've been no different with me let's put it this way. There have always been lies and they just come with the territory I am afraid. 
                                  • A lot of people are suprised by your reaction they didn't think for a second the school had lost you. The school had given them the impression you were just upset with them that's all.
                                    • They had lost me long before Rodney Ballinger turned up they just didn't care how I felt about it or why. It has never been my school and while they hate Kylie for saying it to me it's the truth!
                                      • They say replacing you with Rod was one of the worst mistakes of their lives what they really want at this point is a peaceful solution.
                                        • They have been doing this to me ever since Corey Dugent and Kylie Barling was where Rodney Ballinger is now they haven't changed a bit in that regard. It is rather suprising to me to hear you say this because it's so unlike them.
                                          • Do you think they are doing this for Rod?!
                                            • It would be the only reason why they were doing it if you ask me.
                                              • Do you know if Rod wanted this?!
                                                • The way he was talking to me at the University/College when this came up would indicate Rod was behind it.
                                                  • You said Rod would die in a web of lies if he went back there again?!
                                                    • I stand by those comments even now. In fact, a lot of you people have also died in a web of lies because of that school!
                                                      • Well that is true, but I would tell you this much, it hasn't changed the way they feel about you even now. Most of them hate you just as much now as they did then.
                                                        • I don't suspect anything would change anything at this point. 
                                                          • Based on what you know now do you know if Rod made this problem worse?!
                                                            • There is no doubt in my mind he made it worse but he wasn't the cause of it! It was going on long before Rod even arrived!