Chapter Three : So What Really Happened?! Unilateral 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
  • A lot of people went out on a limb for this school it was all for nothing!
    • What a shame they backed the wrong horse!
      • A lot of people don't even know who you are any more because of that school! 
        • That's nothing new!
          • Some people are going to go to their graves wishing you were never born now
            • I was always the Jesus Christ that dies on the cross for their sins in that school!
              • No one knows what to do when it comes to you because of that school all they have left now is lies.
                • And I can't help them either because I don't know what to do either all I have is lies too!
                  • If you could have one wish what would it be?!
                    • I would wish that school never existed!
                      • You really see no future with you and that school under any circumstances is that correct?!
                        • That is correct!
                          • What was the turning point with you, what was the straw that broke the camel's back for you, what was that point where you said the school had gone too far?!
                            • The padeophile lie!
                              • We all forget about that!
                                • It was one of the most scariest times in my life.
                                  • I imagine it would've been
                                    • You have no idea how much they are hated! 
                                      • So what was so horrible for you that you turned on them for it?!
                                        • The world had moved on fortunately for me but the prisoners hadn't and when I went into prison the next time they remembered me!
                                          • Did they kill you?!
                                            • No. They sexually abused me every night like they were sexually abused. They had murdered the padeophile apparently and got life in prison. They just couldn't take it any more for a lot of them it happened every night and so they did it to me every night.
                                              • Do you feel sorry for them?!
                                                • It's hard too when they react the way they did!
                                                  • What if I told you the school got away with that?! 
                                                    • The school got away with everything!
                                                      • How does that make you feel?!
                                                        • I've hated them so much for so long I must have reached a point where I just can't hate them any more. I feel nothing when it comes to that school now, I am numb on everything they have done to me! 
                                                          • What do you see in your future even though the school is not in it?!
                                                            • I don't have one!
                                                              • In your eyes, is that the school's fault?!
                                                                • Yes!
                                                                  • So what about Rod?!
                                                                    • What about him?!
                                                                      • How does he fit into this?!
                                                                        • He is just another version of the school if you ask me!
                                                                          • You see no difference between Rod and that school?!
                                                                            • Not Now!
                                                                              • Two sides of the same coin?!
                                                                                • Yes!
                                                                                  • So it would be suffice to say you would get the same regardless of whether it was Rod or the school doing it?!
                                                                                    • Yes!
                                                                                      • What if I told you that you were right there?!
                                                                                        • I have never been wrong about anything in this school and I wish I was, just once!
                                                                                          • You wish you were wrong about this school just once?! What do you mean by that exactly?!
                                                                                            • I like to avoid the worst case scenario but when I get to this school everything is a worst case scenario!
                                                                                              • I feel sorry for you, you try to avoid the very thing the school is in your life?!
                                                                                                • I guess my wish the school never existed is pretty much a given?!
                                                                                                  • You wouldn't be the first one to make that wish and probably won't be the last either!
                                                                                                    • So what now?! 
                                                                                                      • So what do you want to do now?!
                                                                                                        • I don't want to do anything ever again now!