Data Hold

While everything you had done was neatly tucked away at the Libraries of Congress talk that fitness science is based on two papers on fitness that you had wrote that were there is a horrible lie! Fitness science isn't based on anything you have wrote anywhere if that is not bad enough fitness science isn't even science with some going as far to say it's nothing less then psuedo science or junk science based on theories that have no scientific foundation! It is the only science in the world that is considered unscientific by every other science in the world and in the eyes of a lot of sciences nothing more than a fraud, a scam and a horrible lie why would you want to be the foundation of it?! When it comes to fitness science it's quite literally ridiculous it was never about science it was about looks and looks aren't scientific! They spend hours trying to pick if someone is natural or not or what they say "Natty" or "Non-Natty" there is no scientific way of knowing this they use a clairvoyancy to determine it. If someone is genetically gifted you need to do a blood test but they don't need to apparently. If someone was taking steroids you need to take a blood test to be certain but they don't need too they use a clairvoyancy instead it's really quite sad to see them do "fitness science". Arnold was like the glue that held the industry together after he left the bum quite literally fell out of everything it would be hypocritical to say you were taking advantage of Arnold they were too everyone was to be honest! In fact, the school may have started it with you but they were by no means the end of it! What seems to have happened is the industry just continued doing what the school were doing long after the school had left it never really stopped happening to you! You left the industry and never returned the truth of the matter is you weren't missed and I mean it when I say it how many times do you have to crucify Jesus Christ to get the point of his crucifixtion?! Yet that is exactly what happened to you, your crucifixtion never stopped you became like the Jews during the first world war the reason why everything is going to Hell, it's their fault the shit hit the fan, it's their fault for everything that went wrong in Nazi Germany! Some religions believe Jesus Christ will one day come back but if what happened to him is anything like what happened to you then he is not coming back ever there is just no point to it! What I am trying to say here is take the hint and just don't go back there ever again you will be sorry when you realise what happened after you left was just sad. No one really wanted to believe Arnold left because his legacy had been destroyed by frauds, fakes and phonies it was your fault he didn't have a legacy any more, it was your fault for everything it really was like a return to Nazi Germany after you left! Why did it stop?! Well it didn't but it has now mainly because of a site that makes fun of them for doing it to you  

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