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It's true I did teach Hunter Lambrada how to use a gun it was the last thing I did before I left the service. I am not suprised by what Rod is doing here he hates me so much because of the school's lies he won't let me have anything but has to wreck everything! The problem is why are you the only one doing it?! You're not only one that hates me because of the school's lies but you're only one doing this to me?! If everyone hates me like you say why isn't there more people doing this to me?! Why are you the only one doing it?! The problem he has is I am a ectomorph he is not this is the reason why his frauds fuck up it's not because I out smart him it is because he has the wrong body type. Hunter Lambrada and Branch Warren are world famous bodybuilders they are for a very good reason and unfortunately for him they did their job and did it well making it impossible for him to look like Ryan Hughes but genetically that is the way I look this becomes no more obvious than from these two images to the right where he tries to mimic my size but can't do it because he doesn't have the right body type. A lot of people ask me about "murderous envier" and the truth there is that I don't believe these people are stupid they are indoctrinated or programmed to believe what they believe and in order to prove that the word is used in a very specific way to elicit a very special response which proves it for example, say to someone out loud envier, envier, envier the murderous envier and it will cause that person to quite literally repeat every lie they have ever told you about me and I shit you not it's like they were programmed to say it to you. I realise now going around the school saying things like this just to prove a pointless point is wasted on such people but your friends and family may well be indoctrinated and this would prove it to you and help you a lot more than some hater going around tormenting everyone in that school for be allowing themselves to be indoctrinated by Rod. I realise now going around calling them a cult only makes myself look bad what I should've been doing was explaining to you why I believe they are a cult and I apologise for taking so long to do it because I was just blinded by my hatred for them I was only making it worse for myself. I have got people from this school so angry with me that they are paralysed and can't even draw the gun from their holster because their muscles are so tensed up they have actually locked up and in one case was required to do CPR on one of them because their heart had stopped. I know it's too late now but I apologise for not dealing with it more appropriately back then by saying they all should be committed to a mental institution for their own good. While that is true it is not the way it should be put to people like you and I apologise for that! What I should've said is this school is going to end like most cult's do for its the cult of Rodney Ballinger! I have been forced to realise the dangers of hate the hard way because I have been one for far too long!

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