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The strawman argument or sometimes referred to as a scarecrow argument is very well explained by you when you call it a Jesus Christ dying on the cross for yours sins type of argument because you quite literally crucify the person with an argument so pathetic, so idiotic and so stupid that it's really not fair to the person you're doing this to because of their argument and how you personally feel about it. Doing something like this is like a hit below the belt so to speak! Unlike the ad hominem which is nothing more than a personal attack on the person who is making the argument this one is worse because it trivialises the argument that was made to such an extent that no one really cares any more what the argument was in retrospect the argument totally disappears along with the person who made it and people are left not caring about any of them more. With an ad hominem (personal attack) it tends to blow up in their face when they do it because it makes people more curious as to what would inspire such a vicious attack on that person's reputation in the first place. People now want to hear the argument that inspired the attack but you don't get that with a strawman or a scarecrow argument people are left not wanting to care about it any more. In your case the school's accusation you were Rodney Ballinger was a good example of a strawman or scarecrow argument where the school quite literally crucified you like they crucified Jesus Christ leaving people not caring who Rodney Ballinger was at the end of it or why the school would make such an accusation in the first place if it wasn't true?! The school had made you irrelevant and because of how people felt this was overlooked as the school quite literally started to flog a dead horse so to speak and got away with it because no one cared about it any more so what was the argument that did it to you I hear you ask?! He lies to me, he lies to me about everything! I don't care what he says, I will never believe anything he says ever again now. It is for this reason so many people got burned by this because none of them cared they had the wrong person and when it came out they had the wrong person their attitude to it was so offensive to so many people it quite literally caused World War 3 which doesn't help you but turn you into a red rag to a bull so to speak where you quite literally become the sponge for every spill just being there would be enough to start it all over again. The world was forced to realise the school cared so little about their mistake because of the belief you were the liar that they had turned all their friends and family into liars too and sent the whole world on a wild goose chase over a person they had mistakened for Rod, you! When people finally realised what happened they went looking for the real Rod only to find out he got away with it and a school that just couldn't see why people were so upset with what they had done it wasn't like he mattered to anyone was their attitude. All this did was fuel the fire and World War 3 started again since you didn't move all that did was cause it to flare up again and the consequence of this is that in people's hatred for you and the school things get lost and they get lost forever as did everything you had done. Fortunately copies of everything you had done were safely stored away in the Libraries of Congress to be restored later but that wasn't the point, the school had quite literally ruined your life all because they thought you were Rod and couldn't care less whether it was true or not and in the end they got a little taste of their own medicine there.

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