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If you were taking Anabolic Steroids it would be counterproductive and pointless you would look no different to the Ryan Hughes to the right except to look more cut or ripped therefore, it is probably not you to the far right even though people believe it is you because whoever it was claimed to be you. What people believe now is Rod was the one on the far right because this is the closet he would've been able to get to it with his body type so where does that leave you?! The next stage in his evolution would've been the Ryback Bully or this guy on the last page based on muscle mass but probably not Lewis Frost who was probably Dave Steinbach from Tactical Hyve and not a Rod. You put people in a horrible place where there is not one Rod there is many in fact, every fraud could be referred to as Rod. I am aware that you are unaware of it but it unfortunately has happened to you again with a court making a decision that Blast Training System or Blast For Mass is yours and Ryan Hughes is you. You've said it yourself you look almost identical except for the face and we don't believe Rod was behind this one but it was another fraud in addition to it. "MFT28" belonged to Branch Warren and Greg Plitt stole it from him. Branch has decided to retire "MFT28" because the fitness system doesn't work Greg Plitt has wrecked it by trying to make it look like yours obviously. Branch Warren hasn't left those people up in the air if someone is interested in "MFT28" he will sell them the right version of it the one Greg Plitt sold them was a fake. A court has found in Arnie's favor that "MI40" was stolen from him by Ben Pakulski. Arnie saw things differently to Branch Warren however and decided to shutdown everything and leave the fitness industry he threatened to litigate anyone who dares teach his fitness system now and went to all the trouble of buying out all existing licenses to teach it including yours! This leaves only one other possibility, Blast Training System or Blast For Mass is yours and it has been changed to such an extent that you don't recognise it any more and that is why you don't consider it yours! This decision can not be reversed however because a court has already made it. I do apologise you found out this way at least when it came to the I Come In Peace (Dark Angel) fiasco you were at least made aware of it when you were subpoenead to hear the decision not that you could do anything about their deision. The question that remains for you now is what are you going to do with it?! You went to the trouble of fixing the I Come In Peace (Dark Angel) are you going to do that here or retire it?! I am familiar with this one I just didn't realise it was about Ryan Hughes I was led to believe it was Rod doing it to me. The problem is the industry saw it as a fraud, a ruse, a hoax and a lie. I am afraid that's the end of that it doesn't have a future it doesn't have a past either! Now I understand why you didn't do anything about it because the industry considered it a scam, a ruse and a hoax and it would never have been anything more than a horrible lie regardless of what you did to it.  

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