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Hindsight is an incredible thing when we look back at something in the past years later things make more sense than they did at the time they happened. That becomes no more obvious than when we look at Ben Pakulski to the right and realise just what he is trying to do here! He is trying to mimic Arnold Schwarzenegger's look but he can't do it he is just unable to capture what it was that made Arnold look like that good but certain people like myself knew the secret and it was our job to create the Arnie look in other people for a price. Looking back now it's quite clear why Arnie left the industry his career was ruined by a fake named Ben Pakulski and that fake became known as Rodney Ballinger to the rest of the world for a very important reason frauding is his business and business is good! Looking back now it probably would've been a horrible place for Arnold to be in when you're forced to realise a fraud has ruined everything you have done! If business is so good why not do the whole world?! This is generally what happens with these kinds they bite off more than they chew but for this one he seemed to pull it off very well indeed didn't he?! If you found out what he had done sometimes he would have no choice but to kill you but if all goes well by the time you found out he was long gone how many people wished they knew that then?! It's a horrible thing when you look at Sammy Salek and see yourself but that is what happened to me in much the same way Hoss is to Sammy Salek Arnold is to me but why didn't I go like Sammy did?! Arnold had made it so simple, it was like baking a cake all you had to do was follow the recipe and you would have it. All you were required to do was give Arnie 10% of your profits in return why would I want to go?! Let's be brutally honest here, he has given me everything I could possibly need and want I would have to have rocks in my head leaving! I understand why people would feel that way because it's true but I was in a different place and it wasn't this place! I was trying to win his respect only to realise respect is not something you earn it's a gift given to you by people that respect you it's not something you earn it's something you're given when you win something with that person it's lesson to be learnt! Why not apologise for what you've done to him they would say?! But why should I apologise for trying to earn someone's respect?! But hindsight is an incredible thing and they saw a freeloader when they saw me and resented me using Arnold like I was even though that wasn't my intention should it come as any surprise they would make it look like I was on Anabolic Steroids to get rid of me?! Arnold was like a father to them all if you do it to Arnold you do it to me that is how they all felt the truth is I read the situation so wrongly here I should at least apologise for that! One could argue I was hiding under a rock or something I was just nowhere near where I needed to be here and just didn't see it when I quite literally fell of the ends of the earth. 

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