  • It's true, Rodney Ballinger had banrkupted almost everyone that went to that school but the school had also ruined the lives of just about everyone else with their lies.
    • It should have come as no surprise that the world had absolutely nothing but contempt for the school and its situation. Some went as far to argue they were lying in order to get their sympathy and it infuriated them.
      • The two schools were taken back by the fact that no one cared that Rod had bankrupted them all, no one cared at all. Even when they sold their houses and moved away their attitude towards them hadn't changed.
        • It didn't stop Rod though, this was by no means the last one. Achilles Tactics was the next fraud conducted by Rod after the two schools were gone and it was business as usual for Rod.
          • While there are now laws in the United States against fraud we can see here with Achilles Tactics they have neither deterred Rodney Ballinger nor have had any impact on what he does to people!
            • For the world, they just wanted to see you as part of those two schools therefore, you deserved everything you got and you weren't going to get any sympathy out of them either! 
              • When it comes out that you were the one that was dead to them all and you were replaced with Rod by those schools it didn't really change the way people felt about you.
                • While you weren't part of the two schools you were dead to them the world didn't really want to treat you any differently to them.
                  • As time progressed and people's anger towards the two schools faded what was done to you became incredibly obvious to everyone else but you.
                    • The school had destroyed everything for you with their lies what they hadn't destroyed Rod had destroyed with his lies it was like you were never born.
                      • People did sympathise with you they did regret what happened to you to a point but what could they do?! Everything was gone! 
                        • They wanted to do something for you to show you they did see you differently but what could they do?! Everything was gone!
  • Did you owe money to the IRS (Internal Revenue Service), American Tax Office?!
    • No! I had paid all my debts to the IRS, I owed them nothing!
      • Did you pay too much and if so what did you do about it?!
        • I had paid too much I sued them over it because they weren't going to pay it back but they're not required to by law and they refused to pay it back.
          • You realise that was Rodney Ballinger's fault not theirs?!
            • I wouldn't put anything past Rodney Ballinger, he hated me so much, he did these things in spite of me, my problem with Rodney Ballinger was that I grossly underestimated how far he would go.
              • So it was actually Rod's fault not the IRS's fault you went bankrupt?!
                • I would've blamed the IRS for it because I did do the right thing by them and bring it to their attention. I requested the money back through their own processes but they refused so I sued them for it but they're not required by law to pay it back unfortunately.
                  • So the IRS refused to pay back the money you paid that you shouldn't have paid?!
                    • That's correct, it was around $80,000, they may have paid it to Rod by mistake, they were very cagey on it when I got involved.
                      • That would do it to you if it was that much but Rodney Ballinger didn't get it and he spent hours trying to get it too!
                        • This was a problem for me when coming through customs in Australia because bankruptcy is a crime and there are strong restrictions on those who commit crimes in other countries entering Australia. In my case I was let through on compassionate grounds the IRS said something apparently that changed the way the customs officer saw everything, all she said to me was, what they've done to you is unforgivable and we're not monsters like them.
                          • That is what we needed to know, it was the IRS's fault you cleared customs in Australia, they're so fickle there! What they said to them didn't stop them clearing you but made them more inclined to clear you because of how they felt about what had happened.  
                            • The military did a similar thing regarding a backfiring rifle injury citing it a civilian injury because it was discovered in a civilian hospital. The Barrett MRAD wasn't available to civilians at the time but that didn't stop them! They were upset the civilian hospital forced them to pay my hospital costs they believed the injury was a lie and I was trying to scam them.
                              • That is Rodney Ballinger's fault too I am afraid! 
                                • Please don't say it! I really don't care about my service now and wish I never did it now!
  • So what really happened between you and Brock Lesnar and don't talk about his Cauliflower Ear it has nothing to do with that! It has something to do with the fight with Frank Mir but it wasn't what you had said on this site! No one hates you for that because they were lied to about it too but they would like to know the truth now!
    • Rod had admitted to stealing the thesis and my qualification was reinstated in spite of him because what he had done was unethical and they were not unethical people. Rod claimed he didn't know why I got that qualification because it made no sense to him and he did it because he felt he had to do it to me because I hadn't earned it, it was unethical giving it to me!
      • We are not interested in that part of it were are just interested in the part that refers to Brock Lesnar and his fight with Frank Mir we already knew that!
        • I lost my temper with Rodney Ballinger and summarised the paper to fuck him up. In the summary I used an example of Brock Lesnar fighting Frank Mir but this was before their first fight where Brock Lesnar lost. Brock Lesnar probably wasn't aware of it at the time and learnt about it later.
          • Brock Lesnar is notorious for being a sore loser. He has been known to harrass his opponents over and over until they agree to a rematch. In some cases opponents have admitted to losing deliberately for the sake of peace. He can't lose and is like a bear with a sore head when he does so which is quite often.
            • A elognated probascis is a word used to refer to the mouthparts of a blood sucking parasite. We call it that so we don't have to explain how it works. We may not even know how it works if it's a newly discovered parasite. Brock Lesnar has one in his navel although you would never see it or know it was there except through an X-Ray but then again from his background it wouldn't be out of place there.
              • So he stabs this "elognated probasicis" into his opponents during a fight right?!
                • Yes and drinks their blood during the fight. The only thing you would notice when it retracts is that he appears to have just eaten in the sense he is fat but who would notice that?! Brock Lesnar looks fat sometimes and ripped as fuck others.
                  • Well that is true that but then again it's not possible to know if that is even possible?! Brock Lesnar may not even be aware he is doing this to opponents?!
                    • That is what the paper was about but Brock Lesnar wasn't the example! It postulated that natural selection was intelligent in an AI sort of way and it wasn't DARPA who created AI it was natural selection.
                      • This creates the problem that if God wanted Brock Lesnar to be a blood sucker it would be trivial for him to do?!
                        • The paper does postulate that God may interact in human affairs through natural selection but as Richard Dawkins rightly comments in The God Delusion, "it wouldn't be a God you would want to believe in".  
                          • During his rematch with Frank Mir Brock Lesnar makes it a reality because he hates you and Frank Mir so much that he practically acts out the role of that hypothetical character during the fight?! 
                            • That is true and he only confirms that with his taunting of me during the fight. The problem for Brock Lesnar is that the military paid for me to be a biologist now it's my turn to pay them back and I am not a biologist any more but a soldier!
                              • Only if you knew they've been doing this to you for years you would've known why everyone hated you! They don't hate you any more but its taken a long time for these people to even be able to stand you and even now some can't but its getting better for them with some seeing an end!
  • It is believed the Mr Taylor KIT or Loadout was yours and it was the only one that was never returned to its rightful owner because he was a Navy SEAL and it had to be destroyed because it had been compromised. 
    • That looks like it may have been mine but I wasn't going to have it for very long because I do BlackOps, I get a new KIT/Loadout every mission for security reasons. I don't know what happens to them after I surrender them they are generally destroyed from what I have been told. 
      • We know that one was destroyed eventually but it went missing for a time and no one knew where it went. When it did turn up it was destroyed as required. We do not know what happened to the Casio DW6900 G-Shock watch he was wearing, it was the only thing missing from the KIT/Loadout, I guess it was a replica of yours which was a bomb in disguise?!
        • I didn't have it then it came later. Mine had the SIG on it, its a hourly chimer which does seem to be on his at 6 minutes 55 seconds. I know you're not interested in why I had that but you may be interested in his shirt in the Field Craft Survival part of the video! At 38 min 11 sec you see a close up of the watch notice how the buckle is plastic?! The versions of this model Casio make today have a stainless steel buckle and there is a reason for that because these watches were prone to having that plastic buckle break and the watch being unwearable.
          • I think you should do the Lewis Frost one after that one as it makes it more obvious what he is doing to you.
            • I know you're not interested in what I have to say about it so I am not going to say anything about it!
              • Not yet we're not but never say never! You're closer to it now than you have ever been before! The problem with you is there is just not enough people left in the world that want to talk about it!