


  • As you have probably gathered Achilles Tactics were hacked the hack seems to use Rick Crowley's account. He was notorious for leaving computers open for long periods of time without being there and losing his password when he when worked there. A lot of the previous staff blame Rick for the hack 
    • It wouldn't have been difficult for Paul Costa to get into the system using Rick's account and it's believed he did that because a similar thing happened at Phobos Solutions with Lewis Frost although in that situation he was pretending to be Lewis Frost he wasn't pretending to be Rick Crowley this time.
      • I disagree there! Paul Costa was just another Rick Crowley! It's a mirror! If you ask me and no one is asking me, this is not unlike Phobos Solutions at all! I really hate you for this because you're so desperate to keep this going, you'll use just about anything to keep this going, right?!
        • It is believed now Rodney Ballinger was part of a group of hackers who make their money by breaking into computers and stealing access to their bank accounts. You were part of a team of FBI agents who were investigating such people and were a person of interest.
          • This is over twenty years ago when I lived and worked in the United States. I have no connection to the FBI now and I do not work in their cyber crime division now. Why would this group be interested in me?! It's true, I was one of the investigators in the Phobos Solutions hack but not this one!
            • Some people William should just leave it alone! Even if Rick was a student of those two schools and this was some sort of revenge it is none of their business regardless! The world has learnt the hard way to mind its own business when it comes to those two schools.
              • You say one thing and do another!
                • What is that supposed to mean?!
                  • You promise me the world and leave me with nothing!
                    • These people have been so ruined over the school's lies!
                      • Has it ever dawned on you that the school may have been part of it?!
                        • I hate you for this
                          • How many people from the two schools did training there?!
                            • I don't fucking know!
                              • Obviously!
                                • Why are you saying this?!
                                  • My job in the FBI was to investigate things like this but you can't do that when people don't know anything because they didn't care enough about it when it happened to them. They expect you to do some miracle here and get back their money yet a lot of them don't even realise they've been scammed.
                                    • You can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar.
                                      • I go to the ends of the earth to help these people get their money back but when I need them I am shown the door. No one wants to help me when the shoe is on the other foot.
  • Was there a hack at the WWE?!
    • That is none of your business!
      • Oh, you're respecting people's privacy?!
        • Respect is something you earn
          • Where is that in the Bible, Christian?!
            • I don't want to talk about this with you.
              • Then what have you been doing here?!
                • Okay, there was a hack at the WWE!
                  • Around the time the Ryback Bully turned up, right?!
                    • Yes it was around that time.
                      • The Phobos Solutions hack occured around the same time those videos of Lewis Frost turned up on Trigger Time TV did you know that?!
                        • I don't care! 
                          • It's hard to accept that you have information about a crime and you have not shared that with the police. In some countries like in Australia you can be charged for withholding information!
                            • Shut up!
                              • Rod went to Phobos Solutions, the WWE, Achilles Tactics and possibly the two schools intent on defrauding them out of a sum of money. He may have even defrauded you out of some!
                                • Shut Up! Shut up!
                                  • Have you lost any money recently?! You would be surprised at how many of Rod's so called friends have been defrauded out of some money.
                                    • Shut Up! Shut Up! Shut Up!
                                      • Rod may have been the reason why you lost that money and you are finding out about it now.
                                        • This was a mistake
                                          • You're damn right it was because what have you ever given me?!
                                            • Branch Warren hates you so much now and no one knows why.
                                              • Let me guess, Butch Stienle defrauded him but he can't because he's dead. He died of obsesity.
                                                • Leave me alone!
                                                  • It's always different when the shoe is on the other foot isn't it?!
  • Did Rod defraud you?!
    • I am forced to realise now he did.
      • How much did he get?!
        • He bankrupted me!
          • He didn't bankrupt me!
            • He didn't hate you like he hated me!
              • Why did he hate you for?!
                • He wasn't afraid to tell me it was the school's fault he had done it to me
                  • He spoke to you?!
                    • He left me messages and were very cryptic in those messages but I realise now what they meant, it was the school's fault he felt that way.
                      • So how did he do it to you?!
                        • The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) the American Tax Office
                          • What happened?!
                            • Bankruptcy is crime in America, you go bankrupt you do time.
                              • How did you get out?!
                                • I sold my house and became homeless.
                                  • You would've been forced to leave America afterwards he had ruined everything for you there.
                                    • That's right and it pisses me off when I see people like you making the same mistakes I made.
                                      • So what about the FBI?!
                                        • What about it?!
                                          • What happened to your job there?!
                                            • It never existed!
                                              • Did you lie to me there?!
                                                • No.
                                                  • What happened to it then?!
                                                    • Everything changes when you go to prison.
  • Did Australian Customs know this?!
    • Yes they did, I told them!
      • That is why you cleared customs then?!
        • Yes I think that would've been the main reason for it.
          • Why?!
            • I have family here.
              • Now I understand, you were going back to your family.
                • Yes!
                  • What is it with you and that woman?!
                    • If Rod or the two schools are involved in it it's nothing but lies.
                      • Her life has been ruined over this situation she claims
                        • She told them lies and tried to pretend she didn't do it!
                          • She doesn't understand what she has done wrong
                            • She has insulted their intelligence!
                              • She says it's not her fault
                                • Why insult their intelligence?! It was you that did it to them even if they were involved in it!
                                  • She is sorry for what she has done
                                    • How can she be when she doesn't get it?!
                                      • What is that supposed to mean?!
                                        • She blames me for it, doesn't she?!
                                          • How do you know that?!
                                            • These people are so transparent! It is why it's so easy to do it to them!
                                              • I don't understand why you hate them so much?!
                                                • What if the two schools are part of the frauds?! We know nothing about them because of people like this!
                                                  • So you went to prison and the life you once had just vanished?!
                                                    • I am afraid that is true!