  • The school said there was a problem with you and they didn't want to deal with it because all you would do is lie to them so they routered around you and didn't deal with you deliberately and they don't regret that decision not even now. Not much has changed as far as they're concerned when it comes to you now that Rod has done it again to Achilles Tactics which is unfortunate.
    • If I am the problem then why did it happen again when you were routering around me deliberately?! You didn't deal with me and you didn't deal with me delibeately, fine, you believe me to be the problem, fine, but how do you explain why it happened again when I wasn't part of it?! Even when you left me out of it deliberately it still happened, why?!
      • That woman ...  [It wasn't Rod, he was dead to him. Rod would give this response every time it came up.]
        • Oh that's right, Kylie Barling, the dead woman! Somehow she is able to do it to you even though she has been dead for twenty years?! She would have to be the Anabelle Doll, who else could it be?! You've got a horrible problem, she's come back from the dead to take vengeance on all of you, how ridiculous?!
          • We don't want to deal with this with you okay!
            • I know why, I am scientific man and there is no evidence to support your theories, no evidence at all! It's all conjecture, pseudo or junk science! From my perspective, that's a pretty big problem when there is no evidence to support your theories! But it goes beyond that with all of you, you can pull out the Encylopeadia of Logical Fallacies and find an example of every one of them in this school! 
              • You wouldn't understand.
                • Well then explain to me this, why is it that people who have never met me hate me and their only reason for that is this school?! Why is it that all these people feel exactly the same way about me as I feel about you and we have never met?!
                  • This conversation is over with you William Scott Middleton! [talk to me not at me]
                    • It never started! If you want to play these people fools that's fine but they're not fools! If you want to play games with these people that's fine but you are in for a horrible shock because they will play you back! I am glad you are leaving me out of it, do me a favour, don't include me in your school ever again!
                      • We don't want to talk about this with you because we can't we don't know what happened okay, we're only going on what Rod told us happened. We didn't really care in those days what happened. [So he has been talking about someone dead to him?]
                        • So Rod is Corey Dugent, the murderous envier?! Well that's all I needed to know, now I have all I need to know! For your information, the word is coveter not murderous envier, I was a child, I didn't know the language. 
  • All the relationships Rod had at the University/College are gone now and it seems he has been true to his word with all his new relationships, you're dead to him because they don't know about you. They say they can't deal with you because they don't how too, they don't know you, Rod never discussed his relationship with you with them.
    • As you have pointed out here, it can't be Kylie Barling, she has been dead for twenty years. It's ridiculous to blame her for the problem because she can't be the problem. It can't be you either because you have been left out of everything deliberately and have no connection to it, you've been isolated deliberately.
      • The problem has to be the two schools they are the only ones left! While some are so over the lies and don't care what is true and what is not any more for others this has become a vendetta! They discover all the people who did it to you did have connections to the two schools and were in a relationship with them!
        • A decision has been made that in order to resolve this problem all the people connected to the school will be cut off and as more people are found connected to the school they will be cut off too. The school and all of its connections will be totally isolated in a desperate attempt to fix the problem.
          • It worked, isolating the school and all its connections stopped it happening! Now there is no doubt about it, the school was the problem when it came to you! This isn't going to change the way people feel about you but at least now it can be proven the problem is not you!
            • In a surprise move the two schools apologise to you but everyone saw right through it, it was nothing more than a horrible lie. They didn't care about you but what has been happening to you is now happening to their friends at the school and they do care about that but it can't be you doing it!
              • They claim they have been forced to realise you're not the problem, you can't be the problem, it is no solution pointing the finger at every Tom, Dick and Harry and blaming that person for it instead though! The school is coming unstuck and everyone is just loving it!
                • Achilles Tactics did go bankrupt just like Phobos Solutions it does seem Rod was Paul Costa at Achilles and Rod was Lewis Frost at Phobos. Their YouTube channel was not theirs they had paid a content creator to make their YouTube channel for them.
                  • From what we know the content creator does have a lot of content that he intends to upload to the site but it will eventually run out and when that happens so will their YouTube channel because the business is gone now, insolvent.
                    • Most of the people that worked at Achilles Tactics had no problems finding another job but for Rick Crowley he went back into the marine corps. Once a marine always a marine and he was accepted back by them too.
                      • They insist you can come back too if you want you ROTC marine. You're the only one the marine corps has lost. The Rangers/Berets hit back saying if you dare do that to them you will be coming back to the Rangers/Berets too!
                        • There was a time where marines and rangers were two sides of the same coin and that was the time where I served! It's different today, they hate each other and I would be trapped in this horrible tug of war if I returned!
  • So let's get this straight, the school concedes their source is Rod. If that is the case, all they have is lies because all Rod did was lie! The school is now forced to accept the problem is Rod not you and Rod's claims he is dead to you are nothing more than lies! Rod doesn't want to deal with what happened now they can't deal with what happened because Rod doesn't want too.
    • So what does this have to do with me?!
      • That is the same question we're asking too
        • They obviously have the two mixed up don't they?!
          • Now that is what people wanted from you, they obviously have the two of you mixed up and you are irrelevant?! Does that sound right to you because it's too bad if it doesn't because that is the way they saw it.
            • I would agree with that, I am irrelevant
              • So why are you getting upset over it?!
                • Because of the way I was treated for one, my life has been destroyed because they did it to the wrong one! They just sit there with a pale look on their faces as if they don't know what they've done wrong! 
                  • Now we are all on the same page. They have been barking up the wrong tree with you and they have been doing so from the very beginning. They treated you like shit and you're pissed off over it because they can't even say they're sorry?!
                    • That is very close to it to be honest.
                      • Would you say they bullied you?!
                        • I guess that is what it was to be brutally honest.
                          • Which means this problem is not unlike any other person who has been bullied at school.
                            • So what now?!
                              • We all wish we could wave a wand around and have everything they've done to you undone but things aren't that simple I'm afraid, the school has made a mess of everything when it comes to you and there is no easy fix unfortunately.
                                • Right!
                                  • Now, one last question, why can't you go back to the military and be a ROTC marine all over again?!
                                    • The Rangers won't let me be a marine and the marines will not let me be a Ranger because they hate each other now. The only thing I can be is a Navy SEAL and they don't exist any more unfortunately.
                                      • Good. That is exactly what we wanted you to say.
  • Why was it called Phobos Solutions Ransomware, weren't they the victims?!
    • It was the first time this form of Ransomware was found that is why it was called that.
      • Everything Rod has is stolen, when the fraud is done he puts it right back where he found it.
        • I know, I got back everything that was stolen from me too but it had to be destroyed, it had been compromised. 
          • Now we understand what happened to yours! 
            • Rumour has it he likes to do it to me, I am one of his favourites! If I am there he has to do it to me it's an irresistable urge apparently! 
              • All that tells me is he couldn't scam you and you became the ultimate challenge.
                • To be brutally honest, I couldn't even tell you if he was responsible for my bankruptcy. It is possible he was the reason I went bankrupt although I don't like to admit it. 
                  • We appreciate your honesty, it seems the two schools were defrauded by Rodney Ballinger many times. He did quite well getting an awful lot of them. Rod showed absolutely nothing but contempt for them when he came clean about everything at their reunion pretending to be you.
                    • What can I say?! I walked into that one!
                      • For a lot of them, Rod ruined their lives to such an extent they had to sell their houses and move away. They would for ever be wishing they were never born for making such a horrible mistake.
                        • You know, I actually feel sorry for them now! I am forced into a position where I may have been just like that! My leaving the United States may have been for the same reasons they left Corio!
                          • You'll never now because of all the lies?! 
                            • You're exactly right there!