  • Is it true the school acted on your behalf without your knowledge or consent and you sued them?!
    • Yes! 
      • What was the outcome of the lawsuit?!
        • They had acted illegally.
          • So what happens now?!
            • The court has the power to void everything they had done with their stolen authority and did so!
              • So you got everything back?!
                • More or Less
                  • So the I Come In Peace (Dark Angel) is yours again?!
                    • No! It was never mine! I argued it wasn't what was in that Diary!
                      • So if you got nothing out of it what was the point of the lawsuit?!
                        • They hadn't stolen anything the lawsuit was about representation rights in the United States and power of attorney in Australia. I had a problem with them having such rights and wanted the court to remove these rights because they had stolen them.
                          • And they court did so?!
                            • Yes!
                              • Does this decision cover everyone or just the school?!
                                • Everyone! The law is very specific on this in both countries, the authority must be given in writing!
                                  • So if it is a verbal agreement it's illegal?!
                                    • It's only legal if the agreement is written and signed by both people.
                                      • So if they had a verbal agreement what happens then?!
                                        • They can do whatever they want with their verbal agreement but in a court of law it's not a legal agreement.
                                          • So if these people had a verbal agreement then it's illegal?!
                                            • It is an illegal agreement and if it goes to court they will be ordered to stop doing it.
                                              • So why would they keep such an agreement?!
                                                • Their word?! But if it went to court they would be ordered to stop doing it because it's not a legal agreement.
  • What do you say to accusations that you ruined Rick Crowley's life in the military?!
    • Now why would they say something like this?!
      • He was court martialed by the marine corps and kicked out of the marine corps for conduct unbecoming
        • What has this got to do with me?!
          • It had something to do with your blood apparently?!
            • Rick and I had arguments all the time because I have the universal blood type but it's full of viruses and can't be used in donations and he was using it in donations.
              • So he was giving soldiers your blood in the knowledge that the blood was full of viruses?!
                • As far as I am aware he did know the blood was full of viruses because we had arguments over it all the time but it was like talking to the wall for all the good it did.
                  • So he didn't really care about how you felt in him giving your blood to soldiers?!
                    • That is true. He made it quite obvious he didn't care how I felt about it.
                      • What sort of viruses are in your blood?!
                        • Influenza A, B, C and 5 of the herpes viruses.
                          • So there are eight viruses in your blood?!
                            • Yes! It's practically useless to everyone but me unfortunately!
                              • Does that upset you that it is useless to everyone but you?!
                                • Well of course it is because it was free of viruses before I went to prison.
                                  • So it was only after you had gone to prison that the blood became useless in donations?!
                                    • That is correct! I had been stabbed so many times because of Rod's pedo lie and the donors were inmates in that prison.
                                      • So that is why your blood can't be used in donations.
                                        • But Rick just didn't seem to care.
                                          • So he deserved his fate?!
                                            • I would think so because it wasn't like he didn't know!
                                              • Do you think Rick deserved what happened to Achilles Tactics?!
                                                • I don't think anyone working there including Rick deserved what happened.
  • How can you prove the I Come In Peace (Dark Angel) is not yours?!
    • The film was released in 1990 the Diary these people cite as its source was dated to 1993.
      • So the Diary was three years after the movie came out?!
        • Yes!
          • People have better things to do with their time than chase after all these lies
            • I sympathise, I really do!
              • So much of this is just a ridiculous waste of time!
                • I wish I could say you were wrong there!
                  • The two schools were adamant the problem was Rod when it came to you.
                    • The problem was Rod but that movie had nothing to do with it.
                      • That has always been the problem when it comes to you, the lies
                        • Tell me about it.
                          • When Rick returned to the marine corps he was kicked out because of conduct unbecoming if you ever returned you would go to prison
                            • What for?!
                              • Fraud. It's practically impossible to know now who you are because of all the lies.
                                • Right
                                  • Even the people in Corio have said they can't really talk about you with anyone now because of the lies.
                                    • It looks like everyone has the same problem
                                      • While Rick had destroyed his own life yours had been destroyed by all the lies.
                                        • The school tries to ignore the fact they had replaced me in their school with Rod.
                                          • And you hated them so much for that you had no intention of returning ever?!
                                            • That is true that although it was more like the straw that broke camel's back with me not just that they replaced me with Rod.
                                              • But that is the point, nothing matters now because of all the lies!
                                                • So I would have to give myself a new identity if I was to ever start all over again.
  • These schools have been bullying me all my life but that bullying is over and they will not be bullying me again. I was bullied into making this site, they wanted me to make this site and they sent me those emails so I could make this site. But I am not going to bullied by this school ever again and so I fucked them on it and I fucked them on it deliberately.
    • The emails were from the school's students trashing Rod for what he had done to them and their school. I am not going to put all these emails on a site for them, I am not going to be bullied into doing it either! They thought wrong if they thought for a second they could force me to do that for them.
      • What I am going to do is go through all their emails looking for references to me and building a site based on their references to me. I must be honest though, I have not been true to their emails preferring to use just about anything I can find in order to keep the focus on me in their emails.
        • It is true, I did not keep the Facebook messages however, I have received emails regarding other versions of this site which I have used here as though they were sent to this version of the site. I have got online and used information collected online in order to keep the focus on me. 
          • I have deliberately and on purpose gone in the opposite direction to those emails solely for the purpose of routering around the school and not dealing with the problems there. As far as I am concerned, you fucked me so I am fucking you! You are not getting a thing you wanted you school yard bullies!
            • What I want you to know is that school yard bullying must be dealt with when it happens because the longer you wait to deal with it the harder it is going to be to stop it. These people had been doing it to me for so long they didn't want to stop and this was done to make them stop.
              • The problem for me and Rod is simple, he's a professional fraudster and I just seem to stumble in on it and it's not intentional but I hate him so much I unintentionally mess it up for him. He sees me as a threat to his frauds and takes steps to minimise my involvement deliberately.
                • From my perspective however, Rodney Ballinger is just what the doctor ordered when it comes to this school and I don't help them and I don't help them deliberately they deserve it as far as I am concerned. I don't intentionally intervere with Rod's frauds.
                  • The problem I have here is that I have run out of content. There just nothing left to do any more, I have used all I can use. I was hoping I would get at least get some emails from this version of the site but this version has bought me nothing.
                    • I don't really want it to end I have really enjoyed doing this but I have no choice now but to stop doing it because I have no content left unfortunately, I have used absolutely everything except the emails themselves.
                      • It is possible this is the most unknown site on the whole Internet or maybe the most hated site but from what the web hoster is telling me if there are visitors to this site there is not many, there are months without visitors.
                        • If you are reading this site and the two schools seem to have been more active recently than usual then it is probably because of this site. I want you to know, if they do it to me again I will do another of these again.