  • There was a lot of hatred towards me on Facebook and I ignored it at the time because I didn't believe it was important however, the hatred was so bad that I ended up deleting my Facebook account and now don't have one. Just recently someone has told me the power of Facebook should not be ignored but I did ignore it!
    • People hated you on Facebook and at the time the school laughed at it and thought it was funny, I remember it well! It wasn't until it started happening to them that they finally realised just how powerful Facebook is and how you don't want to be on the wrong side of it because it will affect you in the real world.
      • While I did keep the emails the two schools had sent me I only read about a handful of the comments written about me on Facebook and didn't think of recording anything that was posted to me on Facebook because I didn't believe it important. I realise now it was a regrettable mistake the Facebook posts are more important than those schools emails!
        • It would've been more beneficial to you to build your site from the Facebook posts alone than try to fix a series of bullshit emails sent to you by a lying school that was now no different to you! Those Facebook posts wouldn't be lies, they are real people telling you how they really feel and it's a shame you didn't read them!
          • So this is where I had made my mistake on this site, it does not include any of the feedback I got on Facebook because I didn't believe it was important. I realise now I was wrong and the feedback I got from Faecebook would've been more important than anything I got from those two schools emails!
            • The good news for you is that things are changing on Facebook regarding you which will in turn translate to changes towards you in the real world but these changes aren't going to help you much unfortunately all they really do is force people to accept the problem was the two schools and Rod not you.
              • I did delete my Facebook account because of all the hate I was getting on it at the time. I do not have a Facebook account at the moment, I have had such a horrible experience with Facebook that I don't really want to be on Facebook now and don't really want an account now.
                • What you should've done was print out all the Facebook posts and built your site from those then threw the school's emails in the bin where they belong. It is a lesson to be learnt, a lot of people underestimate the power of Facebook, don't be so hard on yourself there!
                  • I wouldn't have been able to use a lot of it, they wanted me to kill myself, one gave directions on how to cut the artery in the neck, some said they wished I was the guy those marines urinated on in Afghanistan or that I worked with Al Queda. I don't really think I could've used much of it they were so horrible to me.
  • Even if you did own the I Come In Peace (Dark Angel) or the American Ninja it would've only made the problem worse because no one would watch anything of yours, you would've had to sell everything because no one would be interested in anything of yours although they don't feel that way now they did feel that way then
    • I knew that and it was for that reason I did it freely! If it was someone else they may be forgiven for thinking I was an idiot doing that because they could've stolen my ideas. I had no problem with people stealing my ideas because I knew they wouldn't I was just trying to illustrate that what had been done to them could be undone Rod claimed it couldn't be.
      • Were you taught Ninjutsu in Japan?! We have it on good advice that you were!
        • I was taught a number of things in Japan it was done for Sharli Law reasons because Japan is a Sharli Law country. I don't know what those things are all I know is I was taught it because they are required to teach me it under Sharli Law, it's the sin of Worthiness.
          • Do you believe it was Ninjutsu?!
            • It may have beeen Jiu Jitsu which is a Brazillian version of it which doesn't use weapons but the Ninjutsu taught in Japan is a martial arts mixed with weapons the one I was taught was nothing like that!
              • We can tell you for a fact it is not Jiu Jitsu, they don't teach Jiu Jutsu in Japan it's dishonorable!
                • Some say it wasn't a form of fighting or martial art but a form of self-defence. You use pressure points when you attack your opponent to create space and give you a way out of just about any situation but it's not fighting or martial arts!
                  • I think that is a good description of what it is to be honest. I don't know what it's called but I do know it's all done with pressure points and no, it's nothing like what Steven Seagal does on television its very different to that! 
                    • What Steven Seagal does on television is only real to Steven Seagal and no one else knows it but him
  • People are saying Sammy Salek left Hosstile and how he was only paid $2,000 a month but only you say on your website that he had signed again with Hosstile. Most people are forced to assume that is wrong because you're the only one who is saying it but the truth is Sammy Salek did sign again with Hosstile and no one cared about that development is this like what happened with you?!
    • As I said before, I wasn't sponsored, I was going it alone it ended up bankrupting me in the end. My situation is not the same as Sammy's but when it comes to the way he was treated by the media the answer is yes. I was treated a lot like Sammy was by the media and he is a lot like looking in a mirror when it comes to me.
      • Rod said if just one person cared about you he wouldn't have been able to do it because someone would've stopped him. He was taken back by the fact no one did anything about it when it came to you, no one even told him off once for doing it to you, they just didn't seem to care when it came to you.
        • The two schools would've died if Rod wasn't part of it! Eventually Rod left and the two schools didn't survive! The two schools need Rod they didn't need me! Rod didn't want to be there when I was there so forced people to choose between him and me and they chose Rod and I would leave because of it!
          • Rick Crowley, Greg Douchette, and Luke from Tiger Fitness all say the same thing. They didn't care then and they don't care now they don't even care that they don't care when it comes to you. They don't know why they feel this way and they don't know what happened to cause them to feel this way all they know is that is the way it is when it comes to you and they don't believe it was the two schools or Rod behind it.
            • Sammy Salek can't speak about people he doesn't know but has been put in a situation where he has to speak about me?! Calum Von Moger was put in the same situation too and it's not fair because they don't know the person and now they are expected to speak for them?! That has been my pet hate when it comes to those two schools, they do it to me all the time!
              • The two schools and Rod have to be the problem because they are the only ones that caused a problem. No one knows what they have done and how they did it but they did it. Everyone is at such a loss here as to what went wrong and why it went wrong they just don't have a clue what the problem is when it comes to you except to say it has something to do with the two schools.
  • Rod was Paul Costa from Achilles Tactics but he is gone now and you did absolutely nothing about it.
    • The world sees what the world wants to see sometimes it's not the truth! I know I didn't send those emails to myself, I know the school didn't send them to me, they were sent to me by Rod to fuck me up, it's Die Hard With a Vengeance. Ask yourself, without a pay off what's the point?! Someone got scammed here and that is how he gets paid! Watch Lewis Frost from Trigger Time TV again how different is it?! It's not! He's a professional scammer! The Phobos Solutions malware, remember that?! Lewis Frost was there around the time it happened blaming himself for it apparently!
      • Achilles Tactics is going to end up just like Phobos Solutions because Paul Costa is Lewis Frost?! [Rodney Ballinger]
        • I am not the one that did it, you would've all blamed me for it if you could, I am John McClane, Rod is Simon and I am so sick and tired of this role! That rifle is a AR (Assualt Rifle) in those days sniper rifles also known as long rifles had very long barrels that one is not long enough! Not one name he gives to them is appropriate, they are either snipers or riflemen. It's a sniper rifle or a long rifle never a bolt gun, the bolt guns ended with the AK47!
          • What is 2050387?!
            • That was my student number when I was doing my undergraduate degree. I did get the qualification but I spent most of my time alone because of Rod! They hated me so I got my degree in absentina I would've been foolish going to the graduation when everyone hates you! 
              • Once the graduation had passed no one would care any more, that's a good point. This situation forces people to accept when it comes to you they have never been more wrong! Even now they want to believe you're Rod and you're doing it but it's ridiculous! The people in Corio hate each other so much that if you weren't there for even a day they would want to know why!