  • Are you aware the two schools took credit for this site you are creating on middletonws.com?!
    • Yes!
      • You must really hate them for taking credit for your work?!
        • Yes I do!
          • Do you hate them so much you would use garbled emails to update this site?!
            • I wouldn't have done it to them if they hadn't said it but I am doing it now because they did.
              • Right, let's just confirm it, you are using garbled emails to update this site?!
                • Yes!  
                  • And you are doing it because you hate the school for taking credit for it?!
                    • Yes!
                      • You realise this site has no credibility now?!
                        • I understand that!
                          • And it's because you hate the school?!
                            • They have always been the ones that have ruined everything for me.
                              • When they're not being Rodney Ballinger.
                                • It was another revenge on the school obviously.
  • Would you now tell us the truth about the blood sucking human?!
    • Blood suckers in nature are small, they don't need a lot of blood to surive! A human blood sucker would need to kill someone in order to get enough blood to survive, it's impractical! Natural Selection is not intelligent but it is not stupid either everything it creates exists for a good reason and there is no good reason why a human blood sucker would exist so the human blood sucker is just an urban legend to be honest. We were just talking about how it may have looked if one had evolved. We would expect it to have similiarties with other blood suckers in nature but it's a lot bigger.
      • You just let them do whatever they wanted with that didn't you?! Fuck them, they should've minded their own business right?! At the end of the day you're just as bad as them, right?!
        • No! That is wrong, that's dead wrong! I was unaware they had stolen it but even then there wasn't a lot I could do about it even if I did know about it because no one cared how I felt or what I said in those days. 
          • The thesis was stolen too I heard.
            • I don't have a qualification in evolutionary biology but I did have one and no one knows what happened to it so I guess the loss of the thesis would've explained why I lost my qualification. I didn't know that until just then so thank you for telling me.
  • Have you changed what was written in the original email on the website?!
    • At first no, when they took credit for it I just didn't care any more and I would change it where it offended me or where I knew it was wrong. It has happened a number of times, I won't lie, I can't tell you how many times I have changed it but I have done it! I don't keep the emails to check I would delete them from Hotmail when I was done with them. I didn't want to double up on the questions by answering them more than once.
      • Rumour has it Sammy Salek didn't leave Hosstile, it was a horrible lie, Sammy signed the same contract with Hosttile for another 12 months and is livid that people believe he and Hosstile had problems, there are no problems, Sammy is very happy being part of their team and can't believe they would say this about him.
        • Look, there was a line in one of them that said Sammy Salek will have to leave Hosstile now because he spoke to me at a show and I have never met Sammy or Hoss and knew it was bullshit so I sort of fixed it. Okay, I am being honest here, I did fix quite a lot of them with the assistance of the WWW but the emails were at least two years old when I got them and things may have changed.
          • The point is you have no problems changing these emails when you disagree with them?!
            • Point Taken.
  • The references to Greg Dochette, Sammy Salek, Rick Crowley and Luke from Tiger Fitness were of people who had respected you in the past but didn't respect you any more because of the school's lies. It was probably a garbled email?!
    • It was and it insinuated it was because I start things and don't finish them it said nothing about the fact I had lost them because of the school's lies. It insinuated the site would be started and not finished so it would be finished to prove a point but it wouldn't be an honest site and there wasn't a lot I could do about that because they were being dishonest in the emails.
      • This doesn't fix the problem it makes it worse because where it was wrong and you knew it was wrong you would have no problem in correcting it so that it was right?!
        • I can't see where there is a problem in doing that?! 
          • Maybe you would've if you weren't so blinded by your hatred for them.