  • You were right, there were no fraud laws in the United States at the time and the problem had got so bad everyone was defrauding everyone and it couldn't be stopped. The Biden Administration has been so slow to respond to the problem and is the main reason why it got out of control. There are fraud laws now and the defrauding has stopped now but it has been a long time coming and a lot of people in America had their lives ruined by it. They are furious Biden took so long to resolve the problem.
    • I left the United States because I had too not because I wanted too, things just weren't working out for me there, it had nothing to do with the frauds, well that is what I believed anyway! I had no idea the problem was the frauds and everyone thought I was doing it but I would've told you the problem was Rod because I knew he had done it to some people. When I left America it forced people to realise I wasn't the one doing it but I was so ignorant at the time I had no idea that was the problem!  
  • A lot of people are saying they are dead to the wrong one it is your brother they should be dead too. There is nothing they can do about it, it's too late now, they will never see you again and if they thought for a moment you weren't coming back they would've dealt with it differently. Unfortunately this site creates another problem where the problem may not have been your brother at all but someone else that knew your brother but it wasn't you.
    • I am afraid that is what happens when people hate you, they hang on every word you say and everything you say will be told to the world but not the way you would like! Your situation is different, people just don't care when it comes to you! You could've called Biden a prostitute and no one would care but if your brother did it he was dead. The good news for you is that things are changing. As we speak just about every person who did this to you was a friend of Rod and did it for Rod.
  • We need to update you on some things regarding what you have been told because it's wrong! Chaotic Evolution is not a scientific fact yet, it is close and will probably become one eventually. What is happening to it now is what happens to every scientific theory so there is nothing out of place there however, there isn't going to be a lot of press over it when it does become a scientific fact which will probably happen now because of your reputation.
    • Just forget your fitness system, it was lost deliberately! Just about everyone has a version of it now! You should've gone with Arnold when he left, it was Arnold's system that kept you afloat and without it, you were dead! Fortunately, Arnold doesn't have any ill feelings towards you it is just business! He has indicated if he could have his time again he would have no problems entering into another agreement with you, you did the right thing and he would do the right thing too but it is just business with you! 
  • Could you explain to us why you did this site?! Were you motivated by some revenge and that is why it was done?! Did you see in your mind some form of injustice and the site was intended to correct it?! Why did you do it to them online and who are your sources?! Where is the information you use to construct this site come from?! People need these questions answered because some are baffled at how someone who has no contacts and no friends can get information so accurate from what appears to be nowhere?!
    • I guess you could say someone with an axe to grind takes a shit on me and sends me an email where they gut me like a fish, a very long and tedious letter about how they feel and why they feel that way, it becomes the foundation of the site! I will be honest, I milk them for all they're worth, I don't get many of them, I haven't got one in a long time! At first it was intended to be a personal reflection on a time in my life. I deliberately stayed away from social's, it doesn't have home page it makes it harder for search engines to find it, those "apps" are there deliberately to hide it. It was done for me and me alone but it turned into something more than that and I don't really know how to take it to be honest. 
      • Maybe you should change your email address?!
        • I did that and that is why I am with gmail now and not hotmail. It's really quite incredible because my hotmail account now is practically silent with nothing there but spam, lots and lots of spam. I have almost taken everything said in those emails and transferred it into this website. I intend to delete all those emails once and for all because I don't think my hotmail account works any more. I have sent myself emails it takes like two to three days to get there and gmail is not usually that slow and neither is hotmail I have been told.