  • A lot of people say you haven't even tried to find out what happened to them. You obviously don't care what happened to all the people you saved from those rapists so why should they care about you?! If this woman is wrong about you in this situation then she has just committed suicide the world will ruin her for this mistake because she should not have got involved in it! People don't really care how you feel about it now and it's her fault.
    • I know what lies do to people, I am not going to lie regardless of the consequences to that woman, respect is something you earn?! You will earn it now! Friends respect you because they choose too not because you earned it! I was told the rapists had HIV/AIDS no one has lived longer than ten years with this disease! I was led to believe all the people I saved were dead there was no point to saving them because all the rapists carried HIV/AIDS and now their victims would die of it!  
      • We understand you can't get the disease because you have no CXRC receptors on your cells which are essential for infection but people were told you died of it! Not all the women raped got HIV/AIDS even though their rapist carried the disease. We were unaware you were led to believe all the victims of all the rapists got the disease and died so you saving them was pointless, that was not correct, you were lied to when they told you that!
        • I am a victim of my own theory, altruistic people who are not treated right will eventually become selfish people through a process known as Chaotic Evolution. I really don't care what these people think of me now, given my time again, I probably wouldn't have saved anyone! I don't even care the theory I conceived is gone, the world wasn't worthy of it! Next time someone else can save them I don't want too! Someone else can do the science I don't want too!
          • That woman is dead for what she did to you so there is no need for you to be upset she got exactly what she deserved. Now she will earn the respect of everyone she meets, she will have no choice because she has no friends. This woman will suffer for what she did to you as it is done to her what she did to you. Don't blame the world for what one person did it's not their fault but they will help you where they can to resolve it. As we speak everything she had done to you is being undone and you will be kept informed of the results. 
  • As we speak a number of world famous bodybuilding Rangers have released their own version of the Ranger Ruck which they claim is better than yours and should be used in place of yours. They argue yours is old and dated it has to be replaced with something new and different so there is a whole lot of Ranger Rucks out now built by bodybuilders that all claim to do exactly what yours does and better so stop worrying about this insignificant woman.
    • Some of the best biologists and evolutionists in the world are trying to debunk Chaotic Evolution as we speak claiming it is one of the most dangerous theories in the world. They laugh at this woman in contempt she is another proof of this dangerous theory that needs to be debunked, it can't be true, it can't possibly be true, some have gone as far to say they would retire if this theory can't be debunked, they are adamant the theory is wrong and they have to find a way to debunk it!
      • When the marine corps allowed marines to enlist with either their social security number or pledge number over 90% of them did the pledge and another tour. The reaction the marine corps got to this decision alone cemented its fate, today, marines must do the pledge and be enlisted with their pledge number the social security number is not used any more. You were the first marine enlisted with his pledge number.  
  • Last night I defended these people, I regret doing that now because of what they just said. They said if they wanted a relationship with you they would've had one they didn't want a relationship with you that's why they didn't have one. They had a relationship with Rod they were Rod's friends but they weren't yours now I don't know what to tell you?!
    • You're not telling me anything I don't already know. I had a relationship with Rod and I saw Rod as a friend too but it's not a friendship to Rod nor is it a relationship it's just a means to an end. Rod uses people to get what he wants the friendships and relationships are just a means to an end.
      • A lot of these people don't want to accept their relationship with Rod is a lie and he wasn't really their friend he was just using them they know that is not true! They know it wasn't like that with you because Rod had told them so! He was a liar and that was the problem they don't really care how you felt.
        • Rod had told them so?! Rod never told me so! I found out from hearing a conversation he had with someone when he thought I wasn't around! I tried to get him to tell me to my face but he got offended! There is no reason for them to see the situation with Rod and me as any different to their situation with Rod!
          • Some have admitted their friends have told them that Rod had said similar things when they weren't around and when they spoke about it with Rod he denied it. They have lost those friends over it now because they chose to side with Rod not that is any of your business.
            • These people did to me exactly what Rod wanted them to do to me. It would've required them to break their ethic or morality but they had no problem doing that obviously!
              • They say they can't tell you they are sorry because they're not.
                • Rod got them to break their sense of right and wrong, their morality and their ethics when it came to me and they are not sorry?! Thank God they're not my friends! I think we're spoken enough about this now so can we move onto something else please?!