
81. Give an example of an excellent parasite in nature?!
Pin worms! It's almost impossible to know you're infected and the infection can last for years with hardly any symptoms! You may have a pin worm infection now and not even know the only real symptom is an itchy rear end which you could get from not going to the toilet properly.
82. Could you give an example of a terrible parasite in nature?!
The Trypanosoma (the parasite that causes sleeping sickness). It's counterproductive and pointless killing your host!
83. Name one mutation that would change the life of a parasite?!

The leech evolves the ability to change its skin colour

84. William Scott Middleton in a debate arguing against God's existence says the origins of evolution are not necessary because it's part of the Big Bang's singularity event explain why this is not true?!
Not true?! There is no evidence of it is what you should've said! A good debater should be able to argue both sides of the argument easily. I am personally the other way on this issue. The point is, if this is true we should see life in other universes as it is there seems to be life only in this universe which makes it improbable that evolution is part of the Big Bang but is separate from it.
85. Could you explain what Aluminum Rectus is?!
Your stool is generally a brownish colour as it rots it becomes a silvery or Aluminum like colour this is caused from the bacteria so named. If you empty your bowels as often as you should you will never encounter this problem but those that don't may end up with what is known as Aluminum Rectus in their bowel and if left unchecked it may actually eat away their bowel requiring them to wear a clostomy bag in place of the bowel!
86. What if I told you that this is what Paul Costa and Rick Crowley died of?! 
I think Paul and Rick were a sniper team (shooter/spotter) in the marine corps if my memory serves. This problem is quite common with snipers including Chris Kyle who had it and ended up becoming a problem for me because I tried to help him with it. Some marines are just so pigheaded it's not the end of the world if you have to go around wearing a clostomy bag.
87. You've done it again, prove to the world the marine corps made a mistake making you a sniper!
Well they did and I hated them for it too.
88. Do you think this sniper thing wrecked me?!
I don't know how to tell you this William, there was no Rodney Ballinger outside Corio PS!
89. This whole thing is a wild goose chase?!
I am afraid that is the truth!
90. And no one told me?!
That is why the others were upset with them before

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