
71. No one is ever going to know who Rodney Ballinger is now because of that school
Fortunately for you everyone knows now it's not you! 
72. I guess I should be grateful?!
Beggars can't be choosers I am afraid!
73. Your situation isn't as bad as it looks because you're not Rod!

I've heard this before, they did it to Rod not you Well they're right! You got off relatively unscathed to be honest

74. Never has there been a happier outcast at that school?!
75. If you had taken one of those incredible sniper shots we would never know
I may have been trained by Chris Kyle but I wasn't good at it! It's one thing to be good at the theory but I wouldn't have taken a shot like that I wasn't that good I can tell you for a fact I don't have any shot that is even worth talking about they're all pretty ordinary!
76. Snipers are of a special breed
I am not of that breed!
77. Why do you think the marine corps selected you to be a sniper?!
There was a shortage of snipers at the time apparently and they needed more
78. The marine corps is like that!
It's all about the numbers!
79. Did you deliberately become a biologist?!
No. It was a cover that went horribly wrong 
80. It went horribly wrong alright you became a real life biologist as consequence?!
I had to take one for the team let's put it that way, I liked it, it was fun

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