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At the End of October 2024 this site will close.
Your life is like a Groundhog Day, you're in Australia you go to America then it hits you! It's no suprise why you don't want to go to America there is no telling what would happen to you now, you may even end up dead if you go there now! There are so many versions that could've been used here like Unilateral for example. The one chosen was chosen because it was believed at the time to be the best version unfortunately it probably wasn't in retrospect! This site looks at some other versions that people believe are more appropriate to the one chosen by you but have to admit the one chosen by you probably wasn't the right one because everyone hated you at the time and didn't care which one you chose. The situation with you became so bad every Tom, Dick and Harry had a "version" most of them were worse than yours they made everything up because no one cared what was true and what wasn't true and their "version" could've said absolutely anything and most of them did! Unfortunately for them things have changed, people have become very scientific about it now with every version that can not be supported with evidence being discarded. Only those versions that can be supported with evidence are accepted now like all those listed below.

This version is William Scott Middleton's personal version of what happened based around an accident with a Barrett MRAD. This is not wrong but his career was ruined long before the Barrett MRAD by Corio PS's Rodney Ballinger hoax which everyone believed was him at the time but was not and the school couldn't deal with that and shot through when the shit hit the fan as they say! 

Concussion [] Violins [] Parallax  

Today gun stores all over the globe will not sell the Barrett MRAD because it has killed people! Barrett insists it's safe to use today but no one wants to take the chance of it killing another so won't use it today deliberately! As for Corio PS, no one knows where they have gone and what happened to them nor do they care either! They had done the wrong thing by a lot of people by disappearing rather than dealing with it. A lot of people have said if they ever return for whatever reason it will cause World War 3. 


What everyone accepts is lies have ruined everything for everyone the school seems to be at the centre of it although they say it's Brock Lesnar who is the problem! Their lies have made it almost impossible to know what really happened! In this version lies are the problem just like in all the other versions and it tries to solve the problem just like in all the other versions!

Obscruites {}Nostalgia {} Unilaterial   
It's important you do this one too!

Brock Lesnar's involvement is unknown Corio PS is adamant Brock Lesnar is the centre of the problem but they also said it was Kylie Barling and you too at one stage! When Brock Lesnar heard this he threatened to kill them he even threatened to kill you too although you're dead to him apparently. Brock Lesnar has a reputation of losing his temper and killing people he has even done time for it! 


This version seems to have been cobbled together. It has been chosen mainly because this is what people are forced to deal with when it came to you, things cobbled together! Most things cobbled together are done quickly and roughly in a very short time and not a lot of effort goes into it resulting in a version that is in many ways inferior. While this version isn't going to help you it will at least show you what people have been forced to deal with when it comes to you and why a lot of people just don't care any more.

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At the end of October 2025 it will be twelve months since the site closed. The site will be revisited during this time to see how things have changed over time however there may be no need to do so because things have not changed. 
