The world was unaware the school had disappeared off the face of the earth even if they did tell them they wouldn't believe it because they lie all the time. The truth is they did tell them they were moving and they did appear to move but the problem was the world didn't believe it because they didn't want to believe it. What the world wanted to believe was that they would come back and it would be another lie. After awhile the world was forced to realise they can tell the truth when they want too and they told the truth this time because they had done exactly what they said they had done but for a lot of people it proved nothing not even now it was too late for most of them. No one even wanted to think about their final conversations with these people may have been a plea for a help. No one really wanted to believe that the school was trapped in a horrible lie with no solution no one even wanted to think there may have been some truth to it. You had gone to the ends of the earth to prove you weren't the one lying and you had succeeded to a point with people believing you weren't the problem but you didn't move and it kept happening so people were forced to revisit you as the problem because who else could it be since everyone else had moved?! People still hated you because of the school's lies and no one wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt either they just jumped to a conclusion that it was you doing it because that is what it looked like but looks can be deceiving and these looks were deceiving but people were just so over it at this point. The problem eventually came to head in Corio over two neighbours who were at war with each other over the lies the other had told them about you. The world had this chicken and egg problem with these two where A was blaming B for it and B was blaming A for it and no one had any idea who was really at fault but everyone wanted to believe it was you unfortunately. When A and B start telling their friends and family that it was done to you because of the other one's lies people just saw red and cut them lose in an instant! They weren't going back there ever again with that school the world had learnt from that school a very valuable leesson and these two are now dead to everyone else but themselves. Unfortunately for you this didn't really solve the problem and no one knows what is going to happen the next time someone blames you for everything that went wrong in their lives like Rod used to do. Rod treated you like a Jew in Nazi Germany during the war, if something went wrong no matter how trivial, it was always your fault. 

The marines recount how Rudy Reyes treated you like this all the time when you were in the service this led them to believe maybe Rod was Rudy Reyes?! It was unfortunately a dead end when it was found he had been dishonorably discharged from the marine corps for what he had done to you. You never received your marines KIT because of Rudy Reyes' laziness you served with your Ranger KIT. It was a uncoded (general purpose) BDU. I hadn't received my Ranger one because the 42nd was now the 75th and my 42 BDU had to be surrendered! The marines from Generation Kill were livid he came to their reunion as a marine while dishonorably discharged?! It was just something that changed the way the Generation Kill marines saw him forever! There was no point discussing it they know how he would've reacted it would've been your fault, everything was your fault! The marines used to recount even after you had left he was still blaming you for all the things that went wrong in his life! If the school's Rodney Ballinger was like this maybe there is a connection to Rudy Reyes for the wrong one went to their reunion?! But it was too late they were gone and it looks like it was real this time. The Generation Kill marines were so livid they couldn't even tell their friends what was written on your shirt because they hated you so much because of his lies not unlike what happened at that school either. I didn't have a name printed on my shirt it was a general purpose BDU. The world hated him so much they did a police check and found everything he told them was a lie. The marines in their hatred for Brock Lesnar did the same and got the same result everything he told them was also a lie. This doesn't mean Brock Lesnar and Rudy Reyes are the same but as far as the marine corps was concerned they were and treated Brock Lesnar as Rudy Reyes. This turned out to be a ridiculous waste of time they both don't exist but you do and you were in a place they couldn't get too now and that was deliberate. It wasn't really deliberate I had been forced into that position because of my circumstances. Their hatred just got worse and worse with time all they could find was you everything regarding Brock Lesnar and Rudy Reyes was lies and all the lies led them to that school. Either it was someone from that school or the school was doing it to them either way the source was the same this only made matters worse because you saw them as enemies and wouldn't help the marine corps now. The marines did reach out to me and I did try but I just didn't have the information! I hated them so much I used to move around all the time to avoid them!

The problem for the marine corps is that they just couldn't connect this to Brock Lesnar or Rudy Reyes together and then another fraud in the marine corps turned up and somewhere along the line you just happened to be forgotten by them! They claim they would fix it now but the damage has already been done now with the marine corps showing they didn't really care about you. The good news for you was that you were a Ranger then later a Green Beret and nothing had changed for you there so next time if there is a next time you go into the Rangers then the Green Berets and when this issue with Brock Lesnar occurs again you go to JAG straight away don't let the marine corps do it to you again. The problem was I was a Navy SEAL I was told my superiors just to run with it. Just let it go and things will sort themselves out in the end but the problem was the longer it went on the worse it got in the end the Navy SEALS suggested I take it to JAG but for a long time I ignored it because I was told to ignore it. The marine corps claims they need to speak to someone on your behalf to fix the problem properly and were unable to find anyone who wanted to do it and it didn't proceed because it couldn't proceed it was nothing personal they just didn't know how to proceed so didn't the site has ironically fixed the problem. I was a ROTC marine as they call it I was not a real marine in my day the ROTC marines were treated like this by the marine corps because they weren't real marines. From your perspective this is not unlike the way it was back in your day?! Yes and to be brutally honest I sort of regret being in the marine corps now because as I said then "you treat your dogs better". I can't hate you for that because in the eyes of many marines I spoke to you weren't there and you weren't going to be there either! I was the Good Samaritan and I guess I am missing the point there in retrospect. If I didn't bring this up you probably wouldn't have been any the wiser?! That is true! That is very true! Well I am sorry for bringing this up with you I had no idea you felt this way about it. It's okay, I know now! It's better than being ignorant anything is better than being ignorant. They tell me they have missed so many opportunities to do the right thing. You have to read between lines there, they had no intention of doing the right thing! They say they have done the restoration so many times and been forced to scrap it because it's the wrong one that no one wants to do it any more. I was a ROTC marine and this is the problem, there isn't really an enlistment you aren't really a marine. I can see from your perspective nothing's changed for you there!

If that woman moved out today they wouldn't come back not even now it's too late now. Those that are there aren't really there they are only there for a little while because the house can't be sold but they can't leave it in disrepair either. In one of life's little ironies they can't sell the house even if they tried because of all her lies. No one wants any of the houses that are there now unfortunately.There is nothing you can do or say that is going to change anything now because all of them live somewhere else now and the houses they have in Corio are more or less abandoned now. It's her fault she is a stupidly stubborn woman who doesn't want to deal with her mistake what she did was lie herself around it and now people are sick and tired of her lies and can't stand her any more. They are sorry you had to find out this way but there is nothing that can done about it now for a lot of people it was a straw that broke the camel's back that caused them to move in the first place it wasn't intentional you weren't told they are just at the end of their rope with her. The marine corps says the enlistment was deleted and they don't really want to talk about why that was done with someone like you someone they don't know. You force me into a situation where I am just going to have to side with the Rangers on this matter because they were the only ones who did the right thing by me and you all know what they told me because they told it to you too! For those who don't know, they put it like this, A marine fucked up and they all sided with that marine because I was a Ranger and not a real marine like him! They may have reacted differently if I was a real marine they are as thick as thieves the only mistake the 42nd made was to have a relationship with the marine corps! It wasn't a fair relationship the marine would always be more important than the Ranger regardless of what they did. The Green Berets do not have a relationship with the marine corps and is it any wonder as to why?! I am just another reason why the Green Berets don't have a relationship with the marine corps. You are either a Ranger or a Marine you can't be both whether you like it or not you better get used to it because that is way it is unfortunately! You're a Ranger and you're a fool thinking for a second that you could've been both because that is just a pipe dream unfortunately! Next time take a side and don't sit on the fence with your military training! You know for what it's worth what they told you makes a lot of sense from my perspective as I told the marines I spoke too if you deleted the enlistment then you deleted the problem so why is there still a problem? 

You would be suprised at how many in the 42nd have horror stories about how they were treated in the marine corps we haven't found one yet that doesn't have at least some horror story to share where the marine corps fucked them. It's no suprise that you have a horror story to tell because everyone seems to have a horror story to tell when it comes to the marines and the 42nd. The marine corps doesn't really want to talk about it but there has been a mass exodus from the corps in recent months with a lot of marines choosing to retire rather than continue to serve in the marine corps. When people ask them why they left the corps they tell them that they are ashamed of what it has become and don't want to be part of it any more. They all seem to say the same thing, something is going horribly wrong in the marine corps and no one can seem to put their finger on just what it is but everything seems to be coming apart. Just recently the marine corps made a decision to decommission the sniper school this is insane it has always been the foundation of the marine corps and they are just going to get rid of it now?! A lot of the younger marines would never understand that it was the sniper school that made the marine corps formiddable. There was a time where there were more snipers in the marine corps than at any other time because they were such a pivotal part of the marine corps so where are they going now getting rid of it?! A lot of people are worried about the future of the marine corps because it is taking a very new and strange road one that has not be tried and tested like the road they were taking previously. This is not like the marine corps at all with their motto Semper Fidelis being about being true, traditional and faithful to the old trusted and known ways. The marine may be old fashioned and old but they are that way for a very good reason and if the Ranger wants to chase dreams well that's fine but that's not the way of the marine, the marine is faithful and true to what they know but that seems to have all gone now when you are look at their direction for the future. Even you have said on this very site that they seem to be taking the path of the Navy SEALS and the marine of the future may be no different to the Navy SEAL of the past and as you put it so well, the SEAL is strongest at its most weakest point, the war room! All an enemy has to do is take out the war room and it's all over, go home! Those who fail to learn the lessons of the past are doomed to repeat them in the future and this may be the fate of the marine corps who are becoming the next Navy SEALS 

Were exercises 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19 and 21 from Arnold Schwarzenegger's New Encylopedia of Mordern Bodybuilding yours?! They are not mine, none of them are mine I was just authorised to teach them in gyms. The way it worked was that Arnold would lease some of the exercises to his teachers like myself for example to use in the gym they were all his exercises and you pay Arnold a royalty to use them. Now if my memory serves me correctly there was a litigation over some of these exercises where some believe that Arnold had stolen them?! Yes that is correct and I wasn't allowed to teach those exercises until the ligitation was concluded! Do you now the outcome of the ligitation?! No! What if I told you that Arnold was exonerated?! That is great, I am really happy for him and wish him all the best for the future! This means you can go back to teaching these exercises again?! No! I would have to get a new license because the one I have has expired. Arnold licensed the exercises to me he didn't sell them to me without a license I am not legally allowed to use them What if I said the exercises licensed to you were Ryan Hughes' Blast Training System?! He must not be doing the exercises correctly because I don't recognise them otherwise I would have seen it. If they are the ones licensed to me by Arnold you don't do them like that he is doing them wrong! Well then the mystery is solved. Ryan Hughes stole the exercises Arnold licensed to you and resold them as the Blast Training System! Where is Ryan Hughes now?! No one knows but this is where Arnold turned on you because it looks like you're double dealing him. I can understand that the reason I didn't do anything is because he is doing the exercises so wrongly I don't actually recognise them! You put Arnold in an awkward position because you did nothing about it at least now we know why. He had so it wrong you didn't recognise it. That is clearly what happened! Arnold says he doesn't really want to work with you again because of it! I can understand that and I accept that but for me this was happening all over the place and I had no idea why it was happening. Everyone had turned on me and I didn't know why no one would talk to me about anything in those days. Rod stole your life that is what happened. Everyone turned on you thinking you were Rod. He has basically wrecked everything for you and now it looks like he is doing it again. He can't do it to me again, he can't do it to me ever again! There is nothing left to do it too any more and if he does it to me again it will blow up in his face because I am not that person any more! 

They say you weren't invited to their reunion that was deliberate they don't care how you feel about it that is what they decided to do. So why did you lie to them about it?! Why not come out and tell them that?! Why did you lie about the reasons why I wasn't invited?! It was none of their business is the answer they gave me. Maybe your reunion was none of their business either?! You're a hypocrite going around talking about it like you do! That is none of your business either! Look at you?! You're so pathetic! Haven't changed a bit and it has been twenty years?! If I wanted your opinion ... Do you even know what that is?! The truth is not an opinion are you now still masquerading your opinioins as the truth?! Everyone hates us because of you and this site. Is that an opinion or is that the truth?! Respect is something you earn! So that is how you justify what you stole from me?! I hadn't earnt your resepect that's why you did it?! You got everything back the school stole nothing from you. Your morality is founded on respect?! It makes me want to throw up thinking for a second I ever listened to anything you had to say! Rod claims he can't do it to you now he hates you too much now so what is he going to do now! You should be so proud of what you done there with him! Even Rod can't understand it when I say you look in the mirror and see yourselves. What I should've said was "when you look in the mirror you see me" You are all dead to us now and we can't do anything about that it's not you we see in a mirror?! No, it's Scott! Why did you come back if I am all dead to you?! What would be the point?! They're starring at me they don't know what to say to you obviously! If I am dead to them all what is the point of defending it?! I will tell you what you were really doing they're so transparent their every move is predictable. You came back to trash this site to all these people so no one would go there and no one would spend the time there learning about how I felt. Then you would go and fuck off somewhere because that is what you always do only something went wrong this time and it didn't work. No one is there for them any more they have been waiting here for hours and no one has turned up no one seems to care about them any more obviously. So you come and find me then take out all your emotions on me just like you used to do when I was a little boy?! We can't talk to you now and we don't know why. You were never talking to me not even then you were talking to that thing in the mirror you call Scott and think is me! This puts me in a horrible position here because what I am going to do now?! Route around it and don't deal with it!

A lot of people connected when you said they were being childish from what they told them they were being childish and it's good to see there is a common ground because they have no common ground with that school. That woman admits to having a relationship with that school and has been hummilated by the fact you see the school as your enemy. She didn't know that she was led to believe the problem was you and you bought it on yourself. I would've told you the school is diseased if you're not careful they will disease you too! You probably know how that would've gone down since you saw them as friends and I saw them as enemies spreading a disease about me which you now spread for them! She wants you to know they are not her friends any more they have ruined her life with lies now people hate the wrong one because of her! So who did the school replace me with when they were forced to realise I wasn't Rod?! Your brother Michael! That is hysterical! A lot of people are really mad about this you should be careful because some people are at the end of their rope with this school and you. Let me try and help you out here! I may have gone to that school but I was never really part of that school. I was replaced with a horrible lie to this very day they continue to insist I am this horrible lie! I can change the way I look you see take on other personas like some kind of demon while I would laugh in contempt if someone told me this I realise you probably see it differently! You may laugh but there is actually a person out there doing this to people. Someone has bought their horrible monster to life obviously. It would almost be impossible to know who it is because they have so many enemies now! If you had one friend they would've at least been able to fix these problems to a point. I understand why you would say that but I know them too well! They would target that person and turn them against me deliberately! Now this is something these people wanted to know they would turn your friends against you deliberately but for what reason?! They have no justification for their beliefs I think you already know that! They can't afford someone going around questioning their beliefs because they can't justify them! They have to take out that one that questions it so they can continue to get you to believe their lies they can't have people questioning it! Thank you we now know why they are doing it to them. The problem people have with this site is it answers the questions but not the ones people want answered it answers all the ones people don't want answered. This is the first time it has answered questions people want answered!   

That woman didn't lose everyone but she did lose around 90% of her friends it was quite a horrible experience for her with only 10% of her friends left but she eventually got another 10% back later. The other guy didn't lose everyone either he lost around 95% of his friends what happened to him was worse because he only had 5% of his friends left but he got back around 5% later too. When it came to you however it was the worst you lost 100% of your friends and have none left not even now are any of them even interested in revisiting their relationship with you. I did try to save some of them but most just didn't even want to open the door to me using their other friends to deal with me because they didn't want too. This is what happened to me in my SEAL team with not one of them wanting to see me ever again using their own friends to deal with it because they didn't want too! Those that did try with me, well, it didn't last very long because they didn't trust me and didn't want too either everything that went wrong bought our relationship undone. None of them even wanted to give me the benefit of the doubt even accused me of doing it to them deliberately. At the end of the day so much work was invested in saving them and all that work was for nothing because it didn't save anything! It's broken and it can't be fixed all you do is fix it for a little while only for it to break again later on down the track. I tried so hard with so many of them it was all for nothing unfortunately! If it was today you wouldn't even try would you?! I have been done this road so many times with so many people and the outcome has always been the same unfortunately. I admire your honesty in such a personal matter but if you could say something to any of them now what would it be?! I have already said it. I have said it many times. They're just not listening! If I told you what they told me you would probably hate me for dealing with it like this but for what it's worth you weren't wrong to go this way. I am just curious do they still hate me after all this time?! Do they regret the way they treated me?! How do they feel now?! They don't regret it not even now and they don't hate you either they've moved beyond that phase of it for what it's worth Rod ended up doing to them what they did to you ironically. What can I say?! I wish I could feel sorry for them the thing is I just don't feel anything towards them any more! I have poured so much into these relationships and I just don't have anything to give any more. They are forced to realise now there is a big difference between you and Rod for you cared Rod never cared about anyone but himself.  

When I first arrived in America around 2004 8% of Americans didn't have a gun 92% did. 12 years later in 2016 that number had grown to 28% with 72% having a gun. Today some 12 years later in 2024 36% of Americans do not have a gun that is 66% that do. With every schoolyard massacre that number increases which means some are projecting 12 years from now in 2036 as much as 42% of Americans will not have a gun that means only 56% do. If I lived in America today I would part of that number of Americans who don't have a gun I can't even shoot straight any more not that anyone cares about that but who am I fooling?! Less than 5% of Australians have a gun this country is more or less a gun free country I know America would never get to that point but I am all for a America without guns but as I said before who I am fooling?! Guns are inevitable but I would be one of those Americans who would be patiently waiting for the day where they don't need their firearm any more. I probably would've carried a Beretta concealed on my person today maybe a bulletproof vest for my own protection but that's as far as I would go with it. For me it would be a last resort because if I shot someone I would probably miss I am so bad at it now. I would have a panic room in my house and rather go there when there is a threat than deal with it. What if I told you that just about everyone who heads a tactical gear manufacturer today had a relationship with you in the past and they all say the same thing. They wouldn't sell to me if I was the last person on earth right?! How can I deal with that?! You don't serve with them and not know them let's put it that way. Granted they may have thought I was Rod but I am certain they know now I am not Rod but it's too late now I have grown to love Australia all over again now and I don't really want to leave Australia again. So I take it that you are going to die in Australia?! I probably will now, yes! I don't know how you reconcile this Australian American thing you have going?! I see them both as the same country and I love them just the same that is how I deal with it. Everything will be great provided Australia and America don't go to war with each other?! Exactly! What would you do if they did?! I don't really want to deal with that possibility because I would have to kill myself I couldn't go to war with the other, not now, it's just not possible now. I tell you that no one reading this here is surprised by your answers. So what now?! It's over now for good! You have wished for the truth and you now have it so goodbye and good riddance!