The site is not getting a lot of interest at the moment but that is understandable because of what it is about but there were some people who were interested in it people who were new to the situation and were unaware of what happened all those years ago! They went and spoke to their people who spoke to their people but unlike before these people were powered with the truth from your website and didn't have all the lies everyone else had in this matter. People were infuriated because if these people who come to your website have access to the truth in this matter why don't they have access to this same truth even though they didn't go to your website?! It was because their sources weren't your sources and their sources were getting their information about you from sources that knew you these sources weren't sources at all but horrible liars who were telling horrible lies about you. For the first time in a long time the world was forced to realise there was a truth in this matter but they would never have access to it because their sources weren't connected to it their sources were connected to liars who lied about the truth because they didn't know it. People now were forced to investigate these horrible liars and try and find out why they were able to speak about you when they didn't know you?! People were forced to realise now everything they had about you is wrong because they have sources who are doing the wrong thing by you. Soon they discovered where the problem was and it came down to two people who lived in Corio. One of them was simply mirroring that of the other and the other was the same person who had done it to your brother. It seemed the one that was simply mirroring the other was doing it because she was just too lazy to go and get the truth herself she just trusted this liar was telling her the truth even though she was forced to admit she knew he was lying to her but just didn't care that much about the truth that much to go and get it. Well she cares now because they have both lost everyone because of what they've done to you but unfortunately it hasn't solved the problem regarding you but made it worse because now there are no sources when it comes to you. There is nothing but a god damn website created by that god damn school everyone hates that had gone to the wrong person because it was supposed to go to those two not you. The school had fucked up again giving it to the wrong person but at least there was a truth now not that it was going to change much for anyone any more except to say there was a truth there has always been a truth it's just people are not interested in it.
The site's popularity is improving as more people become aware of its existence and go there for the truth but it's not breaking any records in the sense its not spiking public interest like what usually happens with these sorts of things it's just a gradual increase in popularity over time. Eventually that woman in Corio admitted he had lied to her about everything and turned on him but it was too little too late for most people that knew her. Even her closet family and friends commented that she had waited too long to deal with the problem he was lying to her about everything and now she has lost everyone because of it. They just don't have any sympathy for her she bought it on herself by being too lazy. While it doesn't change the way people feel about you at least now the lying has stopped and people are optimistic they have finally found all the liars but they probably will never know anyone who has a relationship with you or your brother again because of her lies. Most of their contacts are saying they are there for either your father and/or your mother but not for you two they just don't care any more because of all her lies! The site has fixed the problem for you to a point in the sense you're not the problem you're the one who fixed the problem but not so much for your brother who is many ways seen as no different to that woman. What people are saying now is Dave had an argument with Dorr over rumours he was Rod. Dorr's body was found Dave's wasn't. Dirty Civilian said Drew and Brandon had a horrible argument over rumours he was Rod too Drew's body was found Brandon's wasn't. On and on it goes with people who knew Chris Kyle saying someone he knew (not the one they blamed) was accused of being Rod and they found Kyle's body but not his! Some in the fitness industry have said they never found Greg Plitt's or Ryan Hughes' bodies even though they are supposed to be dead but you're not dead so it doesn't matter when it comes to you. It does look like whoever is doing the murders may well be Rodney Ballinger and feels he has to kill them to keep his secret a secret?! It's different with you because no one is going to believe anything you say and it's only because what is on this site is true they're believing it! No one is going to go out on a limb for you ever again so Rod doesn't really have to worry about you exposing him but with that said people are forced to realise now they have never been more wrong about anyone like they are about you and maybe the school wasn't as bad as you made them out to be after all?! People are in the same position as them now unfortunately!
People are saying that Corio PS deserved their fate a hundred times over just because these people are in the same boat as that school doesn't make their situation any better! The world will not make the same mistakes that school made for a very simple reason, they don't have the same attitude as that school! The school's main problem was their attitude to the problem! The school had an attitude very similar to that of that woman in Corio and for that reason they deserved their fate and no one regrets what they did to them with someone going as far to say it wasn't enough. The problem people have now is that Rod and Kylie both had AIDS they would both be dead now because of it which means it can't be Rod doing it but some kind of copy cat. We are forced into a situation here where it may never have been Rod but someone who wanted everyone to think it was Rod. People have been watching you for years curious over whether you're that person that wants everyone to think it is Rod. Time and time again they have frustratingly been disappointed when it can't be you because you can't do it any more and don't have the money to pay someone to do it for you. People keep making the same mistake with you where it appears you're the only suspect in this sorry saga but it can't be you because you have been eliminated as a suspect for whatever reason. They look to your brother as a possible solution but the problem there is worse because your brother wouldn't do it deliberately because of his attitude to it! People have spent hours trying to find out who would be this person that wants everyone to think it's Rod doing it and always seem to come to you who can't be the one doing it! People don't know how to solve this problem that is the honest to God truth, they have no idea who is doing it to them if it's not you! Let me try to explain to you why it can't be me and why I keep getting elininated as a suspect. The moment I return to the United States of America for any reason I am going to be arrested and taken to prison for all these crimes! I can't return to America ever for this very reason! While I stay in Australia I can't be put at the scene of the crimes because I wasn't there! Maybe you are looking in the wrong place and should be looking for someone who wants me to look like that person and see how far you get. You're like how this website started, you keep running into dead ends because you're looking in the wrong places! It is frustrating I know, but at some point you will get a lead and this may just be what you need! 
We would like you to look at this video here it is about Nick Lavery talking about the relationship between Green Berets and Navy SEALS. I am sorry, you can't be either if you are this wrong about it! Let me try and illustrate how it is really like between Navy SEALS and Green Berets because this guy is nowhere near it! The FBI turns up and expects the police to move aside let them do their job and they hate them for it because everything they've done is for nothing now. The FBI replaces everything the police have done and they can't do anything about it because they have the authority to do that and are not afraid to do that either. In much the same way the Navy SEALS turn up and the Green Berets move aside just like the police do for the FBI. Naturally, the Green Beret feels exactly the same way about the Navy SEALS as the police do about the FBI. Everything those Green Berets have done is for nothing now the Navy SEALS replace everything! Futhermore, there is no Green Beret/Navy SEAL foundation it is just the Navy SEAL foundation if you want to tribute a Green Beret you go to your local police station! The Navy SEALS need a foundation because there is nowhere else you can go when you want to thank Navy SEALS but the foundation. Jocko Willink went completely ballistic with him and no one had any idea what he had done so wrong to justify such a horrible attack on his reputation they say Nick is so scared now to speak publicly that he can't do it any more! I take this event he is talking about is nothing but a horrible lie?! I am sorry, I am both of them and it just makes no sense to me they would do such an thing on any day! Well at least we know now why Green Beret Kyle Morgan hates you so much you Navy SEAL. I am supposed to treat him the way the FBI treat the police and say, get out of my fucking way! Although I try to be diplomatic about it after all diplomacy is the American way! A lot of them say, "make me". This is what they call Meltone but it meant something else to me! I shoot them in the leg and then stand on it and push the bullet in deeper until they surrender their authority to me! I don't like doing it but it has to be done sometimes! And you can do it because you have the authority?! Damn right I do! Thank you for clearing this up for us here today. You're Welcome! I can't help but wonder whether this was going to be a scam?! It may well have been a scam but not now that Jocko has put it to bed it's not going to be anything but a horrible lie now. If Nick Lavery has made a mistake here he should do an apology on that site as soon as possible explaining what went wrong! 
We understand if you had returned to America you would've gone to prison for life with no hope of parole because you killed all those people or at least that was the way it looked. Things are very different now it's some twenty years later but there is no point in returning even now because there is nothing for you here but lies. We understand you feel trapped in Australia you can't leave because of the murders but things have changed now and that problem doesn't exist any more but there really is no point in returning even now because everything is gone. You had a Prepper House when you were in America you sold it without regrets to get out of the bankruptcy citing you had made too many mistakes when you built it. If you could build your Prepper House today and money was no obstacle how would it differ from the house you built then?! The problem I had with my Prepper House is what I wanted to do couldn't be done so I ended up with nothing more than a house that uses solar instead of being connected to the grid. If it was today I could do everything I wanted to do and that means every appliance in the house would be electrical and no gas would be needed. The electricity would be taken from six batteries that are fed from a flat roof covered in solar panels. Today the only thing connected to the grid would be the Internet there would be no gas but that was unavoidable in those days some things were gas appliances others were electrical that was the way it was done in those days. Water would be stored in water tanks and pumps would be used to rotate the water every two hours and the water comes from those water tanks. All the used water is redirected to the garden this just wasn't possible to do in those days water tanks were far too expensive and the pumps were not waterproof. People hated me because my toilet was just a tube that goes into a big hole in the ground everything you did in the toilet would be dumped in that big hole and just left to rot. When the house was bought the buyer wasn't going to buy it because of it but my lawyer changed his mind by reducing its price to $400,000 today I would still have a long tube into a big hole but it would be full of water with special chemicals to help degrade the waste products and one of them would be fragrance! I would probably even have a wind turnbine eventually to supplement the solar power because the whole thing uses solar power and if the solar runs out it would fuck everything up!  A lot of people say to me it was such a shame you didn't try harder to resolve these problems back then but I guess you just ran out of time. 
What if I told you Rodney Ballinger's blood type is a AB Negative?! My mother was an AB Negative my father was an O Positive. So what does that mean exactly?! I am a ABO, NULL or Golden Blood Type. It's a Universal Blood Type. It's said that I can give my blood to anyone of any type because my blood doesn't have a type. It's said I can receive any blood of any type because my blood doesn't have a type. So you were the donor?! Yes I was the donor! It was a good feeling giving my blood knowing it would save lives. So what would happen if they got Rod's blood instead of yours?! Rod can only donate to  those who's blood type matches his blood type which is AB Negative. Only an AB Negative would be able to get Rod's blood. If it was anyone else but an AB Negative you would poison them and they could die from Rod's blood. But if Rod carries HIV/AIDS his blood could give the donor HIV/AIDS too?! That is correct because it's a blood disease! So giving someone Rod's blood is quite dangerous?! Yes it is but mine is life saving! Have you ever been exposed to HIV/AIDS?! Yes! I have been deliberately infected with it many times. Why did they do that to you?! From what I have been told it was Rod who was behind it. He had lied to them about something apparently. Do you have HIV/AIDS now?! No! I was HIV positive for a very long time then one day a routine blood test came back HIV negative and each blood test thereafter has come back HIV negative. Why do you think that you didn't get AIDS?! I have no CXRC receptors on my cells. HIV needs CXRC receptors 3, 4, or 5 depending on variant to infect the cell. So you're immune to it?! I wouldn't say I am immune to it I am just not vulnerable to the current versions of it. So if there was a version of HIV that did not use those receptors then you could get AIDS?! Yes I could get AIDS! So you're only immune to those variants?! Yes!  Does it bother you some people had received Rod's blood instead of yours by mistake?! Back then it made me angry because there was no reason why they would get it wrong but not so much now because I can't donate now. Why can't you donate now?! I carry seven of the eight herpes viruses and I have a blood PH of 8.4 making it very dangerous to use my blood in a donation nowadays. Do you regret not being able to donate any more?! No! Why not?! It's hard to explain but I somehow knew something like this was going to happen. I can understand why you would say that I too have a funny feeling that people would've done this to you deliberately to stop you donating. You're not wrong there they did it because they hated me apparently! 
What is it with you closing the front gates at different times every night?! It's the woman next door she's petty with her car if I do it the same time every night. This way it fucks her up and makes it more difficult to do to me but she's stubborn and won't let it go. She really hates you for it apparently she says she can't live there any more because of you. So who is doing it to me ever night if she's not there any more?! Is everyone in her family this petty when it comes to me too?! She's so petty over this she reminds me of Kylie Barling who was so much like this too! You aren't the only person who has said that about her and I am afraid everyone in her family is not as petty as her this is a personal issue she has with you apparently. Is she often this petty with people she doesn't know or is it just me?! Do you think Rod would've given his blood to people deliberately who thought it was yours because he hated you?! I wouldn't put anything past Rodney Ballinger now. I want to think they are all just frauds that is all it is and that is all it ever was but I don't know who he is any more. I don't want to think he is the one doing the murders I just don't know who he is any more. If he is the Rodney Ballinger I remember it's just the frauds he couldn't really murder any one and it was someone else doing the murders! This puts me in a horrible position because why am I going to all this trouble with you if you don't know who Rodney Ballinger is any more?! That is a very good question why are you going to all this trouble?! Are you one of these people who still thinks I am Rodney Ballinger the only reason you believe that is because you're pigheaded?! I don't know why I did this with you to be honest. If I haven't proven to you by now I am not Rodney Ballinger I guess I am never going to so I might as well give up?! She was wrong about everything when it came to you. Well of course they are wrong about everything when it comes to me they think I am Rod and I am not Rod I am nothing like him! So many people have been ruined over this mistake that you were Rod. So they would rather believe the lie I was Rodney Ballinger than accept the truth I am not Rodney Ballinger is that what you're saying?! I am not saying anything I am just telling you what they are telling me. So what are the telling you about Nick Lavery is he Rod or not?! I don't think that is any of your business. Just like your relationship with that woman next door is none of my business?! I wish you were never born and many people in Corio feel the same way too. Maybe you can all continue to pretend I am Rod and that will fix everything?! You just can't see it can you?! Obviously!
You are Jim Ellison from the Sentinel Series. I am not Jim Ellison from the Sentinel Series don't be stupid! How do you know have you seen it?! Yes I have seen it! It's about a soldier that comes back from war with the ability to hear, see, touch and smell things others can not. Well that is you isn't it?! That is not me that's Post Traumatic Stress (PTSD) why would this be relevant anyway?! Well I know for a fact it is you. I know for a fact it's not me! It's producer Danny Bison through his lawyer told me so and was prepared to go to court over it too. Why would his lawyer tell you anything if this is totally irrelevant?! It was because of people like you saying things like that! It got back to him you see and he wanted to make it perfectly clear to me Jim Ellison was a fictional character and had nothing to do with me. I hate her so much now all she did is lie to me! She lied to me about everything and I lost everyone because of that bitch! Her only explanation was that her new boyfriend lied to her about everything and she didn't realise until it was too late! If it was someone else she wouldn't have been so brain dead apparently I hate her so much now and I wish she was never born now. I hate them both so much now because all they fucking do is lie all the time and I just don't know what to do any more because I have no one left. I don't have great ears, great eyes, I am not some clairvoyant or psychic I find out from people like you. People who have no choice but to vent on me because they have no one left otherwise I would never have known it had happened. This is how you found out what Rod had done to you at the University/College?! Yes! He had lost a lot of friends for some reason they came and vented on me that is how I found out what he had done! I don't have ears, eyes or a nose better than you and I am not a clairvoyant or psychic either. It all comes to someone like you who needs to vent and has no one else but me to do it! So this not uncommon for you?! Not at all it's quite common to be honest. So what happens now?! We go somewhere and have coffee there you tell me everything! I will never ask you for your phone number and I am not going to give you mine what I will do is continue to have coffee there until you stop going there. I bet that is the way you've always done it?! That is pretty much the way I have always done it! So what is the prognosis doctor?! You will stop going there when you're feeling better and I will continue to go for a little while then stop. What I usually do nowadays is rotate so I don't stop going there I just won't be there when you are but we still may run into each other
They say you were a SEAL but you were a pretty ordinary one in fact, you were so ordinary you were considered secondary in the teams. That is correct! I went for a job as a technical support officer at Pine Gap/ECHELON/Area 51 (different people call it different things) and there I really shone because I was very good at that part of it. So then how did you become TIER ONE if you were just General Issue or GI as they put it in the teams?! Rodney Ballinger! Come on, he wasn't that good everyone knows that?! You can't expect me to believe Rodney Ballinger is the reason why you became TIER ONE?! That is just ridiculous! I wish you would let me finish. You're right, Rodney Balling is not worth a shit to be honest but he lies and his lies ruin lives and his lies led TIER ONE soldiers to me thinking I was Rod. I don't understand?! It's not about how good you are in the military it's about who trains you not to say that mine were no good as trainers it was just I wasn't as good as them and they knew it and I knew it too but they weren't going to do it to me because they were ahead of me. Do what to you?! Kick me out of the SEALS because I was just ordinary it doesn't work that way! There is always a place for everyone in the SEALS where they do something better than everyone else I found mine at Area 51. I don't understand how you could earn the respect of the team if you weren't as good as them?! I became their operator. I am the one they talk too through their headsets! That is why you were part of that team?! That is right but I don't have a relationship with them its strictly work only and that's for national security reasons. So you became TIER ONE there?! No! TIER ONE soldiers made me replicas of them and then they were going to kill me to prove a point only to realise during the training I wasn't Rod then they cut me lose because they had the wrong one! So that is how you became TIER ONE?! Yes! No wonder you don't want to talk about it?! That's exactly right! It's not something I am proud of but I am proud of what I had done at Area 51. That encryption algorithm used by the SEALS was designed by you right?! That's right and that is why I like talking about it so much when I shouldn't but it doesn't matter now the SEALS are gone. Why is that?! Because it's not used any more that's why! A lot of SEALS now say they don't see their team members deliberately and on purpose and it's none of your business why. They're right too but my team never really knew me I was just a voice in their ears more or less and I guess it would've sounded like nails on a chalkboard eventually. It should be obvious now!  
Can I ask you a rather personal question?! Of course you can I've got no secrets! Why don't you have a relationship with the marine corps?! I don't have a relationship with the Ranges or the SEALS either to be honest. I understand that but the marine corps sees themselves as a family and you are not part of that family. If I told you what they told me you would hate me for it because what they say about you is not fair! Let me say this before you tell me anything! In the marine corps where I served women were not part of it they didn't want women part of it they were seen as weak and would make the marine corps weak too! This is confusing because the marine corps of today doesn't feel that way about women they have an awful lot of respect for their women marines! I served in the marine corps over twenty years ago that is why the marines of today see things differently. So in your mind the reason you don't have a relationship with the marine corps is because the marine corps you served in doesn't exist any more?! I wouldn't even consider myself a marine the way they say "marines" for I was a Ranger not a Marine more commonly known to them as the ROTC. What does that stand for?! Ranger Operations Training Center! Why is it called that?! We aren't marines we are Rangers and Marine Rangers or Ranger Marines are considered part of the ROTC building and are not real marines. Could you give me a moment here please because if what you're saying there is true then they have lied to me they have lied to me about everything! I would strongly recommend you prepare yourself to be lied too because I think you will find you have been lied too! I don't understand why they hate you if it has been over twenty years?! It has something to do with Brock Lesnar's enlistment. It went to a court martial the court martial decided Brock Lesnar had stolen his marines enlistment from me and gave me his marine qualification and ordered me to finish it he had been very lazy with it! This doesn't make any sense if what you say is true because you're not a real marine?! A lot of marines have a little too much to say I am afraid. The world would be a better place if a lot more marines practiced shut the fuck up! I am just curious, do you see yourself as a marine?! No I don't! I was enlisted as a Ranger and wanted to be a Ranger! I had no problem being a Green Beret but was not interested in having anything to do with the marine corps and was dragged into it by a court martial. I really hate her for this because the bitch doesn't care whether it's true or not she preaches whatever her golden haired little boy tells her, bitch!
She wants to talk to me she says she is sorry for what she said to me she didn't mean what she said she was just angry. You can tell me this later what you need to do now is go and see your friend as soon as possible and see if she is genuine. You can tell me all about it later! We have reconciled! I realise she made a mistake and didn't mean to say the things she said to me she was just angry. I am happy for both of you! I wish you and your friend all the best for the future! Everyone is so angry with her because she blindly believed him but he has just admitted he had done it deliberately because he believed you were Rod and didn't want to believe it was a lie because of all the lies. So what caused him to change his mind and stop believing I was Rod all of a sudden?! I am just curious?! This website! What can I say?! All that work wasn't in vain after all?! I am happy for you, I am happy for both of you, thank you for keeping me updated on the situation. A lot of my friends are saying that you seem like some kind of Mary Poppins?! Let's put it this way, I never asked for the role of Mary Poppins I just got it this isn't the first time I have played Marry Poppins in someone's life! A lot of people want to know what happened to your friends why don't you have any any more?! I made a horrible mistake thinking they were my friends. They weren't my friends they were Rod's friends. I didn't have any friends they were all Rod's friends pretending to be my friend. I can't blame them for that Rod put them up to it apparently! I feel sorry for you! A lot of the people that went to the school with you apologise for saying Scott No Friends they didn't realise it was Rod's fault you didn't have any friends! That Rod has been a thorn in my side from the very beginning unfortunately. A lot of people say they hate him for what he had done to those two people but they are happy for both of them now they have reconciled but they can't speak for you because they don't know you. It looks like this has turned out to be a happy ending for both of you?! I am just grateful I was part of it so I thank you both for that I am not going to stir up trouble for you two here! Kyle Morgan says you are dead to him now and there is nothing he can do about it. I have heard this so many times before it's quite a common response when Rodney Ballinger is involved to say that even Rodney Ballinger has said that to people about me. They tell me if they were wrong about you they would've said so. Let's put it this way, I would bet the farm that none of them believe they did anything wrong because I know hate they don't! Well I can't argue with you there because you're right! 
Have I ever told you how much I hate you?! This would be the first time! There was really no point doing any of that all you have done there is waste your time do you realise that?! I am happy they are happy! I was able to fix that problem for them and I am happy for them! When she is finished with him he will never care about you again don't you realise that?! Why would he want to care about me?! I am not his friend?! He came and spoke to me about his friend and I am happy they have been able to resolve their differences with a little help from me! That was none of your business you should've stayed out of it why did you get involved in something that was none of your business?! What do you expect me to do?! He came to me and asked me to help him?! What do you expect me to do tell him to fuck off?! You really don't understand what you have done here do you?! Why don't you tell me what I have done here that is so wrong?! You really don't care about anyone but yourself do you?! How can it be me helping him with a problem is selfish?! You don't really understand that no one there cares how you think and no one there is going to see what you did there as anything more than selfish?! I can't see how anyone could see what I did there was selfish?! They are going to twist and distort that to make it look like something that it is not and they are going to do that to him because they hate you. They want him to think that all you did there was make the problem worse! So what do you suppose I am to do when someone asks for my help?! Just tell them to fuck off because I can't help them?! That is exactly what you tell them because they can't twist and distort that and make it look like something else. You refused to help him and that is it they can't make it look like something else. He told me she wouldn't have done that to me. She wouldn't have done it to you but it only takes one of her friends who hates you to do it for her and she has a lot of friends that would've deliberately done this to you because they hate you including the one that did it to you in the first place because she still has relationship with him even now. He told me she told him she would never care about him again I don't understand?! She meant that about you not him, he admitted it, he had a relationship with Rod and Rod had lied to him about everything and she believed him but she is not going to believe you and when she is finished with him he is not going to believe you ever again. So what do you suggest I do from now on?! Don't help anyone ever again because the cost of doing so outweighs the benefits! 
I would like you to know I wasn't wrong when I said she would use you to get herself out of this problem with him and this is something you have to realise is going to happen if you play Good Samaritan with these people in the future. Sorry! I didn't realise helping someone would've come with punishment. This woman is a vindictive, malicious and spiteful woman who had no problems whatsoever using you to save herself from this situation and she did it so shamelessly but eventually those people who strengthen her and support her will be forced to realise she would do the same to them if they ever did what you had done and in one of life's ironies will get exactly what they deserve if they dare do what you did to her she calls the shots around here you put up and shut up! But what did I do that was so wrong?! You got involved in it that is what you've done that is so wrong it's because of that involvement everything has changed hence the different color scheme and the different path this site has taken. So they are all under her thumb I take it?! No, they're not! They are a lot smarter than you give them credit for because unlike you they didn't get involved in it and didn't get involved in it deliberately. You aren't the problem she is and they don't deal with it because she doesn't want to deal with it you didn't understand the situation and that is why this happened to you. She is in a horrible problem here because she is totally unaware of how these people feel and that is deliberate you on the other hand got involved in something you shouldn't have and in many ways bought your fate on yourself. I understand you meant well and your heart was in the right place but I refer to this woman as Kylie Barling because she is a lot like Kylie Barling and what happened at Corio PS happened all over again again here with her and you need to understand you have no one to blame for this sorry situation but yourself. So my problem is that I am too generous?! I am going to tell you what these people around you tell their friends and their family when it comes to her and you should take it to heart because it applies to you too. "I can't talk about people I don't know and I don't know her any more!" the good news is she is beginning to realise now they are not there any more! She is all alone and that was done to her deliberately she may even have tried to contact you now if you had taken the same path they had taken! Some women are a lot more dangerous than they look?! That is very true in fact woman are more dangerous than men because they play mind games men tend to be more physical with their emotions.    
The problem is people just don't want to talk about that woman and what she had done all they say is she won't do it again! What they want you to know is she could be seen as a school yard bully and she could be seen as bullying them but not any more! They want you to know they are not going to be bullied by anyone for anything and she insists on bullying them to get what she wants and that is just too bad for her because she's not going to get it now. It is none of your business but then again why should we mind her business when she never minded yours?! The accusation made she is a lot like Kylie Barling is not lost though you probably don't realise it but that is who Kylie Barling is today that woman is often referred to by that name because she is so much like her you obviously didn't know that! I didn't say that you did! I couldn't fix that even if I wanted to they just hate her too much now these sorts of things are unavoidable I am afraid because I didn't say the other one was JD but they saw it that way. I can't really say much more than that because I don't really have much more to say than that unfortunately! What I can do is route around the problem and not deal with it because that is what everyone wants me to do they are both so yesterday now! Well of course, route around it and don't deal with it. What else can you do?! Now tell me, if you could build your Prepper House and cost was no barrier what would change or do differently?! I wouldn't have a heater they zap the power the roof would be extremely hot most of the time with the right insulation that heat could be trapped in the house and it would remain warm all year round. The problem being summer where things would be hotter than usual it is possible today to buy fans that are motorless in the sense the fan is rotated by power these are the cheapest fans to run because there is no motor the electrical current causes the fans to spin these would be essential to move the hot air around the house and would be on most of the time. A motorless fan is essential because a motored fan will eventually break down because the motor doesn't last forever these can last forever because there is no motor. So what type of Prepper are you?! I am not a doomsday prepper who is preparing for the end of the world I am not that kind of prepper I am just a person that likes to live off grid. In America where I lived power outages, water blockages, bad gas and bad telephone coverage was a horrible problem.