


  • You claim the school bullied you well people have been forced to admit the school was bullying everyone not just you. They were also unrepentant and saw nothing wrong with what they were doing 
    • I know it is a horrible thing to say but its good to know I wasn't the only one.
      • There was talk at the time there was a fraudulent version of the school, a horrible lie. The school's students found no sympathy from anyone they had bought that on themselves!
        • I sort of remember something like this happening!
          • The school's students claimed they would have to move away and start new life elsewhere they could never talk about their school again because of what they were doing to them!
            • I really have no idea what is going on here to be honest!
              • So they moved away and no one saw them again and no one really cares now where they went and what happened to them, good riddance to them! You and your brother were irrelevant!
                • I know you probably don't care but did they ever talk about those from Achilles Tactics?!!
                  • Rick Crowley was sometimes referred to as Shane Allsop that was confirmed to be true it was just they didn't care who you were when it came to you!
                    • But they were convinced I was Rodney Ballinger?!
                      • Yes they were convinced you were Rod, they were quite pigheaded about it too!
                        • It was Paul Costa that was Rodney Balligner not me
                          • That was the problem William, no one outside the school cared who you were and no one inside the school really cared either!
                            • It would've fucked them up me not leaving Corio?!
                              • It wouldn't have mattered either way what you did to be brutally honest, you were the scapegoat!
                                • So where is my connection to this Achilles Tactics company?! I didn't even know they existed?!
                                  • There isn't one, you are totally irrelevant, just a means to an end unfortunately!
                                    • So how did I get caught up in this situation in the first place?!
                                      • It's because no one cares any more I am afraid! If it was someone else the problem probably would've been resolved. 
                                        • It's nothing personal with you it's just no one cares any more but when it comes to the school it is different, it is very different! It is personal!
  • Talk of the two schools leaving went down like a lead balloon, they were given an ultimatum, if you leave without fixing the problem we will never care about you again. They claimed the problem couldn't be solved, the world was adamant, they meant what they said, you leave without fixing it and they will never care about you again! They left without fixing it!
    • The world believed you were Rod because the two schools wanted them to believe you were Rod they didn't really care who you were but you weren't going to be Rod now because they meant what they said, they would never care about them again. Since you didn't leave with the two schools it was assumed you weren't part of the two schools and you were ignored.
      • This didn't change the way the world felt about you however, you were not part of the two schools so what was being done to them which was deliberate wouldn't be done to you deliberately. You may be able to fix your sorry situation to a point but they weren't going to do a thing for those two schools again.
        • One thing leads to another and over a period of around 6 months the two schools disappear off the face of the earth because of the world's shunning they are practically incapble of doing anything to anyone ever again. It's at this time Paul Costa or what you call Rodney Ballinger turns up at Achilles Tactics.
          • No one knows where he is from and no one knows why he is there but what they're told is that he is not really there, he is not really one of them, he is there to assist Rick. Rick makes it quite obvious he is not happy about Paul Costa being there and doesn't really want to work with him.
            • During this time the Corio community gets a big win, they find out who has been doing it to them, who has been lying to them and it is two people who are connected to the two schools. They cut them off and with it they cut off all that is left of the two schools.
              • People who have been working at Achilles Tactics for years have stopped being paid. They can't seem to contact management and find out why they aren't getting paid. Some of the staff stay on without getting paid but a lot of them resign and leave because of it.
                • Let me guess, Paul Costa is assisting Rick now he is going to have to assist the others too now that most of them have left because they're not being paid?! How long are you two going to work there without being paid?! I know I would've been one of the first to go!
                  • Things go from bad to worse with a lot of customers having a problem with the way Paul Costa teaches, he knows shit about what he is talking about! Customers want a refund and new customers want to withdraw from classes with Paul Costa.
                    • The customers were not refunded anything and their attempts to contact Achilles Tactics management went ignored. Those who paid with credit cards could get their money back by disputing the transaction but they hated having to go that way.
                      • Those who paid cash or waited too long to dispute the transaction have no choice now but to go to these classes with Paul Costa. By this time only two people are left at Achilles Tactics Rick and Paul everyone else is gone!
                        • It is said Rick Crowley eventually reaches his breaking point and walks out of Achilles Tactics during the middle of a session with Paul Costa leaving only Paul Costa teaching at Achilles Tactics.  
                          • Rick Crowley is believed to be the Shane Allsop from the two schools and if what you say is true Paul Costa was the real Rodney Ballinger and you were nothing more than the scapegoat!
                            • We have no reached the end of those two schools. I too will never need to care about them again. I am hoping this site will at least help me to a point reverse what they've done to me.
  • The world had cut itself off from everyone that went to the two schools so that no one had a relationship with anyone that went to the two schools. People had forgotten that Rick Crowley had gone to the two schools and he was the only one left that people still had a relationship with at the time.
    • Therefore we have reached the last chapter of the two schools and it's only because people didn't care who you were and where you had come from that you end up here and it ends for you here too. People would defend their position by saying that you and your brother did go to those two schools so you weren't treated any differently in that regard.
      • With you and your brother it wasn't deliberate because you two were dead to the two schools but with that said people felt the same way about both of you and couldn't even tell their friends and family which one was Scott and which one was Michael they just don't care any more but it's not deliberate with you two but it is with them.
        • A lot of people would've preferred your brother Michael to be in this boat where it ends in a place that is totally irrelevant but unfortunately it's Scott not Michael. Michael has been very lucky thoroughout his life while you on the other hand have been very unlucky in yours
          • Well that is true, you know what they say, luck eventually runs out and it can't rain all the time. But I have to admit, my brother is clearly more luckier than me! Truth be told, I sometimes wish some of his good luck would rub off onto me.
            • Unfortunately for Rick Crowley people have no choice now but to see him as Rodney Ballinger and he becomes the problem that everyone has been trying to solve. Things have been great since the two schools have been gone and no one really wants to seem them ever again.
              • It is possible the Rodney Ballinger you point to here is the real problem and Rick Crowley has become the scapegoat this time because Rodney Ballinger can't use you as a scapegoat because you chose to stay in Corio and not move with everyone else.
                • Most people however see Rick Crowley as Rodney Ballinger and all this guy is was someone that either willingly helped him with his crimes and therefore was part of the frauds or was some unwillingly participant Rick used in order to do his crimes and was unaware of it.
                  • And maybe that is what you were to both of them?! It's not until now that you realise that you were being used by both of them to assist them with their crimes through no fault of your own you became an accessory to their crimes?!
                    • That is possible!  
                      • I think you will find it is a lot closer to the truth than you realise. You wanted to do the right thing while surrounded by people who were deliberately doing the wrong thing and deserved their fate!
                        • It didn't happen this time because like everyone else I just don't care any more what happens to them now.
                          • They had burned you one too many times is what really went wrong there! Somewhere along the line they had done something to you that was quite literally, the strong that broke the camel's back! 
  • Looking back now the world is so angry with themselves for allowing the two schools to do it to them. They reflect on how much they hated you because of the school's lies and how easy it was to do it to them. Some have gone as far to say they wish they were never born because of the mistake they made here with the two schools. 
    • You know, you're probably right! I loved those two so much once upon a time that I probably did incriminate myself in some of their crimes. They bankrupted me deliberately to get me out of the way because either I was too close or that I was getting in the way of it, I feel so much like you do now!
      • What you seem to forget William is they both got away with it. No one knows where Rick Crowley went after he left Achilles Tactics, he was homeless like you. As for Paul Costa, well, no one knew him and you can't care about people you don't know. People care about you to a point because they know you.
        • You stayed put and didn't go anywhere, it was a smart move in retrospect even if it wasn't at the time. This move alone has allowed people to remove you from just about every fraud because you weren't there to do it this wouldn't have been possible if you kept moving around all the time like you were planning on doing.
          • That means anyone that went to those two schools could be seen as accessories to their crimes?!
            • It's not our problem William nor is it yours now!
              • They may have gone to prison for their crimes like I did?!
                • Look at it this way, it's better them than you!
                  • You feel like I do when it comes to them!
                    • That is only going to help you now William. For you, you are standing in front of that sign that reads EXIT 1 KM (0.5 mile) on the highway of life. I bet it's hard to imagine you would've ever made it here?!
                      • That is very true!
                        • What are you going to do now?!
                          • I will worry about that when I get there because these are such a hit and miss when it comes to me.
                            • You won't miss this one, it is the only thing left on this road. Everyone exits this highway at the same place because it's a dead end road.