


  • The problem is you go off to University/College and get your Bachelor's degree then stay there to do your Masters. One thing leads to another and you end up in the United States of America and no one seems to know why 
    • I try to make the best of a bad situation by making a new life for myself in America. I get American citizenship via the articles of allegiance which requires a time of military service.
      • We all understand that but you go bankrupt and you go to prison and then for some unknown reason that whole new life you have made for yourself mysteriously disappears?!
        • That is exactly right!
          • You come back to Australia which is a sensible decision to make but the problem is there is no record of you ever leaving Australia in the first place, how do you explain that?!
            • I can't!
              • Do you think Rodney Ballinger stole your identity?!
                • That is one explanation!
                  • That is the only explanation!
                    • Why do you think I cleared Australian customs then?!
                      • Well obviously it's a mistake!
                        • Making a new life for myself in America?!
                          • Look, if it was me I would clear you too, it's strange there is no record of you ever leaving Australia!
                            • The problem is the American life, right?! There is evidence I had an American life but for some strange reason it's gone now?!
                              • No. You left Australia but you obviously didn't leave Australia through the traditional means otherwise there would've been some record of it!
                                • When I returned to Australia I did have a psychological evaluation done and was diagnosed with a illness called Battlefield Amensia if it helps!
                                  • All that does is prove you're not lying when we ask you how you ended up in America without ever leaving Australia and can't answer it because you don't know!
                                    • So what now?! I don't really know what to say except to say maybe he switched me with himself?!
                                      • I think that is exactly what happened too!
                                        • But who is he really?!
                                          • It looks like it may have been Rick Crowley you were switched with to be honest.
  • Your allegiance is real and you are an American today by allegiance we can tell you that much, however, you would've at least done 18 months with the marine corps or the Rangers to get that but you did five years, why?!
    • ROTC marines are Marine Rangers, the ROTC stands for the Ranger Operations Training Center. You are required to do two tours, one with the marines and another with the Rangers each being around 18 months so that is 36 months.
      • 36 months is around 3 years but you served for five. Where did you do the last 18 months?! We understand part of your service was top secret and classified but it wouldn't be now.
        • ROTC marines are more commonly known as Navy SEALS so the last 18 months would be with the Navy SEALS during their famous BUDS course or "Hellweek"
          • That would be 6 years you only did 5, what happened?!
            • The Navy SEALS disappeared before I completed my training. The truth is, I was a tech support trainee to those SEAL teams I wasn't actually a real tech support operator.
              • What happened to them, do you know?!
                • I have no idea what happened to them it was only then I realised they were gone. I was bankrupt and I don't know why, everything took me by surprise!
                  • It would've been only a matter of time before you would've been arrested and taken to prison. Were you trying to avoid it by leaving?!
                    • I wasn't trying to avoid anything, I was completely taken by surprise when I found out I was bankrupt, I had no idea I was bankrupt.
                      • All you had left was a house, what happened to it?!
                        • I sold it to pay the debts.
                          • So that is where the money went! Now they would be forced to realease you from prison because there are no debts!
                            • Yes!
                              • Now customs doesn't really have any reason to withdraw your visa and your customs clearence would be inevitable?!
                                • Yes!
                                  • I really wish I could feel sorry for you, you gossipmonger! Next time mind your own god damn business!
                                    • Excuse me?!
                                      • I wasn't talking to you!
                                        • That's obvious!
  • I can see what you're saying in the Site Map! It appears the school is some kind of red herring, facade or pretext put there deliberately to throw you off what really happened it's totally irrelevant though!
    • Do you think the I Come In Peace (Dark Angel) is another kind of red herring, facade or pretext put there deliberately to throw you off what really happened although it too is totally irrelevant?! 
      • I really have no choice but to take this path with you William, they are both some kind of red herring, facade or pretext put there deliberately to throw you off, it's totally irrelevant!
        • It begins where it ends Paul Costa is Corey Dugent and Rick Crowley is Stuart Leiper. A horrible war between these two comes to its climax at Achilles Tactics?! If it wasn't for the arrogant laziness of those two schools they would've been able to resolve this problem in seconds because it had nothing to do with them!
          • That is where your wrong, dead wrong! This war between these two was created by the two schools they are far from irrelevant but when it comes to you, your brother and Kylie Barling this is all irrelevant.
            • In fact, there is reason to believe now that the Corio community was intended to be a third red herring, facade or pretext but something went horribly wrong there and it didn't get off the ground.
              • Correction: It takes five years to make a Navy SEAL *NOT* Six, you were no trainee! You would've loved it there and you would've had a job for life there too. It's a shame things didn't work out for you there, what the military had done to them was so wrong!
                • The problem for Achilles Tactics is that it was military funded and because of that it comes under the authority of the military and must be investigagted by the military. As we speak the military is investigating what happened at Achilles Tactics.
                  • Going through their communications the military found Rick on many occassions claimed he had defrauded you many times. Rod had done it to you too because he hated Rick and wanted to show Rick he was better at it. 
                    • The military did admit they could've done a lot more when it came to you. Navy SEALS are both Rangers and Marines they could've gone back into the military either at the marine or Ranger ends but you weren't given that chance.
                      • During other conversations Rick and Rod did admit they had created the I Come In Peace (Dark Angel) fraud and they had stolen the alien from you. Unfortunately for you a court has concluded it is yours because they had stolen it from you.    
                        • I know exactly what happened here, you were nowhere near it! You had put me in a position where I would never have gone to this place and we would never have discussed this because you were asking the wrong questions!
                          • When I was a little kid I believed Ninja's were Japanese Navy SEALS. I know now I was wrong, dead wrong! Today, I wouldn't have gone in that direction deliberately! They would've been seen as automated assassination weapons now! 
                            • How could you get it so horribly wrong?!
                              • Now you know why I didn't do anything about it!
  • A lot of people have said the two schools bought their fate on themselves and people meant what they said, they will never care about them again and it is poetic justice what happened to them.
    • No one can argue that you did at least try to fix the problem with the I Come In Peace (Dark Angel) fiasco but you probably unintentionally made the problem worse there since it was a ruse from the very beginning.
      • The people in Corio say the site is true and there is a problem but you are not the problem neither is your brother or your Mother & Father. You are routered around deliberately because if they didn't you would become the problem!
        • A lot of soldiers we have spoken too have said it wasn't a mistake you seeking a career in the military. You were gifted in that area and it would've turned out to be quite a rewarding career for you if you went that way.
          • The fitness industry has said that to be brutually honest you probably aren't the right person for the job and they mean this in the nicest possible way, you would've been better off in the military than in the fitness industry you just don't have the right personality for it.
            • A lot of people in the fitness industry say you actually looked like Conor McGregor in Roadhouse and compared to other bodybuilders you weren't that big but you were loved with these shorts. But size matters and Ryan Hughes was bigger that is why he got it and you didn't.
              • Conor McGregor did know of you and you were the inspiration for his Knox character in Roadhouse he just couldn't find the shorts that you wore but had everything else.
                • They are 3mm Apeks Tech Shorts, you find them in diving stores because the shorts are actually part of a wetsuit. They cost around $260 so they're not cheap. 
                  • It wasn't wrong being a biologist, it was one of your best covers! The problem you had was your reputation, it created a problem where most people didn't want to work with you! This creates great difficulties in biology when people just don't want to work with you!
                    • I take it that since you were in training for most of the time you were in the service then everything you carried was GI (General Issue)?!
                      • That is correct!
                        • The Macgyver Assassin episode is yours what we don't understand is why would you pay almost $1,000 for the rights of an episode that was one of the most unpopular in the Macgyver series?!
                          • This was my solution to the I Come In Peace (Dark Angel), it was going to be a reworking of the storyline in that episode. I kept it quiet because I wasn't going to do anything but just in case I had to fix the thing this was how I was going to go about doing it!