


  • What we do know is that Achilles Tactics were given money by the military to train their soldiers. Now they can't do anything about that because the money was used as intended but it was just bad quality training they received. 
    • It is that old saying isn't it?! You're either incredibly smart or incredibly stupid.
      • What the military did discover was that they were both involved in it equally. Paul Costa was just as fucked as Rick Crowley if they were ever found out to be frauds and they both knew it too!
        • So they just took the money for themselves and gave their soldiers shit training?!
          • No, it was legit and it wasn't shit training either! What appears to have happened from their investigations is something has gone horribly wrong but they don't know exactly what went wrong!
            • Were they the victims of a hack?!
              • There was no evidence they were hacked it doesn't make sense what happened it was like it was there one night and gone the next!
                • Bank accounts?!
                  • They were empty and it appears from the bank accounts they didn't have any debts they had paid all their debts but they had no money afterwards!
                    • So they closed down because they couldn't afford to offer the services they were offering in the past but they weren't bankrupt?!
                      • That was the problem, it was made to look that way but that is not what happened. Legally speaking, the company never existed but the money did!
                        • Like Phobos Solutions?!
                          • No. Phobos Solutions did exist and went bankrupt because of a hack Achilles Tactics never existed to be hacked!
                            • But someone got the money they paid for all that training?!
                              • Well that is true but it wasn't the staff that had been working there! Some had said they were working there practically for free because they were never paid a cent!
                                • So where was the money going?! 
                                  • That is the million dollar question and it appears from the investigators both Paul and Rick knew exctly where the money went!
                                    • Don't look at me, I didn't get a cent!
                                      • We know that! You would've lost your Centrelink Disability Support Pension if you got any of it! What people don't understand is how can it be illegal for you serve in the Australian military?!
                                        • I was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome which is considered a disability. The laws regarding disabilities see all disabilities the same, there is no difference between a physical disability or a intellectual disability, they're treated the same. It should come as no surprise the disabled can't serve in the military.
                                          • But you served in the American military in order to get American citizenship is that correct?!
                                            • Yes!
  • So if what you're saying is true Achilles Tactics squandered their military grant the military probably knew that and when it came time for their next grant they missed out. Unable to survive without the grant they would have no choice but to close up shop and leave all their customers and staff hanging?!
    • I would agree with that!
      • This is the problem people have with those two schools. They have created a situation with their lies where it is not possible to get here and it's not possible to know the truth because of their lies. The only reason you succeed where everyone else failed is because you hate them so much you route around them deliberately and don't deal with them.
        • Maybe you people should start doing the same?!
          • We are routering around the two schools now and we are doing it deliberately just like you are and we are forced to accept that you're right, they are the problem! These problems just don't exist when the school is taken out of the equation and these problems don't exist to you either because the school is left out of it deliberately!
            • The two schools are the reason why you can't find solutions to these problems.
              • We have no choice but to accept you're right. We don't have these problems now that we have taken the two schools out of the equation. We can see exactly why you don't have these problems either, the school is treated as the problem and it's avoided.
                • I am happy for you but I remember back then it wasn't so easy to convince you that the problem would be solved if you took the school out of the equation.
                  • You have won that point William.
                    • As I enter the EXIT I can't help but think I am missing something but I can't put my finger on what it is but I don't want to have to come back later because I missed something. Have any ideas what it might be?!
                      • It was too late when the Corio community found the connection to the two schools. The community had grown to hate each other and now no one lives there but you and your family. Those that do live there only do so rarely and when they are there sparks fly because they hate each other.
                        • This is exactly where this EXIT is taking me! It never rains but it pours with me unfortunately.
                          • I am afraid you are not going to find anyone there now that is going to want to help you. You are truly alone in that regard but at least it's over for you and this problem is now in the past.
                            • I take it, it has been like this for some time?!
                              • Its been like this for a couple of years.
  • So when I get off the highway of life I walk the rest of the way home and when I get there the street I live in is empty, there is not a soul there. I am forced to use the spare keys because no one is home either and they don't arrive home for around 20 minutes after I have arrived. Well, that is what they would like you to believe but it's not true!
    • In reality however that is not what happened at all. Believing my family died in a horrible car accident I avoided returning home until I had no choice because I didn't want to deal with what had happened. When I walk down the street I live in I see my mother, father and brother in the front yard and can't deal with the fact I had been lied to again.
      • I go to the nearby shopping centre and have two coffee's it's the assistant there that talks me into going home because it makes absolutely no sense ordering a third coffee which is what I was about to do. She tells me this is quite common and it comes with the territory when you make coffee's for people.
        • So many times I have tried to tell them my story I just can't seem to get them out of the University/College. They believe I have been there for the last five years working at the IBM Data Centre part time to support myself. They have trouble accepting the fact I had been overseas although I may have gone overseas as part of my work. The problem is I never worked there I didn't even get an interview for a job there but the place does exist!
          • The military did not have accurate contact details when it came to me so they didn't know where these people lived to tell them. They thought I lived in Buninyong which is a place near the University/College and I did live there for a time but I hadn't been there for years. 
            • The people that live there now weren't the people that lived there when I was there they were new because the house was rented, they didn't own it! They apparently broke up because of Rod's lies one went one way the other went the other and the house was put up for rent again. The people that live there now don't know me and wouldn't be able help anyone find me either.
              • The real family had heard nothing from me and no one had told them anything about me either so they just believed my situation hadn't changed. It was because nothing had changed in their eyes that there was a problem because I was now saying everything had changed and they couldn't see any reason why I would believe that was true.
                • I have no evidence of my service and the reason for that is that I was a Navy SEAL and what they do is classified or top secret. You're not allowed to keep anything because it may give away your identity and allow your enemies to find you so everything is destroyed deliberately. This is done to protect people like them from people like this!
                  • Without any evidence I can't really prove anything to them so I agree to a psychological evaluation but they found evidence of a major depressive episode this was all they needed to verify their version of what happened. I had a major depressive episode what I think happened is not what really happened.     
                    • My mother goes to a lot of trouble to get me into the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) because she thinks I need it because my major depressive episode is interfering with my day to day life. It's not that it's post traumatic stress (PTSD) evey soldier suffers with it and depression is a big part of it.
                      • I can't really argue with them because what they are saying is true and I probably would've needed the NDIS anyway because my PTSD is bad because I did see atrocties and I also saw just about every murder done by those two from Achilles Tactics. What can I do?!
                        • I cave in and let them believe whatever they want to believe. I do not try to discuss what happened with them again because there is just no point to it now. I am never going to get them to believe a word of it now so I just stop trying. 

  • How many times did you try and tell your family what happened?!
      • Why did you stop trying?!
        • It upset them, they were crying!
          • Why were they crying?!
            • They believed I was mentally ill!
              • Stop! Did they tell you why they felt this way?!
                • I didn't want to ask them to be honest!
                  • Good because it was the school's fault.
                    • You aren't serious?!
                      • I am very serious, they had people believing you were mentally ill!
                        • But I was cleared by a psychologist and a psychiatrist
                          • That is why people stopped believing it!
                            • At some point the straw would've broken the camel's back?!
                              • This was it!
                                • So how did people deal with it?!
                                  • They didn't and they are not going to deal with it, they're finished with you now!
                                    • So what happens now?!
                                      • You're on your own for real! 
                                        • So what happened to all those bastards that did it to me?!
                                          • They meant what they said, they will never care about them again.
                                            • Did they apologise for what they had done?!
                                              • It will never matter what they do or say again.
                                                • But I am finished with these people?!
                                                  • Yes you are but you're not dead to them like they are!