Glostoro Part 1 1 2 3 4 5

31. You said if you could have your time again you wouldn't be a marine could you explain to us why you feel that way?! 
When I was a Ranger I felt I fitted in perfectly. I had situations where the Rangers would make a decision on my behalf and the decision was accepted because that is what I would've chosen anyway it was like they could read my thoughts. My recruiter chose Machine Gunner for me in the Rangers I became famous being known as The Ghostbuster, Bobba Fett and The Guitar Man for carrying both a M249 and a M249 SAW. I was included by the Rangers and I felt part of it even when I didn't want to get involved they some how found a way of talking me into it I was such a fool for them. Everything just worked for me in the Rangers that I would have no problem doing it all again. I was so loved for my Google Intranet it quite literally went to my head the marines resented me for buying Console One and Netware Administrator and left me out of the creation of milConnect as a punishment. I got the exact opposite in the marine corps in general when they made a decision on my behalf I resented them for it because I wouldn't have chosen that I hated my marine recruiter the selection of me being a marine scout sniper was offensive to me. The marines just couldn't get a name for me that stuck my name kept changing all the time it never happened in the Rangers. I had marines tell me to my very face they didn't like me and had to be reminded of my name. I felt left out, I felt ostracized, I felt like it was a mistake being there the destruction of my sleeping quarters didn't scare me what scared me is that I knew it was coming they cared so little about me. I know what they're going to say it was Rudy Reyes' fault they felt that way about me and next time things would be different but I don't believe they would be different next time because I moved around the marine corps more than I ever moved in the Rangers. I practically stayed in the same place for the duration of my service in the Rangers where I counted eight moves in the marine corps because I just couldn't work with the marines there. 

32. It sounds like a plan but it's not going to work out as planned!
How can you be so sure?! I have nothing against the marine corps not even now but things just aren't going to work out for me there regardless of what I do. You said you don't choose to be part of the Navy SEALS you are chosen?! So?! You don't honestly think the Navy SEALS aren't going to choose you next time?! Why would they?! The only reason I was selected in the first place was because I was a marine and a Ranger and they thought it was pretty cool not next time! That is not what I was told. What were you told?! You have no idea how many SEALS have told me they want you in the war room. You are one of the best operators there as far as they're concerned. That is an unexpected development. I think it's safe to say you're going to be a Navy SEAL next time round whether you like it or not! They are going to make me do my mutual obligation in the marine corps because they got such good feedback from the marine corps on my service there and there is no reason to believe that wouldn't happen a second time around. I wouldn't worry about it too much as you're a SEAL not a marine and they would understand that. But they are still the same marines and he is still the same Rudy Reyes and that means the outcome will be just the same as before. Look at it this way, at least you will know what is coming and can prepare for it better. That is a good point. What would you do differently next time round knowing what you know?! I guess I could transfer to another marines base when Rudy Reyes turns up and that would fix the problem to a point. Now that is an interesting solution isn't it?! I would only be doing the same thing I did before. What you don't seem to understand is that it worked for you it only fucked them up and one could argue they deserved it because they sided with Rudy against you. 

33. What if I told you Rod got into the war room?!
That sends shivers up my spine, Rod in the war room?! What if I told you they thought Rod could do it better?! That is a stupid idea, he is careless, reckless and complacent. He is vindictive, malicious and spiteful too. He would've destroyed everything there! That is exactly what happened! There are no Navy SEALS today because of it. I didn't know that, I am only finding out about it now you told me.They're not going to tell you they replaced you with Rod not even the school was prepared to do that! No one thought for a second they wouldn't have told you but now it's obvious why they didn't the SEALS felt the same way! Did the SEALS react the same way the school did?! I am afraid it's true, the SEALS reacted the same way the school did! They thought Rod could do it better it quite literally blew up in their face! Would it be fair to say the SEALS were more adult about it when they dealt with it compared to the school who was really childish?! I think that goes without saying, the school was being childish the SEALS weren't but Rod is the reason why everything went wrong in both camps. Did the school ever care about me I know the SEALS did I am just curious maybe Rod was motivated by jealousy?! This is a question I have wanted to deal with from the very beginning, did Rod do it to you because he was jealous?! No! Both the SEALS and the school took you for granted believed Rod could do it better but were wrong, horribly wrong! Was I wrong about the way I felt about the SEALS?! You were! They didn't hate you like the school did but they felt the same way the school did! This talk of a restoration is bullshit who would ever put themselves in the same position twice?! The restoration was for you, you had to go back there one last time to see what really happened They were both the same it's just one hated me the other didn't.

34. Twenty years later!
If you were Michael (your brother) the problem would've been worse because they didn't know who you were! Is that because he left the school when he did?! Yes! Your brother's reality in this situation would've been yours if you left with him. It's hard to do it all again knowing what is going to happen. That is why we are doing like this because now you don't have too! If I stayed this would've been the same outcome as before because even though they know Rod is the problem they are still going to take the same path because they don't want to accept the reality of the situation where Rod is the problem not me. That is why you left yourself out of the restoration?! Yes! You don't think for a moment they would've learnt from the mistake?! Look, no one from the SEALS or the school has ever contacted me to talk about what happened or even to apologise even now. While they can do it to their friends and family they could never have done it to me. This is interesting, no one from the school and no one from the SEALS has contacted you and talked to you about what happened there?! The only people I have spoken too is Chanel College (Lovely Banks) but they came to tell me there was going to be no reunion and there was going be no school again the Christian Brothers were convicted padeophiles now. They are the only ones that have talked to you about it in all the time you have been in Corio?! Yes! That is something I didn't know! What did your contacts tell you may I ask?! They have led me to believe they are talking about it. The school has come out of their self imposed exile and are talking about it now! But not with me they're not! No one but you has ever discussed these things with me! That is something they didn't know! They're just assuming how you felt they don't really know! That is a good way of putting it but the school has always been like that with Scott apparently!  

35. Tell me what would happen if this was the Rangers system?!
The problem with the Rangers system is the enlistment would be scanned into a computer uploaded onto a server but any changes made to that enlistment would be stored elsewhere and not in the original enlistment. A Instructor may decide to contact someone using the information in their enlistment only to get embarrassed because they don't live there any more. When the Instructor goes back to the system to find out what went wronng they see the document where that Ranger told the Rangers they had moved to a new address which would only make the Instructor feel worse because the system knew the new address. The problem is not the Instructor's fault it's the search's fault it does not bring up all the information regarding that Ranger so a problem like this one would be quite common. Is that because they are using Google's Search and not their own search?! No, it is caused from a "data redundancy" problem. In computing, data redundancy occurs when there are multiple copies of the same data they are not neccessarily accurate copies of the same data resulting in this very problem. A database gets around that problem by just having one version of the data in one place at one time and therefore only one version of the data needs to updated when things change avoiding this problem. So how would this system react to the problem the marines are experiencing?! The Rangers system wouldn't have this problem Rod would have to fill out a form to change the data and that form would be uploaded on the server and it would be there for every Ranger to see but it may not come up in the search results. But they would know from what they had on their system he was lying about his address?! No, I was lying about my address and all those forms were put in there by me. So the problem is worse with the Rangers?! Yes because the failure of data security in the system is the reason why this happened, Rod should not have been able to submit a form to a system about another Ranger he had no access too but the system has no way of enforcing that so there may be multiple enlistments of the same Ranger in the system for all we know. 

36. Is it possible to fix the problems in the system?!
In the case of the Rangers system Google Search probably would have to be replaced with another search engine that searches on some kind of reference like their pledge or allegiance number for example. When the Ranger is enlisted a directory or folder is created using this reference and all the documents relevant to that Ranger would be stored in that directory or that folder. The search then searches those directories or folders looking for all the documents relevent to that reference and then lists them on the screen Google Search doesn't work that way so it probably was a bad choice. This would fix the problem to a point most systems have security built into them which could be used here to protect the documents from unauthorised use. Documents restricted just wouldn't appear in the search results because the search couldn't see them. The marines system?! It is called error correction in computing, a simple system built into the forms of the database that reject wrongful inputs for example, the information displayed in the form could be displayed read only so it's not possible to change the data in it. When changes are made to the database a reference number needs to be entered which comes from the form itself and is recorded as the source of the change. It wouldn't be difficult to fix the marines system but the Rangers system would have been completely rebuilt and every Ranger in it would have to have their personnel record done again it would be a mamoth task it may be easier just to start over. What if I told you that is exactly what happened in the 75th Ranger Regiment?! Since each Ranger is part of a Regiment and only one Regiment is active at once this would be the easiest way to do it just start over in the 75th That is exactly what they did too! Do they still use that system today?! The 75th don't exist any more! There are no Rangers any more! What happened with the marine corps?! Why would you care?! I am just curious! The problem was eventually resolved with error correction! What was the fall out?! Let me guess, they only lost me?! It had happened to over 200 marines apparently including you! At least I wasn't the only one! You may have forgiven them because it was your area of expertise but most of them didn't! They meant what they said, they would never care about them again Yes they did say that! I hate you Rod, they weren't saying it to me, You Bastard! 

37. All 200 marines who's enlistments had been destroyed by the bug (flaw) were restored!
Mine Wasn't and I was the one who discovered it?! How's that for appreciation?! They didn't really care about you and yours wasn't done apparently. I don't think anyone would disagree now that me joining the marine corps was a mistake! One of the restorer's went as far to say they would rather die than restore yours! I wonder whether he was one of these Rudy Reyes sympathisers from the First Battalion?! I couldn't answer that I really don't know to be honest another said if they were wrong about you they would kill themselves! Figuratively speaking they wouldn't have done it for real I can tell you that for a fact! Corio PS even agreed to do the restoration for them because of what happened with those marines who destroyed your living quarters they felt responsible for it to a point! What was their reaction to that?! They couldn't find anyone who was even interested in doing that for them I have been told! I don't know whether Corio PS had tried to make amends at the end for what they had done and just wasn't able to because everyone hated them or am I just giving them too much credit?! A lot of people were adamant it was all talk if the school was put in the position where they could've done it they probably wouldn't have done it! Maybe they would have made a mistake and restored Rodney Ballinger thinking it was me?! You're just too much! They were so adamant that I was Rod it was incredible. People have blind faith in God they had blind faith in a lie I am atonished that you can pull jokes after what the marine corps had done to you?! Let's just say that my medals were not destroyed in the horrible accident that destroyed my living quarters in the marine corps. What would those medals mean now?! My grandmother donated my gradfather's medals from World War I to the RSL (Return Soldiers League) according to the Australian Defence Force (ADF) my father hated her for that and got replicas of them but I would hate to see what my marines medals would be worth now?! Maybe it was a good thing they were destroyed?! That is where I was going too! Maybe going to Corio PS wasn't the worse mistake of my life after all?! You forget that you're not Scott any more, Scott was a Hakari, you don't have a school any more! Thanks for correcting me!

38. Diabolical Hakari Scott Middleton Persona; Diabolical Redaction; Khan Mannasseh Decalogue. 
This is the language of Sharri Law, this is a translation of it in this language: The Hakari of the Scott Middleton persona has been reversed. The Khan Mannaseh Decalogue is the decalogue of Japan that did the Hakari in the first place. It will do a reassessment now then it will throw another sin to replace it. Diabolical Disgrace Scott Middleton Persona; Khan Mannasseh Decalogue This is the language of Sharri Law, this a translation of it in this language. Scott Middleton has been disgraced he now must suffer his shame. Disgraced beings are not worthy of Hakari they must suffer their shame instead! Sin Worthiness; Sin Rescindmente; Rutheran Decalogue. The sin of worthiness rescinds and the decalogue of this language we're speaking (Rutheran) will now punctuate my English this is the language of the disgraced! Do you understand what is happening to you now mortal?! Not Really. You are suffering your shame! This is the decalogue that makes you suffer your shame! That is what this website is all about?! You are suffering your shame which means you have to relive what happened because you do not understand why it's a disgrace and not a dishonor! I had no idea it was the Rutheran Decalogue doing this to me. I thought it was caused because of that school, they were too lazy to fix the problem when they should've There are people in that very position but it's not you because you were dead to them and they left you out of it deliberately because you were dead to them. You must suffer your shame and the Rutheran Decalogue is charged with making you suffer your shame! So it is you doing this to me?! Yes It Is! May I ask you a question?! You may! Is my disgrace reversible in this matter?! If it is reversible mortal it will not be reversed by you it will be reversed by someone for you! Do you know if that is going to happen or not?! I am sorry, you're not worthy of it! Is this going to go on forever?! Nothing goes on forever mortal! Is this now over?! I am sorry, you're not worthy of it. So is this going continue?! It will continue because it's not finished but when it is finished it will not repeat

39. The "Stevie Starvo" Safe Deposit Box
There is a safe deposit box called "Stevie Starvo" at the Bank of America's Washington Branch which has been leased for twenty years (the maximum amount of time permitted for a safe deposit box). If the contents of the box is not collected before the lease expires the contents of the box is to be handed over to the American President at the Whitehouse prior to the lease's expiry the box will then be reallocated to someone else. I believe it's to be posted to the American President now Donald Trump at the Whitehouse marked Confidental -- Replicated Documents (Originals Destroyed). I really don't know the status of this I never followed it up the documents were supposed to be collected by the marine corps Director I just assumed he would do it eventually there was no need for those documents to go to the American President but they would if he never collected them but it he may not have been told either so you can't blame the Director for not doing it. You see, they're not permitted to destroy the contents of the box if it's not collected at the end of the lease they can hand the contents of the box to someone else at the end of the lease this has to be done as part of the lease. When I became aware that documents I had submitted to the marine corps regarding this bug (flaw) in milConnect had been destroyed I became very distrusting of them. I knew they had been destroyed because they would argue with me and claim I never submitted the document after they had stamped it they didn't give receipts for documents in those days I then decided to make photocopies of every form I submitted to the marine corps regarding this problem just in case I had to prove the documents had been submitted by me and they did exist in a court martial I think they may have been witnessed by a justice of the peace, I don't know. Obviously they weren't stamped by the marine corps the copies were made before they were submitted but apparently they got lost in the system after I submitted them. "Stevie Starvo" was the name given to Shane Allsop by me at Chanel College (Lovely Banks) now known to be Rodney Ballinger I gave it that name to remind me of what was in it. 

40. The Marines finally found your enlistment and it has been restored now
Of course they have because there was a photocopy of the deleted enlistment in the group of papers Donald Trump received. Why would you have a copy of your enlistment in those documents?! It was because the marines enlistment had been recreated by me many times. So you photocopied your enlistment just before you had submitted it again?! That's right! Now the Marine Corps Director has done the enlistment there shouldn't be a problem. They won't be able to mistakenly delete it now because he outranks just about everyone in the marine corps except Donald Trump and God. No one there really wanted to deal with this mistake with you. If they came and saw me the problem would've been resolved in seconds I would've been happy to give them another enlistment but it's quite obvious now why that never happened, they didn't really want to fix the problem. They should never have listened to the school when it came to you. Why would you go to Corio PS to deal with the Scott Middleton that went to Corio PS?! In their defence they weren't aware you and the school were enemies. So the school was double dealing me?! Bastards! I have one question, did the marines try when it came to me or was it just delete and forget?! It was a delete and forget I am afraid. The school would've told them they are pretty certain I am Rod when the fifth circuit court of appeals had found I was not Rodney Ballinger I had been misrepresented by Rodney Ballinger yet they never knew about that did they?! What can I say?! They didn't really want to deal with it. Deleting the problem seemed like the best course of action at the time as it was probably a bogus enlistment anyway. Well of course they are going to think that way because that is the problem when it comes to that school the easiest solution is always the best they would think twice about it now because the world is treating them the way they treated me ironically. That is only because the school did it to them they're not really doing anything for you they don't really want too. I know it's a horrible thing to say but it's good to know the way the school treated me wasn't restricted to just me they treated all the people they didn't like the same way. We can at least agree on that because that is true!