Glostoro Part 1 | 1 2 3 4 5 |
11. The American Military responds In the case mentioned the soldiers responsible wrote letters telling the American military what happened and requesting the medals be replaced because it was their fault they were lost. The American military accepted their letter and reissued the medals however, nothing was submitted regarding the destruction of your medals William Scott Middleton and the American military found out about their loss from the website. You may want to court martial the soldiers who had done it to you for conduct unbecoming and if the court martial decides the medals should be replaced then they will be replaced however, the court martial may not decide that it's up to the court martial. Either way the soldiers who had done it to you will be held to account for what they had done to you and you would at least get something for that but we understand you probably don't know who they are and probably wouldn't court martial the right people. We are sorry this situation has left you hateful but the American military insists they are not aware of any soldiers saying the things you have been saying were said about you if they had they would've been disclipined for it obviously. The American military recommends you contact the Judge Advocate General (JAG) and talk to them about your options. The world would prefer you let them do it?! I would have too because I have a funny feeling it wouldn't go beyond JAG they would bury it. |
12. The soldiers that did it to you were Corio PS students! They then killed themselves didn't even leave you a note as to why!
So they rather kill themselves than admit they were wrong?! It does look like that I am afraid. They didn't tell anyone anything just killed themselves?! I am afraid so! It is their fault I have nothing to show for my military service! I am afraid that is true! Rod swore to God in front of me he wasn't the source of the padeophile lie. If you can believe that! Rod never lied to me that's the point! Do you think the school was responsible for the padeophile lie?! They would have to be because Rod never lied to me! So they were responsible for that mistake too?! That is the reason why those science papers were lost! Why would they want to preserve them since he is a padeophile?! They did find them eventually I have been told! So they are in the database now?! Yes and that's been confirmed! The school was responsible for everything that had gone wrong in my life. Everyone knew that William! I was led to believe something else. The site was intended for Rod not you! Don't fall into that trap thinking that was about you! I am wondering was the school responsible for what happened to me in the fitness industry?! No! That was Rod! Are you sure it was Rod?! Could it have been the school behind it?! I would have to do some inquiries Will it is possible the school was behind it. How far does this rabbit hole go?! I thought you didn't care?! It was Scott that didn't care I am not Scott any more The world hates them so much Will I don't know what I can give you if anything but I will try. They have told me to tell you they would try for you. Let's see how far the rabbit hole goes |
13. A much awaited update! The marine corps has said they couldn't replace your medals now because the marines of today do not get the same medals you got they are different to yours and this would be an inappropriate solution for you and they would have to compensate you some other way. The Rangers could not replace your medals today either for the simple fact is they don't exist any more it's a deceased force apparently. Today there is no such thing as the marines and/or the Rangers in the United States military they are different parts of the same force so everyone actually gets the same medals regardless of where they come from within the United States military. You would have two sets of medals, one for the Rangers the other for the marines today you only get one set that represents both which is not correct. It's unfortunate they were both located in the same place at the same time and thus were both destroyed at the same time but there will be court martial's I have been told they want to know why it was never documented. As we speak the world has decided to get involved in this situation because they want too and the Generation Kill marines have been forced to answer questions about their service from an angry public. This is not because of your site however it doesn't have the power or influence over the public to do that at this point in time it's because of allegations made by Calum he is Rudy Reyes and they let him get away with what he had done to you. Now the world wants to know why they did nothing about it because he is boasting about it and something may actually happen now. |
14. The problem in the marine corps has been resolved As we speak the Marine Corps has made a decision to force the Generation Kill marines to record what happened the night your living quarters were destroyed there may be conduct unbecoming charges for some of them most have already done it as of the time of writing. While they will not be able to restore what you lost that night the record has been set straight on what happened that night. The marines who made the mistake will be held to account for not doing the right thing when what was lost could've been replaced because it's too late now. You don't have to thank anyone for anything they did this for you because they wanted too the problem is Calum has a little too much to say and they are going to have to shut him down wherever they can now. As we speak the Corio community has made a decision to shun all those connected to Calum Von Moger and disregard what they told them about you as nothing more than bullshit. In the coming weeks their friends and family will be told what happened while it won't fix the problem with you it will fix it to a point things there will most definately get better for you now. The Rangers do not exist so the problem there can not be fixed a lot of people don't understand why you were in both?! My tour didn't end when the 42nd ended it ended around 6 months later after the 75th had started. So you weren't part of the 75th?! That is correct! The problem was in the 42nd those in 75th should've minded their own business. I think you will find the problem there is fixed too! The problem is in the 42nd not the 75th! The fitness industry insists the problem is Rod. |
15. The problem with the Rangers The problem with the Rangers wasn't you it was Barrett Firearms and the way they treated you regarding the injury with the Barrett RAD. Eventually Barrett Firearms were forced to admit the default configuration of the MRAD is dangerous and they modified the default configuration of the MRAD so it wasn't as dangerous. You however were never exonerated or vindicated for what happened to you with the MRAD and Barrett continues to insist to this very day you were responsible for the gun's wrongful discharge that day not them. It is because of this you were not awarded damages and were not compensated for your suffering because you caused the MRAD to wrongfully discharge that day and it is something Barrett even to this very day has not corrected they just don't want to talk about what happened that day now the Rangers don't exist any more for it to matter but it did matter to them they did kick up a rather big stink about it too. Fortunately for you the situation has given the MRAD a really bad reputation it has become one of the most unpopular products on Barrett's product list that is something they do regret. Even now some stockists refuse to stock the MRAD because they still believe it's dangerous because of what it did to you. Unfortunately things have been like this for just over ten years now and it looks like it's not going to change either as you may remember the court martial didn't make a decision regarding who was responsible for the injury that day just that you sustained an injury that prevented you from continuing your service in the Rangers and you were exited from your service early. |
The marines got Netware Administrator and Console One out of you while
the Rangers got some Google Intranet but they loved it?!
happened to Netware was sad when the company went bankrupt the
liquidators did a fire sale of everything that was Netware. Microsoft
and Apple sat in the room buying off everything, Apple got
Zen Works and Microsoft got Active Directory it went back and
forth, back and forth. When it came to Console One and Netware
Admistrator the Marine Corps got it for $700,000 they hated me for
it they just didn't appreciate it today it's known as milConnect! Everyone
knows this story quite frankly it's boring as far as the marines
are concerned even if they don't appreciate it. What everyone wants to
talk about is the Google Intranet which Google says was your idea and
is their biggest cash cow now. The
idea is a personalised Google Search it searches your companies
servers rather than Google's provides search results from
your company servers rather than Google's. Google liked the idea so
much they rewrote the Search Engine to make it possible because it
wasn't at the time. Now you can quite literally buy your own Google
Search use it in your own company to search your own company
records and the Rangers were the first. Okay, could you tell us why the Rangers got Google Search not milConnect?! The
marines had a system but it had been destroyed by hackers
milConnect was a replacement the Rangers didn't have a system they
used paper forms and had been for years. The Rangers didn't want to
change they liked things just the way they are so the paper forms were
scanned into a computer and uploaded onto a server a Google Search was
provided as a way of searching those uploads for the paper forms
online. So what you're saying is they would scan your enlistment
into a computer upload it on to a server then use a Personalised
version of Google's Search to find it on the server?! Yes! There was no database?! No! This is a stupid idea?! If what you say is true, they loved it that way!
17. It finally blows up in Calum Von Moger's face! The Generation Kill marines said Rudy Reyes (Calum Von Moger) begged them in tears not to say anything it was his problem and he wanted to deal with it. They gave him the benefit of the doubt they didn't think for a second he wouldn't have done anything about it but that is what happened. The Generation Kill marines have said the reunion was his idea. They wouldn't talk to me about it they would talk about it but not with me! There was talk Corio PS told them Rodney Ballinger wanted a reunion then drops a bomb on them at the reunion makes them wish they never had one That is ironic because the Generation Kill Reunion was Rudy's idea apparently most of them didn't want one he talked them into it. He got so intoxicated during the reunion he embarassed everyone that went to it. For what it's worth I lost more than my medals there! I wish I knew what I knew now! I would've moved as soon as he turned up! Everything was fine until Rudy turned up I should've gone rather than try to fix it! That is very good advice I can tell you for a fact this hasn't changed the way they feel about you but it has made Rudy Reyes wish he never did it now because it blew up in his face. He was dishonorably discharged I have been told! That is true! They can't do much about it now can they?! That is true! If you were to move out of Corio they would lose you forever! There is no point in doing that I don't think anything is going to change! Are you sure?! I am certain of it! If anything was going to change it would've already happened. I would have to agree! A lot of marines don't know where these comments came from?! Those Generation Kill marines! They were saying it?! Yes! Now it can be fixed! They were so much like the school in retrospect. |
18. Ben the team leader of the Generation Kill marines says he has a responsibility he doesn't want with you
Reyes was an orphan?! You missed that slap in the face didn't you Ben
or maybe it wasn't a slap in the face that is how he really
felt about you?! He doesn't even have to be there to know what happened there?! Incredible! I
am General Colonel Ben I could trash you to all these people and there
is not a god damn thing you can do about it because I out rank you but
I am not going to pull rank here because I don't have too because it
was Rudy you failed not me! Even Rudy said he would've preferred you over him any day. Rudy needed a lot of love he had been hurt I couldn't give it to him because I hated them for the way I was being treated. Boom! You're
so much like Ben Roberts Smith from the Australian SAS only in a
marines version. Oliver Shultz was so much like the Australian SAS
version of Rudy Reyes it's incredible. So what you have here are two different forces but the same type of team leader?! And
the outcome is the same in both forces except one are Australian SAS
commando's and the other are marines and they don't react exactly the
same way obviously. I love this
parallel, you have Ben and his marines and you have Ben and his
Australian SAS commando's. Oliver Shultz is Rudy Reyes and Rudy Reyes
is Oliver Shultz and it's the same problem in each force?! That is correct! So it's a small wonder your living quarters in both forces was destroyed?! It's the same problem in each force?! Faulty equipment that is reported as faulty but is not replaced because the team leader is too lazy to authorise the change. Well he can't because you aren't really an Australian SAS commando?! Imagine if you were and had medals there too?! You're not helping! I can't help myself with you here it's like Deja Vu with you
19. Rudy Reyes apologises to you it was an unintentional mistake! He thought you had been told! I understand it was an unintentional mistake but if I knew I would've stayed and I do outrank Brad and I would've been able to help you out at your court martial but I moved because I was told by superiors that I should move because they didn't know what was going on there and it looked suspicious. They feared it might have been a set up and the only way to protect myself was to get fuck out of there (their words not mine). Rudy insists he was being set up by Brad you weren't being set up that is why he was dishonorably discharged! Rudy couldn't really understand why you reacted the way you did because surely you knew but that was the problem, you didn't know! He didn't think for a moment you hadn't been told what happened! I guess you will know better next time to make sure everyone, I mean everyone, knew how you felt. I know it's none of my business but this may have been what happened with Ant Middleton too, you assumed he knew but he didn't know either apparently. In future just come out and tell them even if you think they already know tell them again the worst they can say to you is, I didn't know that which is what I would've told you! What about Ben Roberts Smith a lot of Australian SAS commando's are really interested now in how this one played out! The Bereton Report researched it, the Australian Defence Force researched it, the Australian Federal Police researched it they even got the Return Soldiers League (RSL) to research it and no one could find any record of any enlistment of me in the Australian SAS. The document I had was given back to the person that gave it to me and I guess it was destroyed afterwards because they didn't have it apparently. Ben Roberts Smith buried his mistake?! Possibly! Too lazy to do the enlistment he just assmed someone else would've done it for him! They would know him better than I That is why yours wasn't done because they wanted Ben to do it and he never did! |
20. The final word on it! Ben was eventually dishonorably discharged from the marine corps for what he had done but Ben Roberts Smith wasn't he was just reprimanded over it many Australian SAS commando's are disappointed with that outcome! Ben Roberts Smith couldn't have served now even if he wanted too because his reputation has been ruined by this situation so it doesn't really matter if he was dishonorably discharged or not his career is over regardless! You couldn't do it either could you?! That is true! What if I told you Rudy Reyes didn't tell you deliberately although he would never say that?! He is Rod I didn't know that then it would've been different now because I know he is Rod! So if it was now you would've transferred because it was Rod?! Yes but sometimes you have to wait because there are no positions available that did happen to me every time I left so my leaving was spontaneous! But you weren't missed is the point I am trying to make! I know that sometimes I would be transferred back to a place where I had been in the past! How did they react to that?! Didn't know who I was not even my name rang a bell! Did they remember the one that caused it?! Yes they did and they hated him. What did they tell you exactly?! Nothing! They were very vocal about it to everyone because they hated him! But none of them remembered you?! It's sad but true! You know what that tells me?! What?! You should have never been there! If I could have my time again I wouldn't have been a marine! But if it was today?! I wouldn't have done anything I had done in the past! |