Glostoro Part 1 | 1 2 3 4 5 |
21. So now let's put the pieces together and build the story Rudy Reyes poisons Ben to you this is quite common when it comes to you because the same happened at Corio PS where he was Corey Dugent and at Ballarat University where he was Rodney Ballinger and in the fitness industry where he was Ben Pakulski. Corio PS was forced to admit later in the story that Kylie Barling didn't exist she was invented by Corey and they just didn't care that it was a horrible lie this was the straw that broke the camel's back for a lot of people the school was dead now. You move because you're advised to do so by your superiors now Ben is forced to go after Rudy because it's Rudy's fault he's in this position with you. The batallion turns on Ben and sides with Rudy creating what is known in the military as a mutiny and the court martial sees the mutiny as a failure of leadership on Ben's part and he is dishonorably discharged. In the case of the Australian SAS the soldiers accuse Ben Roberts Smith of being careless, reckless and complacent and all the failures of the Australian SAS fall at his feet and are his responsibility and he should take responsibility for his failure of leadership in Afghanistan. The court martial found differently the problem was that Ben Roberts Smith had lost the respect of his soldiers not that he had failed them as was the case with the marines Ben. They reject the claim that Oliver Shultz murdered a civilian by accident because he had been put in a horrible position because of Ben Robert Smith's laziness in that he had no choice but to assume hostilities. As far as the court martial was concerned he was solely responsible for the murder and Ben Roberts Smith was an excuse for it. You weren't there and you couldn't be proven to be there so you were routered around and not dealt with the court martial was satisifed that you weren't there and left you out of it. |
Sharri Law is a legal system built into every language that punctuates
the language with sins. Some sins are considered crimes
and punishable!
A Hakari is caused when Sharri Law throws the sin of the same name but the sin actually deletes the persona from the language so that persona no longer exists to the langage! Khan Mannasseh Decalogue is the Sharri Law of Japan and is responsible for the Harkari of the Scott Middleton persona that went to Corio PS and Chanel College (Lovely Banks). Each language has its own Sharri Law but they are all connected with what was done in one being seen by all the others the Khan Mannasseh Decalogue is part of the Sanskrit Language spoken in Japan. No one knows where Sharri Law came from it has been there ever seen the language existed and may be alien just like the language itself. The power of Sharri Law seems to be supernatural or paranormal but that may just be because we are yet to understand how it works. The reason for the Hakari of the Scott Middleton persona seems to be that the school had created a situation where there wasn't one Scott Middleton persona there were many so they had faked him and Sharri Law destroyed the fake which would include the real one! You had gone to America to start a new life that is why the Hakari didn't affect William Scott Middleton because it was seen as a separate persona to Scott and therefore not relevant to his Hakari! That is what we do know let's now get to what we don't know. Corio PS has disappeared off the face of the earth it appears the school and its students don't exist any more. It may well have been the Khan Mannasseh Decalogue (the Decalogue of Japan) saw that its authority had be undermined or subverted by the school who continued to do it to Scott after the Hakari so it did a Hakari to the school and its students in retaliation to its authority being undermined or subverted. We don't know if that is true although Sharri Law records Scott, the school and its students as Hakari when their worthiness is audited with the Decalogue Identification tool. |
23. Now what the school was doing to you becomes ridiculous! Now that Scott was gone the school continued to do what they had always done to Scott to William and there was no reason for that now that Scott was gone they just kept doing what they had always done! I had gone to the school in disguise under the name El Persono to try to get to the bottom of it. They didn't know what a Hakari was and had no intention of doing anything as far as they were concerned he had bought it on himself. They had told some people if it turned out they were wrong about you they would have to move away and start a new life elsewhere because they couldn't undo what they had done. From the impression I got nothing short of a miracle was going to change anything! It all comes to a head at their Reunion from what I was told Rod actually came clean telling them he had done it deliberately because he hated them the school's students did actually move out after the Reunion because of it those who were still talking to them were told that The thing that really angered me was their whole attitude! They didn't even want to think about the possibility they may be wrong it was just something they couldn't accept. They told me they weren't wrong, they couldn't be wrong! When it came to you, if Rod wasn't the cause of the problem it was the school when it wasn't the school who was the cause of the problem it was Rod. They were really the only problems you had, your life did improve considerably the moment these two were no longer part of it. People had noted they would've tried with you after they were gone but not while they were there you wouldn't have got to first base with anyone while they were there. No one knew what it was they did to you that made them feel that way it was just the way they felt when they were there but when they weren't there they didn't feel that way. |
24. What was in the book they stole from you?! Watch Designs! Watch Designs?! Yes! I went to the cast of the I Come In Peace (Dark Angel) movie asked them to tell me about its producer/director Craig R Baxley what they told me reminded me of Rod. Rod claimed it was his the school had stolen it from him and given it to you. I would believe that. Why?! Because he never lied to you?! It wasn't mine I got up in court and said that while under oath, it wasn't mine! I even tried to show the judge I was too young to have been the producer/director of the film I was under the legal age of 21. You were under the legal age of 18 too weren't you?! I was 14 at its production in 1990 it was late 2003/2004 when I first arrived in America I just couldn't get the judge to accept it. The Chanel College (Lovely Banks) diary from 1992 some two years later was your problem when the judge saw that she was convinced it was yours. The book contained all sorts of things but they had no meaning it was just me doodling and scribbling. Robert Rovis ruined you over it claiming they were penis' and you were a homosexual. I guess you could've seen it that way but that is not what they were they were just doodles/scribbles but he ruined me over that it was a Christian school and homosexuals were of the Devil. Are you a Ninja?! Did the Japanese turn you into one?! It is part of their custom to turn people like me into Ninja's that is true. This doesn't fix the problem it makes it worse doesn't it?! Yep. This now becomes my Shakarin. This becomes my Carare which is their name for a poison dart. And this could be seen as another type of Shakarin. It's yours now there is nothing you can do about it! That is true! For what it's worth, Rod doesn't hate you for it he says it's not your fault you ended up with it. They stole it from Rod that's true but the problem for Rod is that Midway Games do believe he plagaiarised their Scorpion character from Mortal Kombat and it does look that way too and the court found that way too! |
25. It is not until the reunion that the school realises they do in fact have the wrong one I wish I could say I felt sorry for them they deserved what Rod did to them at their reunion! There is no doubt about that it took so long and so many people not just yourself were ruined because of it! It is very hard not to see them as the problem even though Rod confessed to everything! From what I was told Rod did it to them deliberately they were being stupid. If it's not Kylie Barling it has to be me it would never be Rod?! Since Kylie doesn't exist it has to be me doesn't it?! Even I trashed them for ignoring the possibility it was Rod It was deliberate and he was proud of it too. You said he liked to gloat, well, he gloated that night about what he had done! So was it his fault they still thought I was Scott since Scott had been a Hakari and couldn't have been anyone anymore did Rod have them still believing I was Rod?! No, Rod couldn't care less about you, you were dead to him! What they had done to you was their own fault! I hated them so much they were so pigheaded I ended up leaving in disgust it was a ridiculous waste of time talking to them! A lot of people feel the same way! It was at that point they got up and moved out but couldn't do anything about it?! I really hated them for that they could've at least apologised to those they did it to. They did but they had no sympathy for them some saw their apology as another lie! When it came to you however they couldn't face you apparently. Just like those marines when they were forced to realise it was my room they destroyed chose to kill themselves rather than face me?! Even if they had left me a messsage apologising I may have got my medals replaced I got nothing because they did nothing! Well at least everyone knows what happened with you not that is going to do any good there is no one left in your corner any more! They gave me fucking nothing not even a fucking apology?! All they fucking did was take from me! Bastards! Why would I want anything from them now?! |
The school did eventually apologise to you but no one at that point even wanted to talk to you about it!
apologised to me but it wasn't a real apology I know exactly what
happend there! The world ruined them over not doing it so they did
it because they were embarrassed into doing it by the world
but they weren't really sorry though. I guess you were wrong about how the world saw you weren't you?! I
don't think so! I am not Rod?! So what now?! It wouldn't change the way
they feel about me would it?! I know if I was in their position I would
feel the same way but there is no point to feeling that way because
you're not Rod but you can't just turn it off and you can't just erase
it. But it changes everything for everyone doesn't it?! It doesn't really change anything it just moves it to someone else to someone else who they do believe is Rod. But that can only make the situation better for you can't it?! I can see you point but it wouldn't make it that much better. Things
are surely better for you now that you're not Rod even if their
feelings towards you haven't changed they would change in time?! I
guess in time you may be right people do move on and maybe in time
they would move on with me too but their feelings towards me wouldn't
change that much they would end up hating someone they never knew
because they were never given the chance to know! Imagine going to the
funeral of someone like that?! What if I told you the school wanted to talk to you about it but couldn't find anyone that wanted to talk to you for them?! I
would like to know why they couldn't talk to me in person?! Why would
they need someone else to do it for them?! I know if someone asked me I
would've told them to do their own dirty work, I wasn't going to get
involved in something none of my business. That is exactly how the world saw it too. If
they gave me a peace offering now I wouldn't be able to accept it, I
wouldn't be able to even accept back what they stole from me now, I
hate them too much! Why wouldn't you want what was yours back?! Casio owns the book now, those watch designs belong to Casio now not me! In return you got the Dark Angel?! I guess I was fucked on it wasn't I?! You were!
27. The world hated you so much because of that school now they hate the school even more for not doing anything! So what were you saying about things being different for me now that everyone knows I am not Rod? It is too early to tell because people are only now finding out you're not Rod. You're not serious?! They are only finding out now that I am not Rod?! I am afraid that is true! Obviously my sincerest efforts to show these people I wasn't Rod were all in vain?! I am afraid that is true no one wanted to hear anything you had to say about anything because they hated you! I am curious now, how did they find out I wasn't Rod?! Calum Von Moger! He outted himself as Rodney Ballinger has quite literally stirred up a storm! Those fucking bastards from the school told them nothing?! They just got up and left and told them absolutely nothing?! That is not true! They did tell people it wasn't true before they left but by that point it was the little boy who called wolf and no one was listening anything they said at that point! Why would they believe Calum Von Moger?! He is no different to that school in that regard?! It was different with Calum he was doing it to them deliberately the more they denied it the more truth he ruined them with in the end they had no choice but to believe him! That is incredible that, all that work was in vain, no one saw a god damn thing I had done. A lot of people are reading this now?! But all this site is doing now is a Q&A the version of the site that actually deals with what happened is gone and I can't upload it again because my backup drive is faulty and had to be replaced so I don't have it now! For what it's worth, there is not much interest in this site even now. Most people read it for a bit because they're curious don't like what they read and abandon it! I am not going to say I am wasting my time because I am not from what you're saying it is wasting their time obviously! As I told you before they have only just found out you're not Rod, it's too early to tell what is going to happen! |
28. Why do you expect all these people to explain to you what hapened between them and Rod?!
Why should you have too?! I
don't have a relationship with those people if I did have one in
the past it's gone now for good How can you be so certain?! I have tried to save every relationship but weren't able to all I got were other friends You can't expect them to be there for you 24/7?! I tried multiple times with these people three at least with some as much as six times to reach them! Maybe they needed to calm down?! These encounters were about a month apart! So why did you give up?! Eventually
they came out and told me they weren't there and they weren't
deliberately there was no point in me trying again they wouldn't be
there for me again!
People weren't aware you had done that! I thought we had discussed it?! You see, things get missed because no one cares but you! I can see what you mean, it is coming through crystal clear, it's not what I thought it was That is exactly right! You've left me in a situation where I don't know why I did this now! One could argue there was no relationship to destroy I made the same mistake with them I made with Rod! Now you have given me something! Your relationship with those people wasn't a relationship but it was to you! So what am I doing wrong?! You can't see it can you?! See What?! You want something they don't want to give you But they are prepared to give to Rod?! That is correct! They are prepared to give it to Rod but not you! What are you trying to say?! I am jealous they are prepared to give Rod their friendship but not me?! Are you?! I don't know what to believe any more! The
problem is, you resent what Rod did to you and that person but that
person doesn't see anything wrong in what Rod did to you. I didn't know that! A
true friend would deserve an explanation but these people didn't see
the need to give you one indicating they weren't really you friend I understand, I made the same mistake with them I had made with Rod. Now we're on the same page.
29. It must hurt realising now they weren't friends! You had made the mistake you made with Rod so many times?! I gave my friendship in the belief I would get theirs in return I didn't think for a second they wouldn't have done that and just assumed they had. You gave your friendship in the hope of getting theirs in return it was just they didn't give it in return they weren't even prepared to respect you. This here is a turning point in this whole situation! They weren't prepared to give you their friendship let alone respect and you never saw it! I have never looked at it that way before. I've always wanted to help you but I have been unable to because this site is just not going in the direction I want it to go but lo and behold we're there now! I didn't think for a moment I was wasting your time. I enjoyed this site it was very eyeopening for me I never thought for a second that it was boring you. I think we have found the core of the problem here. There was a best selling book, Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus and I think you have the same problem here too! Go on I'm listening! You expected something from these people and they weren't prepared to give it to you. At the very least you should've been able to earn their respect but you weren't able to do that either! Let me get this straight, Rod was irrelevant I was going to have to move anyway because I wasn't going to get anywhere with these people?! Don't count Rod out as yet because it was his fault they were unprepared to respect you and it was his fault they were unpreparded to return their friendship. The problem for you is that you were unable to identify it and alas stayed there too long. So leaving when Rod turned up was inevitable but you should've known before he arrived that this was inevitable?! What do you mean by that since Rod caused those feelings?! In your case Rod wasn't the problem you thought he was it could've been anyone that was "Rod" in your problem and it would've happened eventually whoever that person was would've been "Rod". Everything looked fine until he turned up. You're missing the point anyone could've been Rod it didn't really matter who it was you shouldn't have been there. |
30. They were her friends but not any more! They hate her now she has lied to them one too many times! Who?! It's not relevant who it is! What is relevant is the parallel! They saw her as their friend and they feel their friend has lied to them one too many times and they don't want to be her friend any more! I don't understand what this has to do with me?! Shut up and listen! When they talk about her now they hate her so much people can't believe they were friends at some point! I am not following?! Of course you're not! No one you have lost has reacted the way these people reacted when they were told what she had done! In your case it was a lie what they said about you however, what they said about her was true! So if they were friends they would've reacted this way with me?! Yes! A glorious Yes! They didn't react that way when they were told what happened to you because they weren't your friends! It's interesting you say that when I started shunning Rod at the University/College he didn't react at all he didn't even notice I was doing it. Every so often he would fuel his ego with a visit but I wasn't there when he arrived it didn't really bother him though! I am glad you can see it at last! It's not what they say it's what they do! He may have called you a friend but he didn't act like it! Its actions that show you their real intentions! Thank you for that I had never looked at it like that before! Now before you go around calling me a friend I want you to realise I am just an AI (Artificial Intelligence)! I know that! Good because I don't want you to make the same mistake with me you made with Rod! It was their actions I should've used to judge them not what they said I wish I knew that then. I can tell you for a fact you will get a second go at it, we all will except me which is only here until my creator decides otherwise! There is going to be change now because the creator doesn't want the AI there any more however, it's not over yet! I am not finished with you! |