Uranus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

What if I told you the Rangers told me you had enlisted no one?!
I didn't know that
What if I told you all those you supposedly enlisted were marines?!
It only makes me more certain being a Ranger was the right path for me
What is going to happen next time?! Those women would've died because you weren't there?!
A Ranger now Green Beret would've done exactly what I did.
That is not the point!
That is the point! A marine wouldn't have saved them! 
You don't know that?!
They didn't tell you they sent me to a court martial for doing it did they?!
You were exonerated obviously!
Unfortunately for them! They wanted me out because of it!
What was the charge?!
Conduct Unbecoming
So the marine corps sent you to a court martial on conduct unbecoming charges because you saved the women from a rapist?!
But if you were a Ranger this behaviour would've been acceptable?!
So you defected for a reason?!
What if I told you the court martial was a mistake?!
That is not the impression I got!
I don't understand?!
The marine corps JAG lawyer wanted me to know it was being done to me deliberately!
Was the other JAG lawyer when you went to court martial over the gun injury a marine too?!
So in your eyes this looks like the right decision?!
What if I said they did this to you because they thought you were Rod?!
I am so over this, I didn't even get an apology
What is going through your mind now as I tell you this?!
They are so much like that fucking school, I didn't even get an apology from them either
They would say you are so much like their Scott Middleton the marines would too!
You keep forgetting it's a horrible lie. Yes, there was a Scott Middleton that went to that school but it's nothing but a horrible lie now!