
21. When you became dead to them all they blamed Kylie Barling for everything. Now they are going to blame Kylie Barling for everything because you left with your brother. This doesn't fix the problem it only makes it worse!
I can't fix the problem with this school because I don't know how too but everyone is in the same boat there too I realise. The only solution I see for myself is that I leave with my brother Michael and the school can go to Hell!  
22. But then you go to Hell too, just not that Hell but another! As you realise now the problem follows you regardless of what you do. You will be no better off than you were in America, if you go with your brother, do you realise that?!

The school had came out and told me that the only way I could've solved the problem was if I was never born but that doesn't solve the problem it just moves everything to Kylie Barling and she becomes the problem because I was never born!

23. None of us considered that possibility. If you were never born Kylie Barling is still the problem!

The only sensible solution is to say that neither me or Kylie Barling are the problem because the problem can't be solved if we are the problem the problem can be solved if the problem was someone else like Rodney Ballinger for example. 

24. All that proves is Rod killed Kylie because you're still alive! If you were both dead Rod killed you both! If you were never born it's Rod's fault! Everything is Rod's fault if you were never born! This doesn't solve the problem for anyone it makes it worse. 
Maybe it is the school that should never have been born?! That solves the problem for everyone!
If you ever came to this place it would've ended because it has to end. There is a horrible curse on the school where it only ends when someone finds a solution.
25. You are the only one in the school that has accepted this solution?!
I am the one that is dead to them all, I have no problems accepting this solution! I am not losing a school here I never had a school to lose. I don't have a school because I am the problem in the school. I have gone to the ends of the earth to try and prove I am not the problem but not any more, I just don't care any more, I have no problems accepting this solution there wasn't a school to be a problem!
26. So from your perspective the real problem was between Rod and Kylie and you're not getting involved because it's none of your business?!
You're damn right there! The school never existed to be a problem for anyone! It was just a lover's quarrel between Rod and Kyle that is all it ever was!
27. Maybe if you moved to America now things would be different?!
That is the story of my life, everything is out of order but to be brutally honest, I don't think anything is going to change there for me now.
28. I don't feel sorry for you I will be honest there. I really don't care what happens to you to be honest. I do sympathise with you on one thing, you have been dragged into something that is none of your business and for that I am sorry!
For what it's worth at least you tried they never tried! I thank you for trying you've done more than they ever did! I can't thank them for anything they've never done anything I can thank them for but I am thanking you for what you've done.
29. I don't know how you can thank me when I can't do anything about it?!
I am no longer ignorant any more thanks to you!
It was a very horrible thing to do to them but I can see now why you did it.
30. You had no idea people had this problem with you?!
The only indication I had this was a problem was when it came up in a Microsoft, Apple and CIA job interview. At the time I thought it was an evil way of saying no to me I didn't think for a second what they were saying was true it sounded too absurd to be true it was over twenty years ago! Thanks to you I realise now it's true, it's all true, even now thirty years later it's still true, I have been so blind to it!

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