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Now for those who don't know the Navy SEALS were all run by what is known as a war room it was given many names depending upon what part of it you came from but the most common names were Area 51, ECHELON and Pine Gap in that order. At the time we didn't know what happened today we know what happened, it's obvious! Someone or something took out the core, the war room namely, Area 51, ECHELON and Pine Gap and every SEAL died as a consequence of it. Ignorance is a punishment all of its own and every Navy SEAL knows how horrible the punishment of Ignorance is because we were all ignorant over what happened but today hindsight being what it is makes it obvious what happened and we're not ignorant any more. I worked there and for me it was like going to work one day and everything was fine and coming to work the next day and everything was gone. That is what it was like for someone that worked there it just wasn't there any more. I spent hours looking for dead bodies thinking that they were all murdered and that's what happened but I found nothing, nothing had changed it was just no one was there any more! It's the type of thing you wouldn't want to wish on your worst enemy but that's not the half of it. People like me came into work like it was any other day and found exactly what I had found but I will tell you one thing there was a sniper there and he took out everyone but me. There was no doubt in my mind something horribly wrong happened here but I was sure as Hell not going to be the next Lee Harvey Oswald so never spoke about again up until this day. What reason could the marine corps have for purchasing the ROTC building except to create dare I say it another Area 51, ECHELON, Pine Gap?! The truth of the matter is the ROTC marine or the Marine Ranger was so close to a Navy SEAL it would in many ways look just like one they just had a diferent attitude to the mission but were in essence the same. If what I am saying is true the marine of the future will be a Navy SEAL of sorts the ROTC building will be its war room, it's core, it's Area 51 and there is an old saying, those who fail to learn from the past are condemned to repeat it no one learnt anything from the demise of the Navy SEALS and we run the risk of recreating the same problem with the marine corps in the future if we keep going down this road. The Navy SEALS can be summed up like this, it's a force strongest at its most weakest point. The idea of having a central command centre where everything is controlled from one place seems like a great idea, it's not! While it may work with one Navy SEAL team or one SWAT team maybe even two or three when used to control everything you leave yourself exposed to an easy defeat, one attack once!
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