<< The Violins >>
  • Barrett Firearms insist they have fixed all the problems in the MRAD and it is now safe to use. The problem is it has a reputation for being a death trap now and no one wants to use it regardless of how good it is! They won't even stock it or order it in most gun stores today! 
    • Just recently Barrett was hit with a major blow to MRAD sales when the United States Military decided to decommission the rifle and make it illegal for soldiers to serve with because of evidence it's too dangerous to use!
      • You have been exonerated and while the U.S military has apologised for what has happened to you with the MRAD they still insist even today you were not a victim of racism while you served but this is a step in the right direction for you.
        • A lot of marines from the 1st Batallion (the marines behind Generation Kill) have come out and said they thought you were Rudy Reyes. What they said to you was intended for Rudy Reyes not you and apologise to you they had mistakened you for Rudy.
          • Your apology is accepted. I should've tried to show you, you were wrong about me, I had the same problem with Rodney Ballinger you see! I was just so over it happening to me again! I am sorry to all of you too! 
            • Brock Lesnar recently let loose claiming you are the reason why everything is going wrong for him. He hates you so much now he claims you have ruined his life. He wishes you were never born and has threatened to kill you if you and him ever see each other again.
              • Just recently Brock Lesnar was charged for second degree murder (manslaughter) but the trial is ongoing and no more information is available at this time. This charge is a real charge he hasn't just made it up to scare you. 
                • The world is not suprised by these developments now Corio PS has gone everything is clear! This means Corio PS must have existed at some point and it was the problem while it existed now it's gone everything seems to be fixing itself.
                  • As you have already said, the Ranger died when the 42nd Airborne Regiment died. The 75th were Green Berets NOT Rangers and replaced them but you however are not considered part of the 75th but the 42nd
                    • That may be right I don't know what happened there to be honest! It may have been I was never enlisted in the 75th, when I came back it was as a 42nd in the 75th I will never know what really happened now because of Brock Lesnar.
                      • Well that is consistent with what they are saying because it is possible to do that even now! Even now there are 42nd's in the 75th and so you're not a special case there!
                        • I don't have to tell you the Navy SEALs disappeared under mysterious circumstances as you already know that! The problem is no one knows what happened to them!

  • Why didn't you go to the marines graduation?! It is such a big thing and so important that it's inconceivable to think you would've got out of going without being severely punished for not turning up.
    • I was ordered by the court martial to finish the training that Brock Lesnar started. I was doing my mutual obligation and training at the same time at night because I was contracted to the Rangers and was being a Ranger during the day. I asked for permission from the marines director to be excluded from the graduation because of my circumstances and he agreed. I wasn't a marine I was a Ranger it would've looked very awkward a Ranger being at a marines graduation.
      • That would explain why you smelled like the can (toilet). Some marines even to this very day remember your smell.
        • I am not going to lie to you I was wearing the same clothes and had been wearing the same clothes for months I just didn't have the time to shower and change them so I didn't I wore the same clothes and same equipment day in and day out. My first shower and clothes change was the day I graduated. While you were all celebrating I was sleeping I had got the Rangers to give me a week off and I spent it in a cheap hotel.
          • You have done yourself a disservice now. Everyone knows who you are now and next time you aren't getting out of it. Some are even saying if your back wasn't as fucked as it was you would still be in the service even now.
            • I apologise to you all I should've just come out and told you all what Brock Lesnar had done to me. I realise now this is why Brock Lesnar was able to do it to me because you didn't know shit about me! If I had done this back then it would've been a lot more difficult for Brock Lesnar to do it to me and get away with it because you all knew about it!
              • Finally you realise why everyone hated you back then and nothing much has changed for them even now but at least now they understand what happened and why it happened and it helps them deal with it to a point.
                • I will admit I made so many mistakes in this situation.
                  • Well you can go back to bed now because you're finished here.