<< The Violins >>
  • I couldn't get out of the bed every time I did so my heart would stop. I was plaster casted around my chest and back it was believed my rib cage may come off it was full of small cracks from the exploding rifle! The military was unsympathetic and resented having to pay anything when it came to my hospital care!
    • The hospital was great changing my bed sheets everyday because I couldn't get out of the bed every time I tried to go I would die. They sat down and explained everything to me, I was plaster casted because they thought my rid cage may come off from all the cracks on it!
      • I saw no one. Not a single person came to see me in the hospital. Did they know I was there?! Loneliness can be horrible! All the military could do was critize me because they were there because they had to be not because they wanted to be!
        • Barrett blamed me for what happened to the MRAD but I wasn't surprised that is the thing with Black Ops if it all goes wrong as this one did the only one that survives it is blamed for it.
          • The hospital was livid when the Great Benefit lawyer came to see me to tell me Great Benefit will not be paying my hosptial costs it was bankrupt. They really hated him for that but it was true who was going to pay for my costs?!
            • The hospital told me the United States military would pay for it because they are required to by law now I knew why they reacted the way they reacted but at time it made no sense why they would react that way.
              • The United States military expected me to finish my service even though I was injured at the time. They were adamant only a court marital would stop it they came out and said it, they believed I was playing on it.
                • I contacted JAG and they got involved at the time they were neutral by the end of it JAG had sided with me. The United States military were red faced but didn't apologise they weren't even sorry!
                  • JAG were great they did everything beautifully and I couldn't fault them but I would have to go back to work injured until the court martial.

  • When I returned nothing had changed everything had got worse the soldiers sort of liked me not being there and didn't adapt well to the idea of me being back. 
    • They didn't know and it was because they didn't want to know they liked things better when I wasn't there.
      • I grew to hate them because they hated me and maybe I was this "Meltone" character they refer to but it was only because they had made it.
        • Nothing had changed nothing more had been done either I was still forced to carry that uncoded BDU while working.
          • The court marital date was approaching but it was taking too long I would often call JAG to get it moved to an earlier date they would refuse!
            • After doing the Articles of Allegiance you can throw away your Green Card because you don't need it any more but even though mine had expired it ended up becoming an issue of contention with everyone.
              • I had to go to court (not a court marital) and get a civilian court to make a decision on behalf of the IRS (American Tax Office) that I pay tax at the same rate as every other American not at the Green Card rate!
                • My attempts to get a house failed as was my attempts to rent a house. The problem seemed to be the same, no one wants to give a crim anything, no one wants to trust a crim with anything either! 
                  • Every so often Brock Lesnar would turn up and use his Kimura Lock on me I just didn't have the time and would shoot him with plastic bullets. They have been decommissioned as too dangerous to use but I use them because I have no choice.
                    • I am doing back to back shifts now and I am sleeping at my place of employment whenever I can get the opportunity no one seems to care whether I am there or not now.
                      • The credit card has been redacted at this point it was useless to me because I had gone over its $50,000 limit and I wasn't sorry about it either.
                        • I have my M249 and M249 SAW (I carried both) decomissioned deliberately and FN Hestel (the manufacturer) had to come and get it because I don't trust them!
                          • The court marital day arrives they decide to set dates for the other matters and deal with them in separate courts this one is only going to deal with the disability.