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Arnold Schwarzenegger has admitted he was unaware the soldier that had the problems with the IRS was you this changes everything because you couldn't have done it to him because you were in prison! It was Ben doing it to Arnold not you and Arnold wishes he knew that then because it was Ben he should've gone after not you. Arnold did ruin your career in the fitness industry thinking you were the one that did it to him! The IRS apologises to William Scott Middleton for expecting him to pay Brock Lesnar's tax debt it was an unethical and unconstitional thing to do and they apologise for that they were confused over who you were however, they insist they didn't make a mistake on the other matter the tax you were required to pay was required to be paid because you hadn't finished the allegiance! It is believed although it is yet to be proven Ben Pakulski is Brock Lesnar in disguise. Brock Lesnar may also have been Matthew Smedley in disguise. If you're not familiar with who Matthew Smedley is this video here will fill in the gaps for you. Fighters from the WWE and UFC are aware Brock Lesnar has a bad temper and has killed people because of it he has done time for it too but for some reason seems to get out of it relatively easily on reasonable doubt! Chanel College (Lovely Banks) has reached out to you and said they suffered the same fate as the Corio community! The lies of Corio PS has destroyed everything for them just as it did for the Corio community! With that said however they are adamant the problems that they had there with you were Brock Lesnar's fault! If what you say is true, Brock Lesnar is Corey Dugent all grown up and is using the school's lies to protect himself! In a fit of rage he lost his temper and murdered Kylie Barling. In a fit of rage he broke your jaw. In a fit of rage he murdered women and Rick Crowley unintentionally gave him an alibi. A lot of people were unaware rape was not illegal in those days the best you could do was put them in prison for 48 hours. This was so incredible people checked it out only to find out it was true! There wasn't anything you could do about it and the shit has hit the fan again and again because people didn't know it wasn't illegal! People knew Brock Lesnar had raped people and felt you had botched it that's why he got away with it they had no idea it wasn't illegal what he was doing to them but it is now.
We can confirm this is you but you weren't there for very long because America needed you over there with them and so you were moved back there to be with them the marine corps' whole attitude towards you changed as soon as they realised you weren't Rudy Reyes. The marine corps has been so horribly confused over you and Rudy Reyes it's been almost impossible to tell you two apart up until this website. This site has given the marine corps enough information that finally allows them to separate you from Rudy Reyes that they can now put you in the marines almanac and will in the October 2024 edition they can't thank you enough for that! What do you say to people who say they would've accepted it if it came from someone else?! I wish I could say they were all Brock Lesnar doing it to me but they're not unfortunately but they are in many ways just like him they just don't have the muscle that goes with it but mentally they are like clones and Rudy Reyes was no different in that regard. If you said that they would be forced to tell people the truth and it will make you look worse. That is until you are forced to reveal your source and I would insist people insist you reveal your source because when you reveal your source it will be you that looks bad because you should never have listened to them! Do you have anything to say to these people about this image because you should be wearing an American flag on your arm not an Australian one?! It's called the ANZUS treaty and I have already discussed it here so I am not going to do that again. You can click on the images to see a bigger version of them and you should do that because they don't give you a badge with your vital information on it like they do in America they scrible it on your arm with a Sharpie. They wrote B on my arm and I wasn't a B I was ABO or NULL. I later paid an Afghan boy to put A and O next to the B and they still gave me the wrong blood type?! Septic Shock is sometimes caused from giving someone the wrong blood type and I came back to the United States with it only mine wasn't bad because of my ABO or NULL blood type. I don't really want to do it to them but the Australian SAS were like TEMU or WISH.COM soldiers and it was very sad to say that because the government of the time just didn't understand they need more money not less! It's horrifying and I don't want to say it because they tried so hard but they're like TEMU or WISH.COM sunglasses and would you want to wear them?!
Truth be told Arnold could've done more to find out whether Ben was the problem and while forced to realise now it couldn't have been you because you were in prison he doesn't really regret what he did and let's be honest, if any of his friends and clients were to ask him this he would've told them this he doesn't regret it wasn't you not even now. If he left the fitness industry because of what he had done to you that would've been something but that is not the reason why he left, he left because he had grown to hate it everyone was being fake you were never really real to him. People would defend Arnold over what he had done to you but they wouldn't show you the same courtesy and when the school was destroying your reputation over the belief you were someone else no one defended you like they defended Arnold no one did anything for you not even give you the benefit of the doubt! While they would say that wasn't a fair statement that is what they would've done regardless even now some people chose to defend what Brock Lesnar did to you even though Brock Lesnar doesn't deserve such loyalty people choose to defend him regardless and you got nothing out of these people, not a god damn thing! Respect may be something you earn but these people don't know them yet respect them?! They say they can't talk about people they don't know but just because someone is famous doesn't mean you know them! Everyone knows you're not going to end up in the marines alamanac what would be the point?! You bought Netware Administrator and Console One for the marine corps and was criticized for doing so because it costed them so much today they wouldn't dare say that but the marines don't use it any more so what would be the point?! You consider Rodney Ballinger an enemy yet many people weren't even aware of that now they are forced to realise that everything they have done to you on his behalf was actually done for an enemy and the outcome was exactly what you expect from an enemy. Although people would never admit it you have in many ways been blamed for the hatred the world had for the school they couldn't find them you see so they took it out on you instead. There is no one left in your life now and no one has made any attempt whatsoever to fix any of the problems they have caused you going as far to assert they would if you were brother Michael. The point is, this is your site and this is about your life and you need forget about them because they forgot about you! While there is a small audience that comes to this site it's not a strong audience and the main motivation for their visit is curosity not to correct a horrible injustice that befell you! The problem is when people are forced to deal with what they've done they crumble and that gives your audience reason to come back but they are by no means trying to fix anything for you!

Let's put things into perspective here, Arnold Schwarzenegger is a cunt he has lost over half his fans because of this situation with you! Jay Cutler wants you to know he was actually apologising to Arnold to make fun of him because he wouldn't apologise to you! Whether your grandmother Olive Mibus is like that or not is irrelevant the fitness industry hates Arnold now for not apologising to you! When Scientology does it to you it actually helps you and a lot of people within Scientology see you as the reason why this has to be done to its enemies! Scientology were doing it to you because of the school and what can we say?! It couldn't happen to a nicer group of people but don't get it wrong! No one helped the school when this was going on even when the school begged for help people looked the other way and then did their own version of it when the Scientologists were gone! The school by no means got away with what they had done to you but Brock Lesnar did! The Corio community keeps telling people the problem wasn't you, it was never you! The problem is Michael, James and the CRC reunion you were irrelevant with Corio PS eventually admitting their reunion was nothing but a horrible lie to get back at you! Let's not forget when you asked to be transferred out of Afghanistan because you were at the end of your rope with the Australian SAS who came to help you?! The marine corps! When those Green Berets were giving you a hard time who was always there for you when they weren't?! The marine corps! Who gave you a job when no one else would?! The marine corps! Don't ever forget the marine corps has been there for you from the very beginning and is still there for you now! No one hates you for what you've done they all thought you were someone else and that's the school's fault the marine corps never got their way with the school but they did with Brock Lesnar. In a little while the Australian Defence Force (ADF) will become a marine corps, the first marines only military in the world where everything is marines! The marine corps has always been there for you and always will be but the Australian SAS has always been a personal issue for the marine corps and as you can see we very rarely lose!

A lot of people who had loved ones that were raped where you worked are adamant that this guy to the left is the one that raped them this was my Rodney Ballinger Matthew Smedley, for more information on Matthew Smedley click here. Clearly he is not Rudy Reyes, Rick Crowley or you he is too big but was he Brock Lesnar?! Sable Lesnar god bless her soul often said Brock Lesnar didn't have a monster cock he didn't have anything down there that would make her want to stay he was premature too apparently but not this guy. This guy's penis wouldn't even go errect it would just get longer and thicker when men ejaculate it is like a gun going off with this guy it was like a hose he didn't have a penis like other people! What you were talking about earlier was actually a rape done by this guy that was made to look like Rick Crowley what he had done was unintentioanal he was just angry with her because she thought it was him. I had run into this person to the left a number of times while doing patrols they claimed he had a vampire fetish and had bitten them. As I said before rape was not illegal the best I could do was put him in prison (the hold) for 48 hours. It wouldn't have been 48 hours before I caught him doing it again. Brock Lesnar said he felt it was you doing it to him and claimed he was dishonorably discharged because of you when it may have been this guy in retrospect. The marine corps hit back and said he was dishonorably discharged because he was lazy caught Absent Without Leave (AWOL) seven times in one year then using you to cover it up. He got what he deserved in the end, they both did! You were a Ranger that ended up in the marine corps because of Brock Lesnar he just didn't want to deal with that he just didn't want to deal with anything! When it came to Rudy Reyes he was dishonorably discharged because of you the lazy good for nothing didn't even do your enlistment so you were forced to wear a non-coded BDU, a BDU reserved for non-soliders doing military work you should've had your own BDU but you never got your own because of Rudy Reyes although he could never see that all he could see was how you ruined his life! This is not going to change much for you now unfortunately but at least you know now what was really going on it wasn't the marine corps fault and it wasn't your fault either it was two people that just couldn't accept they had done the wrong thing and got exactly what they deserved! This one to the left is an unknown even though you see him as Rodney Ballinger no one can find his enlistment and believe he may not have been enlisted! This guy was the real problem there not you unfortunately for those two they don't have a friend in the world now but you still have the marine corps. The marine corps doesn't offer a path to American citizenship, the Rangers do! I am going to have to be a Ranger regardless I don't have American citizenship without it!

Last Update: September 17, 2024