1 2 3 4 5  Questions Part 2

1. Why do people say you are a biologist?!

The Green Card had a 30% tax rate I was a fool thinking for a second I could pay my taxes with two jobs. So you were a personal trainer and a biologist?! Yes! How did that go?! I ended up in prison bankrupt. That explains the personal trainer what about the biologist?! What happened to him was horrible! It is probably better coming from you than from someone else. Rod ruined my career as a biologist by accusing me of sexually abusing my students. So?! They were children! Oh they were children! What happened?! Fortunately for me the children sided with me and there was no evidence it was true so I was released. Corio Primary School was the cause of it?! They insisted it was Rod. That's the problem, they blame each other for everything!    

2. Who told you what happened at the Generation Kill Reunion?!

I don't remember now. But whoever they were told you that Rudy Reyes trashed the person that died because of him at the Reunion?! Yes. That was the reason why he was dishonorably discharged and they didn't know that apparently and it came out at the Reunion. What if I told you no one knows what happened at the Reunion because they don't want to talk about it?! It wouldn't have been the first time someone had lied to me there. It may have been true it just can't be verified. That is what I was told! I accept that is what you were told but you were obviously the only person who was told that! That doesn't surprise me either it may have even came from Rudy himself I don't remember.

3. Do you think that Rudy Reyes was trying to set you up?!

It is hard to say because he never really talked to me much he would always say he didn't like me! Like James Holder did at Chanel College (Lovely Banks)?! Yes but he was Danny Petrovski's friend he wasn't mine! So you didn't really know how James Holder felt about you?! I didn't care about how anyone felt me at that school! But you didn't consider them enemies like Corio PS?! That is true! Do you think Rudy Reyes was James Holder?! I can't really say because I didn't know him that well. Some students from Chanel College (Lovely Banks) say he was?! He may have been but I don't know. What about Danny Petrovski?! Ben Pakulski apparently. Well that is the thing because he wasn't Ben Pakulski that was a horrible lie. That is true! 

4. Were you aware after the Corio PS reunion all of its students just vanished off the face of the earth?!

I know absolutely nothing about Corio PS So you weren't aware they had a reunion?! There was talk at the time their reunion was a horrible lie. It was Chanel College (Lovely Banks) who said their Reunion was a horrible lie It was a horrible lie because they had already had theirs so you knew about their Reunion?! Yes, they had it at the place where I was working. So that is why you were there?! I worked there or so I believe it later turned out not to be a real job. No one thought you would go to the Reunion and no one had invited you to it because they couldn't find you. It just sort of worked out well for everyone didn't it?! A lot of people at that school had no idea it was you.  

5. No one knows what happened at the Corio PS reunion either except that they had all disappeared after it! 

How did I know about it?! That was going to be my next question. Rod discussed it with me in one of his messages. So Rod had sent you a message regarding the Corio PS reunion?! Yes! Could it have been Rod who had sent you the letter about the Generation Kill reunion?! Who else could it have been?! You don't think it was Rudy Reyes?! The message claims Rudy Reyes is Rod. Do you think someone is just fucking you in these messages?! I can't rule out that possibility. Why don't you share these messages with people?! I can't be certain what is in the message is true and I don't want to risk looking bad by trusting the contents of the message. That is exactly what I thought you would say. 

6. Are you aware that most people are only finding out you're not Rodney Ballinger now?!

How can that be? Corio PS never told them a god damn thing they just left them all in the lurch after the Reunion!  What about the Generation Kill Marines?! They did the same thing after their reunion too! So people are only finding out I am not Rod now?! Right! Is that because of this site?! No! Do people even know this site exists please don't lie to me on this one?!  Let's put it this way, they know of its existence, it's not popular, they're avoiding it most of them! So how did they find out I wasn't Rod if not by this site?! Calum Von Moger! And what has that moran done now?! He has confessed to being Rodney Ballinger! I know, you've told me that it happened around four years ago now thereabouts! He has done it again just recently. People just don't want to accept his Rodney Ballinger so he has to repeat his confession. Oh you have to know, everyone has to know he is Rod, it's deliberate you see! 

7. In this clip here you make it look like Rod was doing it to the guy in the movie Their Finest Hour from 1992?!

I did nothing to him in this clip here Aaron reminds me of the movie. In the film he plays T.J his real name is Ken Lee. He had just a small role in the film I show his small role in the film at the end of the video he came up in class because he was a real SEAL apparently. Did you do this to Rod or was it Ken Lee?! I don't know what Ken Lee did to him if anything but I did nothing to him. I had made a reference to the film when I met Aaron/Anthony Taylor because he reminded me of him. So you had seen the film and you were reminded of it when you were introduced?! Yes but that is as far as it went! No one knows what happened to Aaron he said he had to go away and won't be coming back! Maybe it was Ken Lee?! But it wasn't you?! I did nothing to him!

8. Have you and Ken Lee ever met?!

Yes! Ken Lee and I have met! We did training together! He is Tier One do you realise that?! I know! That would make you Tier One too?! I know! What is Tier One?! It's like a Navy SEAL with honors. Certain people who do really well in their undegraduate or postgraduate degree get the option of doing Honors because they're good at it it's the same with the SEALS it's just a secondary degree to your first degree in the SEALS you go from one class to another (a special class for special SEALS).  I don't understand why you and Ken Lee would know each other?! Aaron/Anthony Taylor told Ken Lee it was my fault it happened. So Ken Lee turned you into a SEAL deliberately?! Yes! 

9. So what do you think happened to Aaron/Anthony Taylor?!

Ken told me they spoke and Aaron assured him the problem was me Ken told him he would deal with it. You're now a Tier One SEAL like Ken Lee, I take it that fixes everything?! I am afraid it is that simple. What do you think happened to Aaron/Anthony Taylor?!  I know he went for a job at Field Craft Survival what he didn't say is they hadn't made a decision he forced them too so they said no. I know he went for a job at Tactical Hyve he didn't get it because his interviewer, Dorr, didn't like him. I know Iron Infidel were desperate at the time so desperate they offered me a position there but unfortunately for me I believed that job with the marines was true but it wasn't and I said no to Iron Infidel when I shouldn't have So they went with Rod because they were desperate?! From what I know that is what happened.  

10. Were you aware that Rod (Adrain Sandilands) left Iron Infidel when he found out they took him because they couldn't have you?!

I had no idea, I live outside the loop these days, it is deliberate! Do you have anything to say to Iron Infidel?! I want to apologise because I believed the job at the marine corps was true it wasn't but they were! They say it's too late now they have found someone else they won't hold it against you though! For what it's worth I regret what happened I wish I knew then what I know now! Mike Mills replaced you at Iron Infidel and wants you to know he likes it there he is going to stay there for as long as they will have him! I would never interfere with that it's my loss not theirs or Mike's. It's amazing you don't hate the marine corps for what happened?! The marine corps I hate doesn't exist any more and I don't miss it either!