21. Who do you blame for this mistake?!
You may remember some marines urinated on Dead Afghans in Afghanistan these types of marines are the ones that did this to me. It's not fair to blame all marines for what a corrupted part of it did but I need to use this illustration to try and explain that while such behaviour is digusting and offensive this is the type of marines they are and shouldn't be taken as all marines. I was the Good Samaritan to a lot of women raped by these sorts of marines but you can see I was probably only bringing this on myself in retrospect. I wouldn't blame the U.S military as a whole or the marine corps as a whole just a small part of it that is corrupt they unfortunately have corrupted the whole marine corps when it comes to me. I am just better off avoiding it completely now.
22. How close are these to the school?!
I wish I could say the school was cut from the same cloth and painted with the same brush but that wouldn't be fair to them the school was very different to these corrupt or "bent" marines. The school's problem is their attitude and the problem could've been resolved with a change of attitude unfortunately it can't be now because there is no school now. With these "bent" marines it wasn't an attitude that caused them to react that way it wasn't anything like what was in the school at the time. It was like Calum Von Moger was a demon who had possessed them all and it was like he was controlling them and making them do this evil.
23. You say that your solution to the problem at the school is not to be there could you explain why?!
I have always wanted this school's attitude towards me to change but I realise now as I grow older that their attitude towards me was never going to change. If I was to have my time again I wouldn't go to that school and if I did end up at that school I would've left at the earliest opportunity because their attitude towards me is not going to change and there is no point in me waiting for something that is never going to happen. When I left that school and went to Chanel College (Lovely Banks) I had never felt so happy in my whole life and while the problem did eventually get into that school I knew it was Corio PS where it originated and grew to regret I was ever a student there
24. The marines say that if they were wrong about you they would kill themselves because they would have to prove a point.
The Rangers told me there are marines then there are Rangers you can't be both but you are both. You can't be both so you've got a horrible problem because you are both. You marines claimed that was so much bullshit you could've been both if you wanted to be both the marines I've spoken too have said the same thing as the Rangers there! You can't be both I don't know why they would've told you that you could be both?! Well these marines didn't say that they said I could be both if I wanted to be and now I am forced to realise I am going to have to make a choice, marine or Ranger?! Knowing what I know now I would choose Ranger I am convinced now that is what I am!
25. If those marines believe you can be a marine and a Ranger then they are corrupt because that is not true.
There is no doubt in anyone's mind that you are a Ranger and you were right to go in that direction but if those marines can't see a problem with you being a Ranger in all those marines then they are corrupt because you can't be both for a very simple reason. You were being a Good Samaritan to those women who were being raped by those marines and every Ranger would've dealt with the problem exactly the same way as you did but the marines wouldn't deal with that problem they would've referred it to their superior who would've dealt with it. I was their superior! You would never be accepted as their superior because you're a Ranger not a marine like them and this would be a disaster waiting to happen. It was
26. It was Rick Crawley's fault you had this Marine/Ranger problem do you realise that?!
It was his fault I mixed up the marine corps with the Rangers he was quite proud of it he used to go around boasting about it wondering what he was going to do next. Unfortunately for Rick Crawley there were enough marines who witnessed it and were willing to testify to it that his dishonorable discharge was inevitable. I wasn't at the court martial. I was told by JAG it was illegal because I wasn't at the court martial. It wasn't your court martial you didn't need to be there. I don't understand?! A marine superior witnessed what he had done and sent him to a court marital he was later dishonorably discharged for it. I wish I knew that then because when my tour was up I wouldn't have re-enlisted. I am sorry, you had no say in it! They hated you and would've kept you enlisted indefinately it was done in spite of you!
27. No one knows what went wrong, why did they lose you?!
The Barrett MRAD backfired that was the reason they lost me! The military didn't think the injury was serious enough that I was unable to continue my service! I knew it was serious enough to end it because I couldn't shoot straight I was so horribly off. I was forced to take them to court marital to force them to accept my injury was serious enough it did inhibit my service where I could no longer serve. The court martial concluded that the injury was serious enough that I could no longer continue my service and they permitted me to end my service early because of the injury. The problem with court martial's is they are slow it would take around six months to process the decision so I would be forced to serve until the court martial processed the discharge.
28. A lot of Rangers say if what you say is true how on God's green earth could you end up in the marine corps?!
The marine corps and the Rangers are not the same force they don't have the same legal system either unfortunately! Decisions made in a Ranger court martial do not necessarily flow on to the marine corps and Decisions made in a marine court martial do not neccessarily flow into the Rangers. When it came to me the marine corps court martial did not see the injury I sustained with the Barrret MRAD the same way the Rangers court martial saw it creating a horrible problem for me. While the Rangers court martial saw it as an injury that prevented my service from proceeding the marine corps rejected the court martial and claimed the injury did not prevent my service from proceeding and not only that extended my tour by 12 months.
29. How did you end up in Japan?!
The marine corps not only ordered my service to continue and added 12 months to it I would do that 12 months in Australia where I was born. If I wanted to leave the marine corps at that point then I could do that but I would be leaving the marine corps in Australia. Unfortunately for me the plane had engine difficulties and had to make an emergency landing in Japan in order to resolve the problem. Japanese Customs claim there was a problem with my American passport (it was invalid apparently) and I was detained there for 6 months. Eventually they gave me a 72 hour transist visa and sent me on to Australia.
30. When you returned to America after being picked up by the marines in Afghanistan why wasn't there another court martial?!
The court martial wasn't that horrible to me fourtunately, they didn't really care where I did my 12 months in Australia as long as I did 12 months in Australia. I did my first 6 months with the Australian Special Operations Group (ASOG) then the mutual obligation for that was done with the Australian SAS which had signed off on it and claimed it had already been done when it hadn't been done. By the time I was found by the marines in Afghanistan and taken back to America the court martial was satisfied the punishment had been completed and I had the option of staying on or leaving but I didn't get that option the marines chose for me, I was leaving, I was finished with them for good so I came back to Australia again this time it was for good.