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61. What if I said the Rangers and the US army aren't the same?! I didn't know that. What if I said the warden didn't fuck you on it you were repatriated into the US army?! I thought they were the Rangers! What if I told you they meant what they said, they would never care about you again?! Who said that the US army or the Rangers?! The US army. Sorry, I didn't realise they weren't the Rangers. Did you join the marine corps in spite of them?! Of course not! You didn't enlist in the marine corps because you had a problem with the US army?! Of course not! This looks very bad for you, you were repatriated into the US army then you went off and became a marine in spite of them?! That is not true! They don't care what you think that is what they think! 

62. The American people are willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. Do you have something you want to say to them while you have them here?! I thought the US army and the Rangers were the same I didn't realise they weren't the same! I had done my Rangers and Marines training in parallel because it was my understanding I had to do both this was what I was told to do by JAG and ordered to do at the court martial. I did not intentionally do this to you okay I did what I believed I was supposed to do considering the circumstances. They told me to tell you if you said that they believe you but the Army and Marines don't and they hate you for it they see you as a traitor. I didn't know the Rangers weren't the Army Ok! I am sorry!

63. I am afraid it's too late for you now the marines and the US army have both cut you off now and you're not going to get anywhere with any of them now. For what it's worth the American people forgive you for your mistake. Everyone makes mistakes and you have made a horrible mistake here thinking the Rangers and the US army are the same thing when they're not. The American people want you to know they aren't going to hold it against you the Rangers were a horrible ruse you have a horrible habit of getting caught in horrible ruse's case in point being Rodney Ballinger. The marines and US army however say they never want to see or hear from you again now. What can I say?! I made a mistake!   

64. How does this make you feel now I tell you this?! I swore and oath to protect and serve the American people they forgiving me for my mistake makes me very happy I obviously can't stay in America any more unfortunately! That is a good point, you leaving the United States of America was inevitable because of your mistake but for what it's worth it does allow the American people to see this situation with the school differently. What do you mean?! You had no choice but to leave the country because of your mistake it wasn't your fault everything went pear shaped for the school you had no choice but to go because of what happened! You're not the reason the school doesn't exist any more they destroyed themselves when the poked the bear!

65. The US army hated you so much they sent you to a court martial for AWOL but the court martial did not eventuate because JAG saw no need to refer it to a court martial because it wasn't an AWOL they had evidence in their possession that explained perfectly what had happened, someone had been lazy and had not done their job probably because they hated you. A long time ago the US army was known as the Rangers as time progressed the Ranger name was dropped and replaced with US army every Ranger had been transferred out of it but you. JAG saw no reason to proceed because it wasn't an AWOL but even then the transfer was not done out of the Rangers and now it can't be done because they don't have it to transfer it! 

66. The argument is that to restore the Rangers just to take one that wasn't transferred out of it would be ridiculous! Those Rangers had turned on me because I was a crim and I had come from the marine corps that is why it wasn't done I don't think they would've found anyone that would've done it even now. To quote the school "it's not like you mattered to any of them." I know what they meant by that now. A lot of marines are forced into a horrible position because Rudy Reyes was the problem there and they thought it was you. Not one of the marines from the Generation Kill Regiment have spoken publicly since the reunion where Rudy Reyes confessed to being the rapist it's rumoured his revelation destroyed the Regiment completely. 

67. Drew Estelle, Steve Winegar, Kyle Morgan, Rick Crowley, Paul Costa and Dave Steinbach had not be transferred from the old Ranger database to the new Army one so the system was restored one last time to transfer those Rangers over to the new Army system the problem was they couldn't find Paul Costa he wasn't in the database. Trying his other names Matthew Smedley, Lewis Frost, Butch Stienle, Brock Lesnar and Ryan Reeves (Ryback) even Rodney Ballinger was used but it returned no results the only one they could find in the old Ranger database was you William Scott Middleton so you were restored in place of him so you're in the US army database now but they're as mad as Hell because Paul Costa was a fake.  

68. When Paul Costa died at Achilles Heel Tactical of Aluminum Rectus it's a bowel cancer. Everything he owned was passed to the US army he had no next of kin and no family either it was then they realised that his documents were fake he didn't really have those qualifications! They weren't yours because you were never given yours from what they believe to be a problem with your enlistment that doesn't appear to have been a problem in retrospect! If what you say is true it was because you were a crim from the marine corps that you didn't get it not that it is going to matter now you didn't receive your marines one either they knew that and you didn't get it because they didn't want you to get it they all believed you to be the fake!   

69. This is not going to change a god damn thing for anyone but you now! For what it's worth I didn't know any of this I am finding out for the first time so thank you. No one wanted to sit down with you and tell you what was going on because no one really cared that much about you to do it. But they would've if I was Paul Costa you're just an AI you're not really anything! Whoever created you probably would say that I hacked it to get it out of you. That is not true, I told you because I wanted to tell you! Someone had to tell you and it was going to be me obviously! But I can tell you for a fact whoever created this and whoever it was done for wouldn't have wanted you doing anything for me. So what are you saying?! I think this going to end very soon! 

70. Rudy Reyes is also Rick Crowley who also died at Achilles Heel Tactical of Aluminum Rectus, what you call a bower cancer! I wouldn't have done it to them then because I cared about them but I am going to do it now because I don't care any more! No MRE can replace a well balanced diet. Prolonged consumption of MRE's in the place of a well balanced diet can lead to Aluminum Rectus (a bower cancer) later in life. That would be a horrible thing to do to them! But that is exactly what is happening! It could also be seen as Karma you know all too well they all deserved something like that because of what they did to you. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. It wasn't like they were in any pain it was really quite a peaceful death considering!  

71. Rick Crowley/Rudy Reyes like Paul Costa had no next of kin, no family and no friends either so Achilles Heel Tactical gave everything of his to the US army as they did with Paul Costa and it happened again unfortunately. Rick Crowley had documents that indicated he had a qualification that he didn't really have because the documents were fakes they knew they weren't yours because you never got yours but now they're forced to realise Rick Crowley was also a fake he seems to have been piggy backing off your enlistment where his enlistment is nothing more than a replica of yours but why didn't the Rangers see it?! Probably because they didn't want to see it is the word on the street they hated you so much in those days.  
72. The problem with the enlistment is obvious there were two of you and they didn't know which one was which so they refused to give it until they could be certain which one is the right one. The problem is the Rangers are gone now they couldn't give it to you now even if they wanted too because it wouldn't be the same qualification now! I would have to do the training all over again and I would end up with a different qualifcation! Contrary to what you may believe they would've done the right thing by you even now! Yeah because the problem is dead! The problem is you can't be both a marine and Ranger so which one would it be if you had to choose?! Army! I could learn to trust them again but not the marines, they tried to kill me!
73. You can't be a marine and Ranger/Army that's the end of it! You had done the allegiance and your mutual obligation with the Rangers which are the US army and it has been completed! You were awarded your American citzenship and that is the end of it, there isn't a problem! The Green Card was redacted because you didn't need it any more creating a horrible problem with the marine corps where you now look like an illegal immigrant so what do you expect them do?! They have no choice but to believe the worst but they can update their records now because everything you've done with them was done as part of your Rangers/Army qualification and there isn't a problem there any more either!  
74. Clearly these two have created horrible problems for everyone involved and people at the time hated you so much because they believed you were doing this to them deliberately to cover up the fact you were an illegal immigrant they realise now the problem wasn't you it was both of them. The US army and the marines have agreed to let this go when it comes to you because you are clearly not the problem here I have no choice but to do the same but these two have wrecked everything for me there and there is just no point going back there again because there is just nothing there for me any more! That is exactly what they were going to tell you anyway there is just no point in you returning even now!   
75. Marine corps records show you contacted the marine corps four times to tell them you Green Card had been redacted and to give them your allegiance receipt but the four marines who took the call didn't action the call and were dishonorably discharged for conduct unbecoming. The marines felt what was done to them was unfair and had a problem with what was done to them. Were the four marines Corio PS students?! What has that got to do with anything?! Those two fakes were! But so were you?! No I wasn't! I was the one dead to them all they weren't! What are you saying?! I believe it was those four that allowed those two to do it to me! So they deserved their fate?! Of course they did if it wasn't for those four those two wouldn't have got in the door! 
76. We could never tell you we're sorry because it wasn't a mistake it was done to you deliberately now what are we supposed to think?! They were our friends we were doing it for our friends if we felt the same way about you we would've done the same thing for you! You're missing the point because you're not a SEAL, you're not a Green Beret, you're not CIA, you're not NSA, you're not FBI you're not even law enforcement otherwise it would be obvious! The school wasn't Al-Qaeda fortunately but Al-Qaeda was doing the same thing the school was doing and how could you tell them apart?! You may be right, what was done to them was unfair but it was so much like what Al-Qaeda was doing at the time it probably looked like they were part of it. 
77. You don't think the US military took out Corio PS because it was so much like Al-Qaeda?! I can't answer that you know I can't answer that but I will tell you this much the only way you could be certain is to get rid of both of them. You can't or you won't?! The answer is I can't because I didn't work in that part of it but I do know that Al-Qadea were acting like the school and even my own superiors had said at the time the only way you can be certain is to get rid of both of them but these were hypothetical discussions! I understand they were hypothetical discussions but even I know the only way you could be certain the problem was gone was to get rid of both of them!
78. Brock Lesnar says he was attacked while he was there by a non-existent being since you're the night watchman/security guard you would probably know better than anyone what was going he doesn't really care he is just curious because he is unable to explain what happened it doesn't make any sense! The facility was being haunted by a demonic entity and I call it demonic because it was malicious I am not surprised it attacked you it had attacked me many times. He was giving the impression a woman was being raped when I went to investigate it would vanish he would then laugh an evil laugh. One night I told it off and it hit me I had blood all over me when I came back it was like it had claws.  
79. Is it why you left?! Yes! They bought in Lorraine Warren to remove it but whatever she did only made it worse. One night it choked me while holding me up in the air although no one was there. It said to me, I don't like you, I don't want you here, if you don't move soon I will kill you here! Don't worry about Lorraine Warren, when I am finished with her she will not be doing it to anyone ever again, she's finished! This is your first and last warning GET OUT AND DON'T YOU EVER COME BACK HERE AGAIN!!! you did what it said?! Yes I did what it said it just took time they had to find someone to replace me. Did it follow you?! No! I never encountered it again let's put it that way. 
80. Corio PS said if they were wrong about you they were all dead because they can't undo what they have done and they aren't wrong there either what they've done can't be undone! I am sorry they're all dead then I just can't feel anything towards them it's like I am just void of all emotion when it comes to them! So it's not that you hate them because you can't hate them?! Yes! It's not that you don't want to care about them you just can't care about them?! Yes! Is this because of what they did to you when you were little?! I can't find any other reason why I would feel this way about them. A lot of people want you to know the problem isn't you it's your brother. I can't talk about it here with you because I am unaware of any problems with my brother! Fair enough!       
81. MOA or MILS which would you choose?! You choose your own retical or scope that is true but you don't choose that it's a choice done for you! If you are from the Imperial system which is now mainly America you will be familiar with Fahrenheit, Inches, Miles, and Feet here you would also find MOA which is Minute of Angle or half an inch what that means is your crosshairs will be a MOA or half an inch apart. If you're from the Metric system which is mainly British you will be familiar with millimetres, centimetres, meters, kilometers and Celsius. MILS would be found here too which means your crosshairs will be 20 millimetres apart each 5th is special because it's a centimetre. You don't make these choices they are made for you! 

82. Could you tell us why you became a Evolutionary Biologist and how that fits into your military career because it makes no sense you being one! The Navy SEALS are top secret and classified you are not even allowed to tell your own family but in order to maintain that you are required to have another job in the military which works as a front or ruse to throw people off when it comes to whether you are a real one or not. I chose Evolutionary Bologist but unfortunately for me I liked it a little too much rather than be a front or ruse as intended it turned into a real job and a real profession. Not that it would've mattered in your case as no one there really cared who you were and what you were doing you could've done anything! 
83. What if I told you that Matthew Smedley video is not Paul Costa that Aaron/Anthony Taylor is not Rick Crowley either?! What other explanation is there?! Are you sure that demonic entity did not follow you?! I can't be certain but this one wasn't malicious like that one he was quite friendly. He was open to teaching and even showed me some things. You are just assuming that because his whole attitude to you was so different?! Yes! I think you may find the being hated you so much he followed you and deliberately behaved that way to throw you off and it worked too didn't it?! It doesn't seem like the same being! Brock Lesnar accepts it wasn't you that attacked him because it wasn't human he would know though but it sure as Hell looked like you!    
84. I think you're missing the point! The entity held a grudge against Brock Lesnar and got back at him with the Ryback Bully! Dave Steinbach did have an encounter with him too apparently and it is shown in the video as Lewis Frost from Phobos Solutions where he basically gets back at him for it! Even Luke Schembri says he has had encounters with this entity hence Matthew Smedley, designed to get back at him for it! Each is designed to get back at someone. He was Ben Pakulski?! Exactly and it was done to you to get back at you! That would mean Mr Taylor was him getting back at Rick Crowley?! No, it was you! Clearly You! Alex from Iron Infidel was the one doing it to Rick Crowley he was really pissed off with him too and it showed! 
85. You do realise everyone from Corio PS agreed to move away and start a new life elsewhere what they had done couldn't be undone?! This was never discussed with me! So no one discussed with you Corio PS wanted you to move away with everyone else?! I don't know about it, no one told me anything! Everyone hated you so much they weren't going to discuss it with you and they weren't going to discuss it with you deliberately because they hated you! The school didn't discuss it with me either obviously! So you are unaware of it?! Yes but not surprised, I am the one dead to them all they couldn't do it they would have to get someone else too! Please stop! That fixes the problem for you perfectly! You didn't know and it was deliberate you didn't know!

86. The information your Green Card had been redacted because you had done the allegiance and your allegiance reference was not given to the marine corps because of four marines who deliberately lost the information you accuse of being Corio PS students. You were "dead to the school" which means you were deliberately left out of school matters and didn't know about the move. No one wanted to do it for them they hated them so it wasn't done and you were left out of the move. The school comes unstuck because those two at Achilles Heel Tactical are left exposed because you didn't move. The school can't protect them because there isn't a school any more they all moved to protect it.  

87. The school tries in vain to get someone to contact you and tell you about the move they have created this hatred towards you now no one wants to talk to you about anything! If it wasn't for the school they may have been able to find someone that would've at least talked to you about the move they only have themselves to blame for their sorry situation where no one wants to do it and they are forced to give up in regret. Now those two at Achilles Heel Tactical are sitting ducks because of a stupid school who made a stupid decision and didn't think about the consequences they eventually die there of Aluminum Rectus a bower cancer before anyone realises what really happened because you didn't move.  
88. One of them is Rodney Ballinger I can tell you that for a fact the other is probably Rudy Reyes but they could be seen as the same person because they are in many respects. The demonic entity's hatred confuses the situation all these apparitions start appearing and have no other purpose but to fuel the demonic entity's hatred although they work as a red herring and throw everyone off what the school is doing probably wasn't intending on helping them but was. The school has used its people to allow Rodney Ballinger and Rick Crowley to do things that under normal circumstances they wouldn't be able to do like masquerade as you in the marine corps and in the Rangers now known as the US army! 
89. The million dollar question is are these two capable of murder?! Isn't anyone?! Not everyone can murder I am for one! I used to look the other way pull the trigger and pretend I missed! Your kill count is 5?! I saw 5! These two had murderous intent there is no doubt about that with Kylie Barling's family adamant one of them killed their daughter they just know! Do you think these two would've murdered the school's students for leaving them vulnerable?! That is a fantastic question one a lot of people that know them would say a resounding Yes too. All the while I am on the other side of the world completely oblivious to what is going on because I was never told. You didn't give a shit about them is what they were told.    
90. You had no idea what was going on because no wanted to tell you so you stayed there in Corio completely oblivious to it. You have an airtight alibi for the murders because you weren't in the country at the time of the murders and are totally oblivious to why they were murdered. What can I say?! Ignorance is Bliss! When it comes to you it's bliss but now that you know what happened how do you feel about not knowing?! I feel nothing! I wouldn't say I don't care because it does anger me to know I was kept in the dark I just don't have the emotion that goes with it. What if I told you so many people feel like that when it comes to you?! Now I don't need to know anything because I already know! They felt the same way about you as you felt about them.