<< Rodello 2 >>
A major upgrade to milConnect which is the marines personnel database caused a horrible problem for a marine when it came to me because there appeared to be two enlistments in the system so he came to me to find out which one was which. When he showed me a print out of my enlistment that was in the system I had made changes to it because I saw the enlistment as wrong this was the one Rick Crowley had done. He took these changes back to his superiors to get them approved and the next thing I knew he had come back with a JAG lawyer the same one I worked with all those years ago. They asked me who was my recruiter and I told them, it was the now Martin Fitzwater bodybuilder NOT Rick Crowley, he never did anything for me! They asked me what was my relationship to Rick Crowley and I didn't lie to them I didn't have one I hadn't even done his DOPE drill and I was the only one who hadn't! So they decided to talk to Martin Fitzwater because Rick Crowley wasn't a recruiter and he was.

Martin Fitzwater was livid over it, Rick Crowley had changed the enlistment he approved and it wasn't the enlistment he authorised it had been changed without his knowledge or consent. When they came back to see me I took one look at it and remembered it, I remember how I wanted to be a Reconnaissance Marine and Martin had changed it to Sniper and this very form reflect that change! I agreed to sign an affidavit which is a statuory declaration that the Martin Fitzwater authorised one was the right one and the one done by Rick Crowley was a fake. I didn't care about the consequences to Rick Crowley, by this time we hated each other because he was Rod's friend not mine. I went as far to suggest it was probably Rod's SEAL team too and not mine. You weren't far wrong there either were you?! Does Drew Estelle know?! He does now! Paul Costa says he hates your guts now and if he sees you again he will kill All that tells me is Paul Costa isn't the team leader any more it's Rick Crowley.

Martin Fitzwater decides to court martial Rick Crowley over the unauthorised change to the enlistment and Rick Crowley is dishonorably discharged from the marine corps, conduct unbecoming! Rumor has it Rick Crowley was also Rudy Reyes in disguise it's also believed that Brock Lesnar may have been Rodney Ballinger in disguise too but the point is you were exactly where you said you were and had been for years. The problem was that BDU/Loadout was yours Rick Crowley had it given to Brock Lesnar but it was given back to you because it was yours the court martial that dishonorably discharged Brock Lesnar wasn't wrong he was illegally enlisted you were legally enlisted that KIT/Loadout was yours but you didn't want it?! No I don't! So it would've been destroyed because you didn't want it! Why wouldn't you want it back it was yours?! I spent an hour on the phone to Lifeline because of it the Post Traumatic Stress was so bad I couldn't get the smell out of my head. It wasn't James' fault you had that major depressive episode?! No it wasn't but Michael tried to make it look that way!
James can't have a relationship with you because of Michael that is where he comes unstuck because contrary to what your brother believes they're pretty much alike.

When Paul Costa found out what Rick Crowley had done he was working with him at Achilles Heel Tactical he then just packs up and moves out without warning or reason and leaves Rick Crowley there all by himself. Rick Crowley goes it alone but it's difficult when you're forced to do the work of two people he just couldn't reach Paul Costa and didn't know where he had gone either. Paul Costa would then completely out of the blue return to Achilles Heel Tactical work there for a little while act as if nothing had happened and then completely by random would do it to him again he used to drive Rick Crowely up the wall over it. Whenever Rick Crowley would get into an argument with Paul over it he would go and do it to him again in spite of him in the end Rick Crowley put up and shut up he was a patner and there wasn't anything he could do about the way he was reacting. For what it's worth I haven't seen or spoken to any of them ever since I left the United States. Does that include Drew Estelle?! I never knew him! What if I told you he was Sam MacMahon?! Even at Chanel College (Lovely Banks) we didn't have a relationship. I didn't have a relationship with anyone there only if I knew what I knew now. I don't understand?! Rick Crowley was Shane Allsop I am certain of it now.