1 2 3 4 5 Rodello A retrospective look at something that is in the past

Once again you were nominated for the Nobel Prize for your work on your Chaotic Evolution (everything is altrustic at its beginning and through choatic changes to its environment this altruism evolves into selfishness) this would've been the third time you were unsuccesful but no one was surprised by that they knew you wouldn't get it because of your reputation. What they didn't know was this was your third nomination they were unaware you were nominated two times before. The world wanted to know the other two nominations they were curious, this was the first time they had heard about your nominations! First Nomination, you discovered VX Nerve Gas also known as Sarin was funnel web spider venom heated. During a routine patrol before at a Holocaust survival dinner you became sick and you knew why, it was funnel web spider venom, you're allergic to it. Someone was going to kill during the Holocaust dinner. They all agreed to have funnel web spider antivenom before the dinner and they all survived it. The Australian government later agreed the Funnel Web Spider was a terrorist weapon and put it on a banned exports list so it couldn't be exported without a special license. The media didn't even run the story, they didn't even see it as a story, nothing happened, I can tell you never have they been so embarrassed. Second Nomination was regarding a thesis you had written where you had said all wars begin with hatred. You talk about how the Germans today some 50 years after the Holocaust still hate the Jews and no one has done anything about that! During the American Iraq conflict Saddam Hussein preached hatred towards America all over the media and created a Anti-American sentiment in the minds of the Iraqi people. You asked the question, what would've happened if America tried to remove the hatred?! Could America have avoided the conflict by removing the hatred?! This particular nomimation was made possible under the "Ambassador for Peace" provision in the Nobel Peace Prize putting you alongside people like Martin Luther King. The world was unaware of it because one particular reporter got offended that you would be likened to that person because you had done so little regarding World Peace. When this came out that reporter resigned she insisted she wasn't wrong to say that it was because you insisted she tell the world her primary or Junior High school in Corio was the real reason she resigned! This was the beginning of a string of events where the world was forced to realise everything you had done was covered up because they hated you. American school shootings went down by 4% that year after you went to schools in America and spoke to them about it. There wasn't a lot anyone could do about it the thesis explained everything perfectly! As soon as it came out she was a Corio PS student the flood gates opened and an awful lot of people fell on their swords and confessed to helping the school cover up everything you had done and to give the world the impression you were a lazy useless good for nothing! Today in what can only be called karma the world is now giving the school what the school gave you and they don't like it, they don't like it at all! For the first time in their lives they are regretting what they did to you because now it is being done to them and they only have themselves to blame because they started it and the world is finishing it!

The site was not saying Kyle Morgan from Blu Bearing Solutions was a fraud, it was believed he was one but it hadn't been confirmed at the time! William said he was a fraud because the Kyle Morgan he knew died of Rabies and this couldn't be him it had to be a fraud. The jury is still out on whether it was the real Kyle Morgan or not no one really wants to believe William!