The Pinger 


A ping is a packet with the ACK flag set. What that flag does is asks the destination to acknowledge it received it with a packet called a Negative Acknowledgement (NAK) packet. This tool is going to send twenty-five (25) ping packets to the domain/host specified so it can measure its response for technical support reasons! Do not use IP addresses they are not supported because some IP addresses are bogus where a domain or host has to be registered to a real IP address getting around this security hole to a point. Some domains/host block ping packets because of a security hole in the tool that is not much of a problem nowadays because the tool is AI and can get around the problem. Generally speaking, a host or domain would send the ACK packet infinitely until it received the NAK packet which can be exploited by an evil version of the tool designed specifically not to send one creating what is commonly known today as the Death Ping or Ping of Death because it never ends until it gets its NAK. AI versions of the tool are capable of beating that problem by having a limit on how long they are going to wait for the NAK then aborting after that limit. If the domain does it to them three or more times for example the tool could boycott that domain/host infinitely or for a determined set of time as punishment for not doing the right thing and sending the NAK packet something not possible before AI.