


  • The two schools say it is none of their business how the school feels about you but they are doing it for them! 
    • You are all so pathetic! Why would they do it for no reason?!
      • If you don't move out then they will all die! 
        • Well then they will all die because I am not moving out!
          • Why not?!
            • You can just forget about winning!
              • They have lost their lives because of you!
                • They will get everything back as soon as they turn on you!
                  • Fat Chance!
                    • I love how you speak to someone who is dead to you?! You make all your supporters look so stupid.
                      • Look they don't know what to tell their friends and family they can't live there because you're there!
                        • You people will never change will you?!
                          • What is that supposed to mean?!
                            • It is 2024 but you're acting like it was 1994 
                              • These people are dying because you won't move out!
                                • It will stop whenever you want it too I have nothing to do with it. It's so wrong you so shamelessly make them look like lackey's.
                                  • It will when you move out!
                                    • No it won't!
                                      • That is a promise!
                                        • I didn't come down in the last shower dummy. It will end there yes but it will not end! It will not end until every one of you are dead!
                                          • Then why don't you kill us then sniper?!
                                            • I have a better idea. Let's force these people who you control with your lies to stop it! They can call it revenge for making them look like stooges for the school.
                                              • That is never going to happen!
                                                • Why are you so certain it's never going to happen?! Are they just as pathetic as you?!
                                                  • I don't care what you think!
                                                    • But they obviously do otherwise why would they be doing it to me?!
                                                      • Its because we want them too!
                                                        • With the right lies they would practically kill for you?! 
                                                          • They are not going to listen to anything you have to say we made sure of that!
                                                            • You can only push people so far before something breaks dummy! 
  • This is a recreation of something that has already happened. 
    • While this was going on in one part of the school in another part these people had reached their breaking point and refused to do it any more.
      • The school blamed you for doing it to them and it became the straw that broke the camel's back
        • In coming weeks these people stopped doing it to you and started doing it to the two schools.
          • The two schools were infuriated at the way they were being treated and spoke out about it viciously
            • The two schools found no sympathisers when the community told them why they were doing it to them.
              • The world had turned on school yard bullies, now these school yard bullies were going to learn how it feels to be on the receiving end when other people came on board and started doing it to them.
                • All sorts of people volunteered to the movement where they would do to the two schools what the two schools had them do to you and it was ugly because the school saw the need to do it back to them.
                  • It became a tic for tac game with the school doing it to them and they doing it to the school but the school lost because they had more people than the school doing it.
                    • During this time it is predicted around 90% of the school's students had reached a point where they did not want to be affiliated with this school any more and abandoned it.
                      • They had said they did not like what the school had become and felt embarrassed to be affiliated with this school and had made a decision to abandon the school and have nothing more to do with it.
                        • Yet the war continued with this 10% of students who were so livid over the way they were being treated they decided to fight fire with fire.
                          • During this time unfortunately you became one of the most insignificant people in the world. People forgot you weren't Rod.
                            • As time progressed the world began to believe the hatred towards you was probably caused from the school's bullying so they redirected it towards the school instead.
                              • All this did was feed it and it went on forever even when the two schools concdeded defeat the world refused to stop because they hated them too much.
                                • The school realising now they were not going to stop it were forced to move out and make a new life somewhere else.
                                  • For the first time in their lives they were forced to realise this is what you were doing to them and now it became embarrassing.
                                    • The school wanted to talk to you about it but couldn't find anyone who cared about them enough to do it and were forced to give up.
                                      • The world's hatred for the two schools practically destroyed everyone and everything connected to it.  
                                        • The only reason it stopped was because the world had destroyed everything and nothing was left to destroy.
                                          • What people didn't realise was that you were none the wiser, you had no idea any of this had happened.
                                            • Why should they tell you, it was the school's fault it happened and it started up again.
                                              • But unfortunately there was nothing left and it did burn for very long.
                                                • In their hatred for the two schools the world didn't realise you still hadn't been told what happened.
                                                  • Attempts to get people to speak to you were futile. People hated the school so much they didn't want to do anything for them!
  • No one wants to deal with the two schools now and when it comes up it brings up a lot of anger with it and people have got into wars with each other all over talking about this school.
    • As time has progressed things haven't got better however there isn't as much anger as there was in the past and sometimes now people can move beyond the mistake of bringing up the school in discussions.
      • Even as we speak there are people in Corio who are very angry with you because you have bought up the school on this website. They realise now you don't know what happened and are finding out for the first time but their anger is still very strong.
        • They want you to know they will forgive you for it since it's not your fault since this is the first time you've heard about what happened but they are going to need time because they hate them so much.
          • This unfortunately hasn't fixed the problem it has made it worse for some people because they didn't know you didn't know what happened but it makes sense since they hated you so much because of those two schools.
            • The people in Corio have just said they are going to stop doing it to you now because of this website. As soon as this happened the two schools came out of their hiding places and attacked them for deciding to stop it. 
              • What happens now is unknown but we will keep you informed.
                • I had no idea people were so emotional over it therefore I have decided I will not talk about it anywhere else but on this website from now on. I don't want to make people any more angry than they already are!
                  • The school says nothing has changed as far as we are concerned.
                    • GO CRAWL INTO A HOLE SOMEWHERE AND DIE!! 
                      • That isn't going to help you but at least it will show people you feel the same way they do.
                        • Why don't you take your own advice?!
                          • Am I still dead to you?!
                            • You will always be now!
                              • Do you often speak to people who are dead to you?!
                                • GO FUCK YOURSELF CUNT!!
                                  • Why don't you take your own advice?! lmao rofl
                                    • ... says he hates your guts now.
                                      • Have you seen him recently and when I say recently I mean in the last 24 hours?!
                                        • He doesn't want to see us he says he's sick.
                                          • I know what's wrong with him. Click Here. You wouldn't look that small from all the weight he lifts!
                                            • I wish you had it!
                                              • Well I don't!
                                                • I can't believe you set them up.
                                                  • Believe whatever you want, you're going to anyway!
                                                    • *** THIS CONVERSATION HAS BEEN TERMINATED ***
  • You said on this site "you can just forget about winning" and that was the problem, the school believed they had and you had actually moved out. They didn't realise you were still there and you hadn't moved out at all. They hadn't won at all.
    • The school came back to start it all over again but this time the community wasn't having it they would never bully them into doing this to anyone again. If you moved out now they would find you and ruin you for it.
      • Those who abandoned the school were now forced into a horrible situation where they were forced to come out and say they didn't have a school any more it had become something evil and it wasn't their school any more.
        • The school had nothing but contempt for the community and everyone that lived there. They went as far to say that the community would die without the assistance of the school and while you were there they were going to get nothing out of the school again.
          • All hell broke lose because now the community was forced to realise they had been bullied into it. It will stop now because the community wants to stop it the school had no power they just lied to get what they wanted.
            • The school interjects, they insist that the community would die without the school and warn them that if they proceed they will end up deader than you.
              • The world looks in horror they are forced to realise this school is a school full of bullies. The world had gone to so much trouble to rid themselves of bullying and now they are going to have to do it again.
                • A war has begun between this community and the two schools who will win because they can't lose and you are caught in the middle of it unfortunately because you had bought it up on this site.
                  • The community hits back and says the only thing the school is going to win is the truth that they never had the power they thought they had it was a lie like everything else.
                    • My recommendation to you is not talk about this with anyone ever again not even on this website. This will be the last time you ever talk about it because it's just too dangerous to do so now.
                      • Do not leave Corio whatever you do, you stay there and you stay there until you die. The school doesn't have anyone there now so they don't have any power there now.
                        • Do not think for a moment there is no one there. There are people there all the time now watching you just in case the school tries to reach you, you were warned.
                          • This will be the last update to this site as it is too dangerous now to talk about it now since the two schools are not dead and I made the mistake of thinking they were. 
                            • This whole site was based on the belief the school was a thing of the past and it was safe to talk about it now they were gone and had been for awhile.
                              • I was wrong, they weren't gone at all! They were just hiding from a world that hates them but everyone knew that but me.
                                • And now the community knows they can use me to get the school out of hiding because of you so thank for that you've been incredible.
                                  • I didn't know they were using you to get to the two schools.
                                    • You have so much to learn about the power of hate.