


  • What did you mean when you said the shoe is on the other foot?! 
    • The two schools bullied me and somewhere along the line either got them to continue the bullying on behalf of the school either by bullying them into it or by lying them into it!
      • So what has that got to do with the shoe being on the other foot?! 
        • The number one rule when it comes to schoolyard bullying is never ever ever give them what they want. You must always do the opposite of what they want you to do otherwise it's not going to stop!
          • I don't follow
            • You need to understand they are not hurting you if you are not doing what they want. Their power comes from their belief that you will eventually cave in and give them what they want!
              • I don't understand how the shoe is on the other foot?!
                • At some point they are forced to realise it's not working, they are not getting what they want but they are pigheaded and they continue to do it in the belief they will eventually succeed!
                  • I am obviously missing something here!
                    • At some point their friends and family will want them to stop doing it but they won't stop doing it because they can't.
                      • So?!
                        • They will eventually lose their family and friends because they want them to stop doing it to you and they won't stop doing it to you!
                          • So their friends and family will actually stop them doing it to you?!
                            • Yes!
                              • That's clever!
                                • It's also a long and drawn out process too!
                                  • In the end they lose their friends and family because they won't stop bullying you?!
                                    • That's right but you have to be patient because its takes a long time!
                                      • So she will eventually lose all her friends and family because she won't let it go?!
                                        • That's right!
                                          • And at that point the shoe is on the other foot?!
                                            • Yes it is because now what she was doing to you her family and friends will do to her instead!
                                              • Why?!
                                                • She wouldn't let it go and now they don't have a relationship because she wouldn't let it go!
                                                  • How does their relationship end because she won't stop doing it?! 
                                                    • Her friends and family grow to resent her for making them do this to you because they never wanted to do it to you she bullied them into it!
  • So you just sit there and let them beat you up because they want you to run and you're not going too?!
    • They are punishing you for not doing what they wanted you to do. The goal is next time you will do it because you don't want to be beaten up again.
      • So you don't do it and you're beaten up again, what is the point in that?!
        • At some point they are forced to realise it's not working and they will leave you alone. They may try something different because this is obviously not working.
          • Why is it not working?!
            • Because you're not doing what they want! The whole point of beating you up is to get you to do what they want. If they keep beating you up then clearly you're not doing what they want deliberately! 
              • What am I supposed to do, tell my parents I am being bullied at school?!
                • You tell them you got into a fight with someone and you are not going to be bullied into doing it.
                  • All they are going to do is cause problems for you at the school?!
                    • Yes but at some point they are going to have to move you to another school too.
                      • What are you saying I should go?!
                        • Yes you should.
                          • But they win
                            • They don't win you still didn't do what they wanted you to do.
                              • I can't believe you expect me to stand there and get beaten up?! Who wants to get beaten up?!
                                • I didn't say anything about avoiding it. One can argue you deserved that for not trying to avoid it!
                                  • They come looking for you and they do it to you because they want to start something.
                                    • But they are not going to touch you in a library. Eating your lunch in front of the staff room is another one too. There were always teachers in the playground and you keep yourself in eyeshot of them.
                                      • They smart though they make it look like it's your fault.
                                        • That's why you don't speak to them you route around them and avoid them when you speak to them.
                                          • They follow you home.
                                            • That is why you always take the long way home. You want to create a situation where there just no point doing it to you.
                                              • It's easier said than done.
                                                • I understand it's not going to work for everyone but it will work for some of you.
  • What was happening was people were being confronted over why they said the things they said about you but they couldn't justify it, they couldn't justify any of it. All they could do is tell them who told them that
    • At that point the people she bullied when she was a little girl came out and trashed them for believing her telling them that she was notorious for doing this to people.
      • Everyone turned on her for it and had nothing more to do with her after that but unfortunately for you it didn't really change your situation.
        • Everyone had lost everything when it came to you and it was all her fault but people were forced into a horrible situation where she had too much power in this situation and didn't know how to deal with it.
          • It is always when their power is taken from them that you find out who they really are. It is always when things start going pear shaped for them and their plan starts to fall apart you find out who they really are.
            • Now everyone hates her and no one wants to have anything to do with her but when it comes to you people just don't know what to do so they didn't do anything.
              • There wouldn't have been a lot they could do either way because she would've made sure everything was gone deliberately because she was exploiting her power.
                • I don't understand what you mean by exploiting her power?!
                  • Her power to influence people and change the outcome in the situation.
                    • With great power comes great responsibility
                      • You would be amazed at how many people are irresponsible with that great power.
                        • You are so cynical, aren't you?!
                          • I am these days!
                            • Why didn't you do anything about what she was doing to you?!
                              • I didn't know about it.
                                • Why didn't you know about it?!
                                  • I never had a relationship with that woman. I wanted one but she didn't.
                                    • When you say she didn't want one what did she do to you exactly?!
                                      • She would avoid me after we had spoken.
                                        • So she made it quite clear she didn't want a relationship with you?!
                                          • Yes. She did it to me all the time, after we spoke she would avoid me.
                                            • Now I understand, you didn't know what she had done because you didn't have a relationship with her. Does that go for her husband too?!
                                              • He was worse, he would ignore me when I spoke to him she at least tried but wouldn't try very hard.
                                                • You have been most helpful and thank you!  
  • I am not siding with that woman but all she really did wrong was side with the school. I warned Rod of the same outcome if he did the same and look what happened to him?! Yet if it was someone else they wouldn't have let them get involved 
    • They sit there and they cry, they shake their heads in disbelief, what went wrong?! How could this happen?! Can't blame me for it I wasn't involved in it deliberately but you would've if you could've.
      • But who is this person?! What have they become?! Their friends and their family don't even recognise them any more! What happened?! The two schools turned them into Scott but not the real Scott their illusionary one, the one they invented to justify what they had done to him when he was little!
        • It happened with Rod too unfortunately where they turned them into that monster Scott Middleton they have created because they never knew the real one they never wanted to know the real one. They created a fraudulent version of him and used that fraudulent version of him to justify everything what's known in logic as a strawman!
          • Now if you wanted to say that monster Scott was Michael for example you're forced into a horrible situation where Michael may not have been as bad as they made him out to be?! It's sensationalised with the lies and made to look worse than it actually is!
            • I look at these Christians and say, how could you miss Jesus Christ's warning?! Matthew 23:15 Woe to you Scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel the land and see looking for converts and when converted you send them to Hell with you.
              • It's Incredible! If you read Matthew 23 you can imagine me being Jesus Christ and the Scribes and Pharisees being that school and it's so much like how I feel about it too! It's like I am living it again, it's the same story just with different people playing the roles!
                • It's scary too because it's like the gospels all over again. I did have friends once and I guess you could've used the word "disciple" to refer to them because I just wanted them to know everything I knew. 
                  • I am not joking either, the story of Jesus Christ in the New Testament is so much like what happened to me and these two schools that all I am waiting for is the crucifixion but unlike Jesus I won't be coming back it ends at the crucifixion.
                    • Some biblical scholars believe that Jesus Christ didn't actually come back the disciples were so lost without him that they just imagined that he had returned because they needed him but he hadn't actually returned.
                      • Well I can't really comment on that I never knew how my friends felt about it because they never discussed it with me. They were just there one minute and gone the next unfortunately.
                        • You weren't lying about that because they told us that but what you may not realise is that they grew to regret doing that to you because you weren't the problem but in the end it didn't change much.
                          • By the way, there has been a crucifixion and I guess you missed it because there is no point proceeding since you've been crucified?!
                            • That is true but you have to warn people that to get involved in the two schools will bring death.
                              • They're the Devil and the Devil brings the Apocalypse.