Knowing You, Knowing Me

When you click the Proceed button below the information shown here should be confirmed in the second box on that page if it's not the same information as what is on this page then you are not connected to the server directly but through a proxy which means someone could be evaesdropping on you! The box directly above that is exactly the same its just not using the data from the server but the data from your browser to fill in the gaps which means it's going to more suited to you but it's there to show you that it's working properly! If you were to confirm this information it should match if it doesn't match it may indicate you have malware (malicious software) on your computer.

Our Port: 443
Our Software: LiteSpeed
Our Server:
Our IP:
Our ISP: AS133104 Instra Corporation Pty Ltd
Our Location: Melbourne, Victoria AU
Our Name From Our IP:
Our Domain Name:
Our Domain IP:
Our Domain Name From Our Domain IP: