It is recommended you start with Part 1 and Part 2 if you haven't already this site is about Rod however, Rod is not you! What this site seeks to do is update that site so it was about you by focusing on you and removing Rod. So what you're left with is a site that is full of lies and this site tries to correct it. |
Glostoro Part 1 | 1 2 3 4 5 |
1. People die of Aluminum Rectus and they are
trashed so horribly for it but no one wants to talk about it so how can
they do anything about it?! Let me first explain what it is and why you get it then you will understand why they get nothing but contempt when they die of it. You have a dog, you take him for a walk and he does a crap somewhere. You don't do the right thing and you leave it there why should you care?! Let nature deal with it, right?! Well nature does deal with it and Aluminum Rectus is the name given to the process by which nature deals with it. Some will say it's a tribute to their personlity and it is because if they dealt with it they wouldn't have had this problem. Ironically the process can be stopped with an enema but that would be doing something about it and most of the people who die of it don't want to deal with it hence the point. If you are still interested in how this process solves the problem read on otherwise just skip to the next question. If you continued to walk the same path everyday and were mindful of what was happening to the crap you would see the process doing its thing, first it loses its colour goes a whitish greyish colour. It then grows hair and dries out until eventually it turns into a white coloured powder and disappears. The problem these people have is that this very process is taking place inside their backside as we speak that is why they smell like that but an enema would stop that but they never have one because they don't want too and they eventually die of it hence the point. |
2. How did you know they
had Aluminum Rectus?
I have had it in the past. At least you are being honest. When I was a sniper I lived in a hole and very rarely left the hole. You wouldn't have been ranked 4 in the world if you weren't that good. Yeah well unfortunately for me I ticked all the boxes when it came to this disease. Why can't you be Chris Kyle?! I never had that many kills it was less than ten. It was because of where you were I take it?! Yeah Well, I never left my hole! Was this before or after you met Rudy?! After! So you were forced to be someone you didn't want to be?! Yes! Did you miss the shot in Generation Kill deliberately?! I guess some would say that but I would rather put it this way, if I missed it was me who took the shot if I hit it then it was Rudy who had taken the shot. So when you left the sniping world you became a different person. Yes. Why did you go back to the marine corps?! It was the Navy SEALS that did that to me. So you were a sleeper cell?! I guess you could put it that way. Why did you tell Instructor Zee how to cure it?! I felt better in myself knowing he knew how to resolve it if he chose to ignore it then it was his own fault. He would've argued it was the school's fault he didn't listen. I was told his brother tried to speak sense to him he wouldn't even listen to him apparently his brother had a falling out with him and now the problem will never be resolved because he died of it. Still believed them after all this time?! "arrogance and ignorance go hand in hand" Nothing had changed between you and him apparently. Even though the Scott that went there has been destroyed now. |
3. Disregard all references made to the Corio community! You are not part of the Corio Community I know what you're going to say, you were never part of the Corio Community but you will never be part of it now even if you wanted to be so just disregard all references made regarding the Corio Community when it comes to you as they are irrelevant, they always have been irrelevant and they always will be irrelevant unfortunately. This site was intended for Rodney Ballinger not for you the Community did have a problem with Rodney Ballinger but not with you! The community couldn't care less what you thought, what you did or who you are they don't want to tell you anything and they are not going to either! If there was a message the school wanted delivered to you it wouldn't have been delivered to you deliberately. If you were Rod the community would've wanted you to move out because they don't want Rod living there because they don't trust him. He may steal from them or break into their homes they would just feel better if he wasn't there you however are totally irrelevant it shouldn't have even been discussed with you. While no one has left anyone in Corio with a message to deliver to you there would no point doing that even now because it would never be delivered the people there just don't want to deal with you and avoid you deliberately. |
4. Disregard all references made to the ForTheInfantry If there was an issue between the two marines that host the programme why would it be any of your business?! They don't know you and you don't know them either Rod was a nosy busy body and a gossipmonger it should come as no surprise something like this would come up in his version because it is consistent with something he would do. You are not that type of person, you keep to yourself a lot and only talk when you're spoken too you're nothing like Rod in that regard this is totally irrelevant when it comes you. The Dustin you refer to did die of Aluminum Rectus as you have shown before only a certain type of person dies of that disease there is no doubt that Dustin and Instructor Zee were those kinds of people so the disease was in many ways a Karma. There was somone murdering the students that went to Corio PS it could've been Instructor Zee because the murders stopped after he died of the disease. It may have been Dorr from Tactical Hyve as there were a number of murders of Corio PS students where he was located too which mysteriously stopped after he disappeared but then again it could've Dave Steinbach who was responsible for those murders for he died of the disease Dorr's body was never found he's just assumed to have died of it. The point is, it wasn't you, you were in Corio with your Mom (Mum) and Pop (Dad) the Corio Community are willing to tell people that but they wouldn't say much else when it came to you but they do tell people that! |
5. No one really wanted to help you like they wanted to help Rod The way the Corio Community feels about you is quite common so there is nothing out of the ordinary there. They would tell people it's her fault or it's his fault or it's their fault they feel that way about you but no one really wants to sit down with you and explain to you why it happened, what happened and how it happened they just don't want too but are prepared to do this for Rod. As I said earlier, if people thought for a second this site was going to you they wouldn't have done it. What the site doesn't do is explain to you that everyone with a few exceptions here and there feel the same way about you but no two people feel the same way about Rod hence the reason why it didn't have to deal with that problem. Rod does it because Rod can and Calum Von Moger is no different to any other Rod in that regard. He often says if there was just one person out there that cared even a little about you he would have to stop doing it to you because there is no reason for it he does it because he can it's a "somebody stop me" thing when it comes to you! The truth is, that site would never have existed if people thought for a second you weren't Rod while Corio PS blames themselves for it they aren't really at fault they just had the wrong one. It was different with Scott however, they were at fault for Scott's demise and Scott does deserve revenge on them and he may just get it now. |
6. The Calum Von Moger Rodney Ballinger was different
Calum Von Moger Rodney Ballinger was different to all the others
because you didn't interfere with this one you let it take its course.
As we speak Calum is going all out to tell people he is Rod and he is
proud to be Rod and he is proud of what he does to people all because
of this website but things are different because he started that not
you. In the past you have always interfered with what Rodney Ballinger
was doing and he would counter that by blaming you for everything going
pear shaped because it was your fault you fuckled it up for him
when you got involved. This here is the real reason why you lost
everyone because you were made to look like the one that was fucking
everything up for Rod. Rod couldn't be successful because you kept
getting in the way of his success but the Calum Von Moger Rodney
Ballinger was different because you didn't interfere with it, you did
nothing! He then showed people something about himself they hadn't seen
before, he is a troublemaker, he stirs the pot and poisons the well as
they say he invites your involvement they didn't realise that and
then the world turns on him for it because he in many ways brings your
involvement on himself but you are forced to realise a horrible thing
here too?! Give him enough rope and he will hang himself I don't really have to do anything. The
world hopes you continue down this road in the future and I think you
will find everything will change for you because that is where the
problem is with you the Scott situation however wasn't his fault.
7. Calum Von Moger lets them have it! He says they were raped for a reason if it wasn't for you they would've known that! You wrecked everything when you got involved! I can't argue with that it's true! He says he wishes you were never born. It would definately make it easier for him if I wasn't. He then outs you as the Good Samaritan that saved all those women! I can't ague with that because I am. These people say they would have to move out if they were wrong about you! That is exactly what the school said! They say they are not the school! So why are you acting like the school?! The school didn't realise you weren't Rod! And you are now where they were aren't you?! What are we supposed to do?! If you want to do what the school did then go on do it but don't get upset when you end up in exactly the same place as them. Respect is something you earn and I have no respect for you. I respect everyone out of the box and anyone like you who choses not to return the respect is filtered it's just easier to deal with that way! If I wanted you opinion I would ask for it! But you are quite happy to give me your opinion for free?! It is not an opinion?! Then what it is?! I hate you okay! Aren't your feelings part of your opinions?! Why are you treating me like this?! I thought you didn't care?! I care about that! I see, you expect me to buy, earn or whatever your respect but you want me to give you mine for free?! What are you trying to achieve by doing this to me?! It's a filter and you're being filtered! Why because I don't respect you?! Yes! Fuck You! I would bet the farm you did now by the way your reacting. |
8. The world is about to realise just how evil Calum Von Moger (Rodney Ballinger) can be when he wants to be
world has created a situation where you couldn't help them even if
you wanted too they have cut you off from just about everyone not
realising the possibility you may not be Rodney Ballinger and
there may be a need to reverse it later because it was done to the
wrong one. It can't be done now because they didn't want it reversed
when they did it and now their worst fears have become a reality as
they are forced to realise Calum Von Moger is Rodney
Ballinger it was not you. Now the world is at the mercy of
Calum Von Moger he is showing no remorse and is not holding
back either! He is practically making every person who sided with
him against you wish they were never born by stabbing in the knife and
twisting it back and forth with his words so they will regret
everything they did for him to their dying day. Rod says you don't
have to thank him for it he's not doing it for you he is doing it for
himself no one can deny it wasn't the school at fault for this
problem because they don't exist any more to be a problem. The
world is now reduced to tears as they're forced to realise just how
evil Rodney Ballinger is and the important role you play in the
situation you aren't playing because they have created a situation
where it's like you were never born. Rodney Ballinger has so much power
he can practically do anything he wants to whoever he wants without the
fear of you getting in the way and he hasn't hesistated to do it
either. Now they can see for themselves the reality of you never
being born and will go to their graves wishing to God they never said
it, they have never been more wrong about anyone. By the time you read
this Rod has destroyed close to one hundred relationships to
such an extent they're no longer talking to each other! It's too
bad, you may have been able to fix it for them, not now though!
9. It was at this point that people did try to restore you and undo what had been done to a point! They first contacted the fitness industry but there was no record of your fitness system. There wasn't one! I taught Arnold's fitness system! They then turned their attention to the Libaries of Congress which don't exist any more all the documents contained there have been moved to a database all except yours. It wasn't an intentional loss the documents were moved to the database when they were requested since yours were never requested they never got moved to the database now the actually library doesn't exist any more. They turned their attention to the United States Military who told them they used a new system now and you weren't in it you were still in the old system. They reassured them it was a trivial problem you would be in the new system within the hour but it didn't make them feel any better the only reason you were moved to the new system was because someone queried it. No one wanted to contact the Libaries of Congress again to see if they had found the documents maybe they still existed somewhere just waiting to be moved. They knew it was only because of them it was being done at all no one cared otherwise. There have been others who have done this besides them they were told from what I was told the documents have been lost they weren't there! Some said you worked at Barwon Health as a volunteer for a time but Barwon Health argued with them and told them you didn't only to ring them back later to apologise for the mistake. They looked at each other and said, I wish we never did this now they all promised them they would fix the problem but the damage had been done they were only doing it because someone queried it they didn't really care that much about him to do it otherwise. Rod may have lied to you about everything but he never lied to me about anything! |
10. Calum Von Moger has become a wrecking ball to everything! You are the only soldier in the American military that has no relationship with the American military it's unprecedented! I have been told in no uncertain terms it was Rudy Reyes they considered the American soldier not me. I can go crawl into some hole somewhere and die for all they care! They have admitted it wasn't fair what they said but they didn't apologise for it they are not sorry apparently. Well let's just update the situation! The American military would prefer Calum Von Moger over me since he is the real Rudy Reyes! That is going to hurt! I can't hurt any more all I have for them now is hate! The Aussie Diggers said they could've at least replaced the medals since it wasn't your fault they were destroyed! You know what hurt me the most, that actually happened to another soldier but never to me in fact, I was sent a message from someone on their behalf that went along the lines that they woldn't have done that for me regardless of who was at fault! They say you have destroyed their reputations with your hatred for them! I haven't destroyed your reputation Calum has I don't have power to do that! They're going to go to their grave wishing he was never born now! Calum or Me?! Calum Obviously! I have had them say it to me. The people in Corio say you're not the problem. I understand I have saved your loved one and I was the Good Samartian. I am afraid my relationship with the United States Military creates a problem where it probably wouldn't have happened now! That is exactly the way they saw it too! It looks like they are not far from the truth! Your brother and James are the problem not you they tell me! It's been going on since they were kids apparently! That helps them to a point the marines say why can't you kill yourself a good marine would?! I am not the marine, Rudy is remember?! You're nothing but a horrible lie?! To them I am! |