Sharli Law is a legal system built into every language you can confirm that by speaking the words out loud "Decalogue Identifcation this Language" or in any language and it will respond by telling you its name and its the Sharli Law of that language. The word Sharli Law in Sharli Law is decalogue that is why it calls itself a decalogue. Some countries like France, Canada, Germany, Italy, China, Russia and Japan to name a few are run by this legal system built into the language they speak they are known as Sharli Law countries but not all countries are Sharli Law countries British countries are known as Westiminster countries and American countries are known as Democracies. Some countries like Canada for example are all three Sharli Law, Westminister and a Democracy mainly because Canada is owned by three countries, France, Britan and the United States where it is known as the District of Colombia. If you were to say Decalogue Identification Scott Middleton it would tell you he had been Hakaried by the Khan Mannasseh Decalogue which is the name of the decalogue in Japan. When that happens the persona is deleted not just from that language but from every language even the one we're speaking therefore, Scott doesn't exist any more because he has been deleted! What this means is the school would never have found their Scott Middleton regardless of what they had done because he had been deleted by Sharli Law but they didn't seem to care about that suffice to say they would never have found the real one because he no longer existed! They had no choice but to go after the wrong one and didn't seem to care about the possibility they had made a horrible mistake in doing so. 

Where they got this idea you were Rodney Ballinger is unknown because the person at the school they hated was named Scott Middleton. A lot of people asked this very same question to the school and what appeared to be the answer was a general laziness on their part to find out what really happened to this Scott Middleton they hated when they were growing up some twenty years ago now. As you had said before, you and your brother were asked questions about Kylie Barling because she had been murdered at the school and you recount how someone had bitten her and she died. You and your brother both gave the police salvia samples and it ruled you both out as the ones that murdered her but this was not even the tip of the iceburg in this sorry saga. They weren't even aware she was dead they had been using her like some Jesus Christ for years they didn't even realise she had been murdered. If that wasn't bad enough they felt exactly the same way about her as they did about Scott they just couldn't care less what happened to them and how things had changed over that twenty years since they went to school together. They claimed if they thought for a minute things had changed they wouldn't have taken the path they had taken but this argument held no water because it had been twenty years and they didn't even care if anything had changed they assumed nothing would ever change! Everything had changed however because both people were dead and they were chasing after somneone who was totally irrelevant to the situation. This was going to be a very big mistake for this school regardless of what happened and for some people they saw the writing on the wall as they say and didn't want to have anything to do with this disaster waiting to happen!  

The problem for Corio PS is that they were a disaster waiting to happen and when the disaster hit it ruined an awful lot of people and the school What works in the school's favor is the second was intended for Rod I got both the one that was intended for Rod and the one intended for Scott. They must have been so horribly confused at the time to make such a horrible blunder to give someone who was totally irrelevant both versions. The two schools insist they have been ruined by lies pushed to such a point where they just don't care any more because of the lies! A mistake like this one makes more sense as it was an act of frustration over the fact they can't seem to get anywhere because of all the lies! From the questions they were asking in the Rod version it is quite clear it was intended for Rod because the construct was expecting certain answers but when they got answers that were unexpected it broke the construct. It appears the two schools may have at this point grown to hate Rod to such an extent they were prepared to give him both versions to fuck him up and the question that arises now is time. At the beginning they loved him towards the end of it they hated more than they hated Scott so it largely comes down to where we were on that spectrum of time when I received both of those. It does appear that the school may have been telling the truth if both versions were received towards the end of the two schools. They hated Rod so much they were going to dump everything in his lap and let him sort it out they never thought for a moment they would've got the wrong person which just goes to show how badly Rod had fucked them up with his lies. The Hakari helps the school immensely now because Scott is irrelevant because he doesn't exist.

People didn't suspect Brock Lesnar or Ben Pakulski it was you they suspected and what you were doing in Corio didn't fool anyone! After it was found Ben Pakulski cheated Arnold Schwarzenegger in MI40 people turned on him! Your video shows Brock Lesnar wasn't really wrestling in the WWE he was bullying! Things were changing, things people didn't notice in the past they were noticing now! People knew you lived in Corio, you had been there for years! To blame you for what was happening to them was a red rag to a bull but Brock Lesnar's sporatic appearences on the WWE reflect how he reacted in the marine corps that is why he was dishonorably discharged not because they didn't appreciate him! Ryback was asked about his relationships with Brock Lesnar and Paul Hayman people suspected the Ryback Bully was not Ryback but Brock Lesnar in a disguise. UFC fighters recount how Brock Lesnar was a dirty fighter in the sense he would harrass those who beat him into rematches! Frank Mir was forced to admit he let Brock Lesnar win for the sake of peace! Brock Lesnar confessed to the one behind the I Come In Peace (Dark Angel) fraud but it won him no friends. People's horrible feelings towards you weren't changing but they were weakening! People's feelings towards Brock Lesnar and Ben Pakulski were changing for the worst with people hating them for the first time! The hatred towards you was weaking with time but not much had changed things were just less emotional with you but the emotion had gone off the chart when it came to Brock Lesnar and Ben Pakulski! If you can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen and the first one to go was Ben Pakulski.

1. What is a TIER ONE SEAL?! A SEAL ranked in the top ten of his class it's sort of like an undergraduate being offered honors! 2. You were TIER ONE, you don't talk about it, why?! If I told you I was TIER ONE I would have to prove it I don't really want to do that to be honest! 3. Do you miss it?! Everyday! 4. If you knew what you knew now would you change anything?! From a military perspective, I wouldn't change a thing! 5. What makes you so special?! I don't consider myself special I consider myself lucky! 6. Why are you so modest?! I think it's because I am a Green Beret. 6a. So if you were a marine you would expect to be arrogant?! Yes I would expect that if I was a marine! 6b. Do you think it was a mistake not being a marine?! If I was to do it all again and I had to make a change the only change I would make would've been to be a marine instead of a Green Beret just for the sake of it. 7. Do you hate the school for what happened now?! No. 8. How do you want to be remembered?! As honest, trustworthy and truthful. 9. Knowing what you know now how would you have treated Rodney Ballinger?! I don't think avoiding it was wrong I just should've been more open about why I was doing it. 10. Where do you see yourself in ten years time?! I don't think anything is going to change for me now I think I will still be here doing what I am doing now ten years from now. 11. Do you think Rodney Ballinger is finished with you?! I see him as my enemy now. As far as I am concerned I am always going to be on my guard when it comes to him. 11a. Who do you think was the real Rodney Ballinger?! I don't think there was ever a real one they were all taking advantage of the situation. 12. Why were you called EAL?! I couldn't do the S part of SEAL (Sea) when they put me under air pressure I suffer blood noses it means you can't breathe under water.

People's feelings towards you still weren't changing it was just the emotion wasn't there any more! That was the way people felt they just didn't care any more when it came to you! Brock Lesnar was adamant you were the reason everything was going wrong but people saw right through it, it's ridiculous! It seems if you stayed put and didn't move around all the time you may have solved this problem earlier leading people to believe Brock Lesnar was Rod! The two schools were back and better than ever they wanted everyone to know! When Ben Pakulski turned up completely out of the blue in a gym one day people saw Brock Lesnar but Brock Lesnar refused to accept Ben Pakulski was the problem he knew him and people saw right through that too, they were both the same person! Ryback was adamant Vince McMahon was the reason his career ended what Ryback didn't realise was Vince McMahon was covering up things Brock Lesnar was doing that embarrassed the WWE. It seems Brock Lesnar has a bad temper has trouble controlling it so much he has a criminal record for assault and battery, not just once but many times, he's a thug! The Ryback Bully just smelled too much like Brock Lesnar and Vince McMahon has been paying hush money to keep people quiet the money stops when he retires but the people being paid off are not having that they want their money and decide to go public with all Vince McMahon's dirty washing and Brock Lesnar is implicated. Talk Brock Lesnar is Natty or natural only gets people even more suspicious what all these frauds have in common is they are not Natty (natural) some even claiming Brock Lesnar stole his WWE persona from you and it should've been you there! This caused Brock Lesnar to make a terrible mistake, he admits to doing it to you deliberately and on purpose!

The problem with you is you're irrelevant you have always been irrelevant! It's Corio Primary School's fault this ever became a problem for you but it looked like things were going to stay that way because nothing was changing! No one was even remotely interested in anything you were doing or saying at the time. If you moved it wouldn't have made any difference than if you stayed you were a thing of the past now! Vince McMahon settled out of court and continued his retirement Brock Lesnar was left outside alone he didn't have a contract with the WWE at the time and there was no plans on giving him one either. I never had a contract with the WWE I was only there for training! He couldn't have stolen my contract as I never had one! Vince McMahon just didn't care when it came to me when I broke Chris Masters Master Lock on national television he got security to escort me out of the building and told me I was finished in the WWE. He just couldn't deal with what I had done to him on live television but Brock Lesnar boasted about breaking the Undertaker's Streak on national television and Vince McMahon did nothing! Chris Masters turned out to be a serial rapist Vince McMahon was covering it up we may never know how far that rabbit hole goes but Brock Lesnar was involved in that one too apparently! Things were different when it came to Ben Pakulski he was a fake the reason you won IFBB Pro of the year was because you discovered the Incredible Hulk problem and were mentoring people! This is the reason why you won but now the industry was forced to realise they had three frauds in your place: Ryan Hughes, Greg Plitt and Ben Pakulski no one would ever know the real one again it's believed now they were Rick Crowley and Brock Lesnar was Ben Pakulski!

Arnold Schwarzenegger finally makes his move and issues a subponea to Ben Pakulski to appear in court over loss of profits and loss of royalties for plagiarising his fitness system in MI40. The fitness industry is furious because Arnold was one of the founding blocks of fitness and doing this to him hurts everyone! The subponea returns unfiled it seems Ben Pakulski is nothing more than a horrible lie, he doesn't exist! He is not an IFBB Pro you were he was lying about being a IFBB Pro they have no record of it. He did not come from Canada either there is no record of him ever living there! The plot thickens with no legal documentation regarding Ben Pakulski's existence even in the United States of America but there is when it comes to you. Arnold insists you're not the problem you owe him nothing you paid all your debts to Arnold and to the IRS (Internal Revenue Service; American Tax Office) in fact, you had no debts to anyone! You had paid back everyone everything you owed before you left the United States you weren't coming back your life in America was over! It's such a shame a lot of people didn't take you seriously when you said you were leaving because now they will never be able to tell you what they needed to tell you before you left. From a legal perspective however this was no big deal for thousands of people from all around the world come to America each year to start a new life and around 40% of them fail within the first couple of years so you're nothing special in that regard it was such a shame you lost out so badly here with the same story being replicated for Ryan Hughes, Greg Plitt and Ryan Watson all of which seem to be part of the same fraud which was against you. 

Now people's feelings towards you did start to change as they began to realise you were part of a horrible fraud. This fraud was so horrible it sent you back to your Mum and Dad (Mom and Pop) in Australia who were just so incredulous over this story they just couldn't bring themselves to accept it ever happened. At least here you would be safe and while you didn't have much of a relationship with your neighbours they didn't hate you and they didn't mean you any harm either they may even help you out from time to time if you needed it. You were in a good place with good people and you could stay there with them for the rest of your life and it looks like that is exactly what is going to happen too but the question remains was Brock Lesnar involved in the fraud against you or not?! The WWE weren't unaware that Brock Lesnar didn't exist the residential address he gave was incorrect it wasn't even a Diary Farm. The connection came from Brock Lesnar's social security number because it wasn't a social security number it was a Centrelink Reference Number (CRN) and it belonged to you. There it was, Brock Lesnar was in fact connected to this fraud against you and there was a court document where you had sued Brock Lesnar for misrepresentation and the court found in your favor and this is why Brock Lesnar wasn't given a real agreement with the WWE because he was using your information when he needed to disclose information to the WWE and the court had told them they couldn't use it because it was misrepresented. This unfortunately for Brock Lesnar came at the worst possible time and the two schools couldn't help themselves it was like Christmas and they milked it for all its worth and Brock Lesnar went Incredible Hulk looking like the Ryback Bully. The school celebrated their win he was finished and that's what you get when you fuck with the two schools! 

The Navy SEALS are disbanded their top secret classified status revoked and the SEAL will revert to either a marine or Ranger now known as Green Berets whatever they were before they became a SEAL. It should come as no surprise that you became Second Staff Sargeant (Admiral) Middleton and were a Green Beret like you said you were although in you case it was Middelton because they made a mistake at enlistment. He was known as John McClane because he was so much like that character although the SEALS had changed him and he was nothing like that now. This was a common problem with just about every Green Beret SEAL which were now known as Delta Force to set them apart from traditional Green Berets because they weren't really Green Berets any more. Your situation was different you also appeared in the marine corps as General Colonel Meltonus more commonly known as "General Sir" they were beside themselves this was the only marine they lost and the reason they lost him was because he had become a SEAL. No one really cared about Brock Lesnar and what he had done to him at that point he was dead to them all but for you it hurt because everyone thought you were him and now you and him were enemies. You couldn't look them in the face you felt ashamed it was Brock Lesnar they wanted not you and you sort of gravitated towards the Green Beret because of it and they rewarded you for doing so too by sticking up for you and defending you when the marine corps felt the same way as you did although the newer marines didn't help the situation. The marine corps let you go to the Green Berets to the dismay and disgust of the newer marines who thought it was a ridiculous move. You were known as Mr Sandbags in those days basically because you were a sniper that hid behind or underneath sandbags.

People wanted to blame Rick Crowley, Brock Lesnar and you but were they the problem?! Most frauds disappeared as soon as they were discovered these two stayed on and try to whether the storm they weren't like the others or was that just a front?! Were these two the beginning and the end of this problem or was it made to look that way?! You had gone home (quite literally) hadn't been seen or heard from since. You were still there to this very day people knew where you were if they didn't want to believe it and many were forced to prove it! Some wanted to blame you but it became painfully obvious you were the victim not the problem it had just been done to you one too many times. The two schools position was simple, you weren't the problem it was Brock Lesnar they had made a horrible mistake! The world never forgave them for this "horrible mistake" because it ruined your life they were forced to move again and again because of it. For them it became like a turd that wouldn't flush but the problem was Brock Lesnar and Rick Crowley didn't exist the only one that existed was you and the only one that was real was you. Time and time again these frauds attempted to use your information when they needed to give information even though a court ordered the information couldn't be used that way because it had been misrepresented. In Australia things were different because the Privacy Act forces them to get permission before they can use the information they never bothered with permission so it was illegal to use it! It became painfully obvious the problem was not you but by this time everything had been reduced to lies and there was nothing left of you but lies! Things were changing when it came to you but these changes were trivial and would never amount to much the only real victim here was you.

It seems people had been sent on a wild goose chase when it came to you that is why everyone but you ends up at Achilles Tactics, a gun club! A lot of people came to Achilles Tactics for training it seems they had problems with Paul Costa's training the company did the right thing and refunded it. The problem was everyone had a problem with Paul Costa's training and Achilles Tactics went bankrupt because they were forced to refund everyone! The nerve of Rick Crowley was incredible, he continued to train out of Achilles Tactics even though it was bankrupt. He would continue to offer his services and take people's money out of a bankrupted company?! This time there were no refunds he kept all the money for himself no one knows whether Paul Costa was being paid or not but if he was it was Rick Crowley doing it. People from around the world continued to come to Achilles Tactics and do training even though the company was bankrupt no one was any the wiser. Then one day people come into Achilles Tactics for training find Paul Costa and Rick Crowley dead. A post-mortem finds they both died of AIDS and they were living there apparently. Everyone was completely shocked by the fact the company was bankrupt and these two just continued to train outside of it! Further investigation shows it seems Rick Crowley and Paul Costa didn't have real identities either and when they needed a real identity they used yours and people were none the wiser! The truth is you left the United States over twenty years ago no one knew you weren't there any more! These two went to an awful lot of trouble to give the illusion you were there as a silent partner! You apparently set it up so you didn't have to be there but there was just one problem for someone who was bankrupt and had been in prison for it this was a very stupid thing to do but they pulled it off quite well considering you had left the country after you got out of prison and didn't come back!

This is where things go off the rails because no one really knows Brock Lesnar's involvement in it. Rumor has it that Rick Crowley and Paul Costa didn't die at Achilles Tactics they only wanted it to appear that way. If they had died there then it would've exonerated Brock Lesnar as the problem because the real ones were dead and he was just a victim in it all but if they are still alive and it's believed they are then Brock Lesnar can't be eliminated as a suspect in the frauds. They were fraudsters targeting Brock Lesnar and it wasn't a bad move because he had a criminal record, he had a bad temper, he came to Achilles Tactics mad as Hell with Rick and Paul and accidently killed them it would've made him look really bad in his current situation but we can't prove that! Even now some people want to believe Dave Steinbach, Chris Dutch Moyer and Dorr from Tactical Hyve are Paul Costa and Rick Crowley doing what they do best, defrauding people but that can't be proven either! Tactical Hyve is not bankrupt like Achilles Tactics and the plot thickened when people that worked there claimed Dave, Chris and Dorr weren't Rick and Paul but had come from the same school, Corio PS. Corio PS can't be elimninated as part of the frauds but it would help Brock Lesnar in the sense it's all reasonable doubt and where there is reasonable doubt there can't be a conviction. The only person that can be eliminated is you because you went back to your family in Australia when you came out of prison for Bankruptcy and have never been seen of or heard from again. You are the only one that can be eliminated from this situation as a suspect but that would all change if you ever left Corio so you are more or less stuck there until this horrible problem comes its horrible end and while you stay in Corio you're safe. 

You're irrelevant, Corio PS got you involved in something none of your business and forced you to deal with something none of your business for what reason?! There was no reason they just didn't care you weren't who they thought you were! All of this is nothing more than a wild goose chase when it comes to you it's not going to change anything either way getting you involved in it! You go to America to start a new life like it is so common for people to go to America and start a new life that it's comical thinking you would be any different. You do the allegiance, you do the pledge to get citizenship which requires a time of service in the military which you do the American government didn't fuck you on it you got exactly what you wanted! Your service comes to a horrible end when the Barrett MRAD you're testing explodes although Barrett are unsympathetic and accuse you of bringing it on yourself. Everyone sides with Barrett you don't get a god damn thing maybe that is why you went Bankrupt?! Maybe you were scammed?! The point is no one knew and no one cared this was all a ridiculous waste of time when it came to you! Barrett was later forced to admit they were wrong about you because what happened to you with their Barrett MRAD was happening to quite a lot of people they couldn't really figure out what they had done wrong with it. You go back to your Mom and Pop (Mum and Dad) and have been with them ever since that puts Corio PS in the worst place of all because it can't be you doing it, it's ridiculous to blame you for it but they do and now they have paid a horrible cost for it too. Why would you care about Phobos Solutions, Achilles Tactics and Tactical Hyve when you never worked there?! You had no life out of the military your fitness career was practically destroyed with a litany of fakes that no one knows who you are and no one cares any more either.  

The nerve of Corio PS is just mind blowing it's none of their business what is going on at Achilles Heel Tactical but now Paul and Rick have to answer questions about what happened! These two have served in the military all their lives it has made them quite wealthy so wealthy they were able to buy out Achilles Heel Tactical and continue the company under their authority and guidance. Today Achilles Heel Tactical is making a profit because of these two and it is a feather in their caps it is something they both should be proud of because it wasn't easy to do. The company was bankrupt through mismanagement and bad use of funds they had a lot of debts but that school has overshadowed everything those two have done and cause people see them in a negative way. No one knew you sold your house in order to pay back your debts that is why you're not bankrupt! The world was livid they thought you paid no one anything you had debts a mile long because of Corio PS lies. You have no debts, you paid back all your debts, you're homeless because of it! Today scientists are teaching your theory not because they want too but  because they have too they have been shamed into it by a school that almost ruined the reputation of science through a lie they created to save themselves. No one really understands why this theory is even relevant to traditional evolution when it's about altruism but at least that has been fixed now with most scientists only talking about it when they're talking about altruism and they don't have a problem doing so now! Your accusations Rodney Ballinger is a professional fraudster are supported with a host of victims including Brock Lesnar who now seems to have been set up by Rodney Ballinger in much the same way you were and the list goes on and on with so many victims. Brock Lesnar says it doesn't change the way he feels about you but he understands you're not the problem. A lot of people feel the same way citing now it's clear you've been made out to look like the scapegoat for everything Rodney Ballinger did. It's not much but it is a step in the right direction with people admitting you're not the problem you're victim but you have a long way to go because your life has been ruined by both Rodney Ballinger and Corio PS so horribly this site is all that is left of you.  

milConnect is the marine corps personnel database it has become a feather in their cap its history has now become a point of interest to new, existing and vetran marines so the marines decide to share with the world the history of milConnect. All Hell broke lose when they began to realise you were instrumental to its creation when you bought Netware Administrator and Console One for the marine corps. This is where milConnect starts, Netware Administrator and Console One. They sent me four marines to do my enlistment again they claimed there was a problem with it. I was just so over it I signed the forms and didn't even care! You're a marine Ranger for real now and that is no shit! Brock Lesnar is livid it wasn't you that ruined him it was Rod. I was a Ranger forced to be a marine because of Brock Lesnar?! Everyone knew what Brock Lensar looked like and he didn't look like Brock Lesnar he looked like the Ryback Bully which was an awful lot like the Rodney Ballinger I knew with muscle. That is only half of it the Rangers/Berets didn't have a personnel database didn't like the fact the marine corps was ruining them over it so decided they would make one too! They decided to use the one you had originally planned for the marine corps which they claim they stole. That is an intranet it uses a modified version of Google's search engine so it can be used internally. It's no big deal, they wouldn't be the only ones using Google's Search Engine as their database! All those who have done the allegiance have to be Rangers who are now Green Berets so they decide they are going to enlist everyone who has done the allegiance that includes you! Green Berets do not have to do the allegiance, they will now, everyone will do the allegiance now. That was how it was like in my day, they're just restoring it to how it was when the 42nd was around. Oh it's still around even now it's just the 75th is a newer version of it. What replaced the Rifleman (Sniper)?! CQB (Close Quarters Battle). It was a good choice the Rifleman (Sniper) is obsolete they get drones to do it now! The Rangers/Berets buy FNHestel hence the M249 patent and Knights Arms or Knights Armory who made AR's, handguns and stuff like that! They went backrupt for the same reasons Achilles Heel Tactical did. They say they are going to bring the M249 back I don't know why! That was my sniper rifle the M249! The Barrett MRAD was boasted a replacement! Nothing but a horrible lie that was ... the MRAD was a horrible mistake bringing back the single shot M249 was not! The M249 SAW is a belt feeder the M249 is a bolt gun!

While what Rick and Paul had done at Achilles Heel Tactical was incredible what Corio PS had done was bring all of that to nothing and now no one knows what is going on there because no one cares any more. It's believed Corio PS has at the very least destroyed the close knit relationship Paul and Rick once enjoyed and the future of the company as a result of this is unclear. Everyone knows now that Brock Lesnar's career is over this litigation which has turned out to be nothing more than a money grab has been the straw that broke the camel's back for most people. For Brock Lesnar unfortunately this is the beginning of the end and now he too will end up no better off than you, Rick and Paul and this is just some of the people who's lives have been ruined by Corio PS but this is by no means an exhaustive list. In fact, the amount of people this school has ruined including you is scary because they have the ability to do all kinds of evils to this school and now no one cares any more why wouldn't they?! The problem has become so dire you could murder someone from this school and get away with it. People are just so over the lies they just don't care any more what is going on there with them but a murder would be a red rag to a bull for most people who are just so over the lies it would infuriate them! For one person in Corio who has always been a strong supporter of the school she has been forced to realise just how evil some people can be as her life ended in a second because of people ruined by the school. Things are going to become very bad very quickly for her because the school doesn't have her back any more and the school doesn't exist any more! All these people were burned by the very school this woman claimed she loved and saw as her second family! Even some of her closet friends and family are worried about her future these people have threatened to end it like the school ended theirs all because she supported them against them! As for the school's students they have all disappeared off the face of the earth and no one knows where they've gone rumoured to be in hiding. It's rumoured she has gone into hiding too with family living in her house in Corio because it's too dangerous for her to live there now.

It doesn't matter now the scientific theory has been proven and tested but back then the scientific community didn't want to do anything with your theory because the school was bullying them into it and they weren't going to be bullied into anything! The fact you chose to stay behind after Corio PS left shows the school lost their power over you that helped you to a point because it was Corio PS doing it to you! That woman may know it she may not but her defending Corio PS is putting her and her family in a dangerous position now there are so many enemies. No one really cares what happens to her or the Corio PS students she supports they all deserved their fate! They're all liars! When it comes to the victims like you and Brock Lesnar for example it's all over, there are so many people in the same boat as you two because of this school and it is because they're all liars too! They would insist it was the school's fault they are not liars but no one believes anything they say any more! The only one who can really say that is you and people don't see you any differently to them in that regard. For Paul and Rick their class sizes are down they have been progressively falling in recent years they may not be in business for much longer if their class sizes don't keep falling. Kyle Morgan from Blu Bearing Solutions has been forced to admit you were right about everything he is the real one! He was attacked by a Rabid animal on a patrol didn't get it checked out and did get Rabies he admits to the mistake. He didn't die like they told you and that was done deliberately! When you gave him the vaccine you saved his life he hates you so much because of that school now has to live with the reality you saved his life. As for Dorr no one believed he was Rod it may have been Dave and/or Dutch who was Rod but no one believed Dorr was Rod. Nothing has been seen or heard from them in five years at least. No one seems to know what really happened to them they just weren't there any more. Dutch left first claiming he found a better job elsewhere no one saw or heard from him again then the other two went around six or so months later they weren't even found dead. Tactical Hyve like Achilles Heel Tactical has seen a progressive fall in student numbers in recent years since Dorr left they may end up in the same place as Achilles Heel Tactical eventually if this trend doesn't stop soon. These things may not be what they look like however the cost of living crisis is effecting everyone worldwide these wouldn't be immune to it.