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You can see Arnold Schwarzenegger's trademark look to the right what if I told you that you could have that for a price?! That is exactly what the Arnie Thumb was trained to do give you that same look Arnold Schwarzenegger had and Arnold expected 10% of the royalties from the profits you made creating that Arnold Schwarzenegger look in anyone who wanted it. It was a beautiful system you were basically selling Arnold Schwarzenegger's look for a fee and you can choose that fee for me it was $500 a session which means I get $450 of that Arnold gets $50 he was very generous indeed when it came to the royalties! What can I say?! He gave me a career, he gave me a life, he gave me everything I could possibly want and obviously I was going to be grateful and defend him because he made me but he could also unmake me and did although I didn't even know. Then there was Ben Pakulski who stole it, rebranded it MI40 and sold his own version of it keeping all the profits for himself and paying Arnold nothing! We can now after all this time finally see what really happened because I was kept in the dark on this and I had no idea MI40 was a rebranded, repackaged and resold version of Arnold Schwarzenegger's fitness system I never really cared about Ben Pakulski I saw him as a rival, a competitor, someone that was trying to do what Arnold was doing but you know what they say, if it sounds too good to be true then probably it is too good to be true! That was the whole point when it came to me Ben Pakulski was setting me up and had everyone believing I was him and I was the one rebranding, reselling and relicensing Arnold's fitness system as MI40. After everything he had done for me I had the gall to do this to this man who has been such a incredible person to so many people?! My parents would be wishing I was never born if they knew for a moment what I had done to one of the most loved and respected personal trainers and bodybuilders in the world. I had no idea at the time everyone thought I was Ben Pakulski I was totally oblivious to the fact that everyone thought I was Ben Pakulski even today I shake my head in disbelief wondering how on God's green earth could anyone get it so horribly wrong when it came to me?! Looking back now the problem is crystal clear, a school known as Corio PS who just doesn't know when to stop had created this problem for me but Karma is real and they will get their Karma you wait and see but for me it was all over before it even began. It wasn't until I left the United States of America and went back to Australia bankrupt that the fitness industry was forced to realise Ben Pakulski wasn't who they thought it was it was someone they all loved and respected and would never have thought for a second would do this to Arnold Schwarzenegger, Brock Lesnar. He even admitted to it and it was quite clear from what he said why he had done it to Arnie, he was jealous and he wanted people doing that with his look and no one was interested in Brock Lesnar's look so he masqueraded his look as Arnold Schwarzenegger's look and sold his look as Arnold Schwarzenegger's look that's why everyone doing MI40 looked like Brock Lesnar and not Arnold!

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