The Crypto Site

The first version is authorized for civilian or public use and for this reason there is a horrible error in the algorithm which makes it incredibly weak and insecure. In those days the NSA/CIA saw these sorts of things as weapons and therefore they were restricted the export of them outside the United States of America because they were seen as weapons. Only algorithms of 40 to 64 bits could be exported from the United States which had such a pathetic level of security who would want it?! You're a fool thinking the world could not access stronger security and this was like a slap in the face to the rest of the world. All George W Bush had done with these export controls or restrictions was cut America out of an incredible business opportunity and for that you should be ashamed of yourself because all you hurt with these controls or restrictions was American business the world could have found alternatives just as good and did! As if the world is going to be fooled by the marketing of my algorithm as "secure" and "safe" under the name PFES and think the world is not going to know it's insecure and unsafe?! That is exactly what they had done to me and my algorithm has a horrible reputation as one of the most insecure algorithms in the world but did deserve that title?! You can now see for yourself with the first version encrypto and the first version decrypto right here on this site. Meanwhile I was placed in every war America was having at the time in the hope I would die there only to survive them all as if God himself hated them for what they were doing to me that he kept me alive in spite of them all.

I do believe in God but I am so disillusioned with religion I don't even want to talk about it. I've been baptized into just about everything but it hasn't changed me one little bit. One of the last things Dan Barker did before he left the faith was read me the last rites just before they gave me the lethal injection which is three injections. After the second injection the execution is stopped because they thought I was Rodney Ballinger and Rodney Ballinger was at the time gloating about it in another court not realising it hadn't happened yet and I did my allegiance to the United States of America and now I am asking myself why?! I would eventually feel the same way about America's legal system as I feel about religion. Rod made such a mockery of the American legal system they stopped the execution yet I agreed to defend it from people like this and everyone sides with him?! He hasn't done the allegiance like I, he told me, its so much bullshit! Not one media outlet would talk about it and I have done interviews with so many reporters including Oprah Winfrey and Rossie O'Donald and not one of those interviews were ever aired?! I am not a fool they were never recorded but if it was Rod it would've been different at least some had the guts to tell me that to my face. At the time I was totally oblivious to what was going on no one told me anything this is why there was a second version of the algorithm because I was so ignorant to the situation at the time. When I found out what the American government had done to it I just wanted to restore its reputation so I fixed the problem with it not realising there wasn't anything I could do about it, there was no point to fixing anything now, I was so ignorant at the time! If you are interested you can see for yourselves how I fixed the problem with the second version encrypto and the second version decrypto here.

The problem with any algorithm is it has to be trusted and no one had any trust in my algorithm and that was the NSA's fault because of how they chose to market it. They made it look like a secure algorithm but it was not secure and to think for a moment I could fix that by just adjusting the algorithm so it was secure was foolish but I didn't know half of what was going on at the time! The NSA and CIA were so much like the Marines and Rangers in those days and it should've come as no surprise that the CIA wanted to tell me this in retrospect just like the Rangers will enlist disgruntled marines just to prove a point. For so much of my life I have looked like a stupid idiot but it's not because I am a stupid idiot but because I am treated as one this is not generally a stupid move fixing a vulnerability in a algorithm but when you understand the situation as I didn't at the time it would have been a very stupid thing to do and it would've made you look like a stupid person for doing it. It's main purpose or reason for existing is to give the illusion it's secure when it's not in that vein fixing it wouldn't fix anything but make people more suspicious. This is what happens when you fuck with the NSA and the CIA, you come out looking like like the bad guy and they are just so good at it too! The truth is I didn't know at the time I was just digging myself into a deeper hole. I had to accept the fact the NSA had fucked me it should have come as no surprise they gave it back to me who wants to use something insecure?! The fact they had the gall to insult people's intelligence with this algorithm only makes the problem worse because it looks like I did it to them and that is the whole point, you fuck them you lose! As the CIA agent told me and he was cruel when he said it, you're a henchmen and an incredible one at that but you would never be the mastermind of any operation! You just don't think the right way, you should've seen this coming so why not go public and tell everyone what you know?! I didn't know what to say I hadn't told anyone! What you knew could've got from any Navy SEAL, why would they need you?! The license has always been the Lesser GPL (LGPL) and this was the same license the NSA marketed it with then would argue over a technicality in the license when people asked to see the source code but I am not doing that to you here the source code is here for you to see just click on the hyperlinks!

These versions do not come from any NSA or CIA source they come straight out of my head. I wrote this algorithm so many times that I have it practically memorised. Imagine if they knew that then?! Probably would've killed me if they knew that then but you don't survive for long in this part of the military without being smart. Navy SEAL team Six were sent to kill me and this was the reason for it, I knew too much, what I knew now is not worth much now since its ten years old. That is the problem with this line of work, the more you know the more of a threat you are, it's the ignorant who survive because the less you know the less of a threat you are! Navy SEAL team Six needed an technical support operator theirs had died in an IED (Improvised Explosive Device) attack and so I became their replacement because I was useful to them although I don't believe Chris Kyle was part of this team although he claimed to be I had learnt my lesson and kept quiet on that one I am pretty sure he wasn't part of that team! I came well recommended since I was the technical support operator of Navy SEAL teams 4 and 5 when they existed but they don't any more so I was back better than ever and it was Navy SEAL Team Six that caused the third version of this algorithm because they needed it for some reason. I know for a fact they would've wanted it to go into the world after they were finished with it so here it is here and it's not finished and it's not finished deliberately, the team didn't want it reversable but it can be reversed if you need to be reversed but you will be doing that version of it on your own! Either way all three versions are governed by the LGPL license which is an open source license and will allow you to do pretty much whatever you want with it without legal payment or penalty. In one of life's little ironies, I will never be able to return to the United States of America again because the CIA had killed me off and now the American government thinks I am dead, I will never get through American customs now.